50 Hz Motors


Capacitor Start General Purpose AC Motors, NEMA Frame

Dayton general-purpose capacitor start motors provide additional power during the startup. They are ideal for use in air conditioner, auger drive, compressor, conveyor, fan and pump applications. These single phase single speed motors are enclosed in a NEMA-rated frame for added safety and feature a TENV design to prevent ingress of moisture & contaminants. These motors have ball bearings to provide continuous and smooth operation and are base or face-mounted on a horizontal surface. Choose from a wide range of capacitor start motors, available in 1/3, 1/2 and 1 HP power ratings on Raptor Supplies.

StyleModelFrameFull Load AmpsHPLength Less ShaftMountingPrice (inc. GST)
B6K472566.2/3.11/39.25"Base SGD 978.74
C6K95056C6.3/3.21/39.25"Face SGD 1257.40

Split Phase 50 Hz Motors, Open Dripproof

Dayton split-phase 50Hz motors are designed to power blowers, fans and small conveyors. These single-phase motors provide a maximum power output of 1/2 HP and 1450 RPM in both clockwise and counterclockwise directions. They feature auto thermal protection to protect internal components in case of overheating. The ball bearings provide smooth operation and rigid base mounting eliminates vibration. Choose from a wide range of these 50Hz motors, available in flat and keyed motor shaft designs on Raptor Supplies.

StyleModelBearingsFrameFull Load AmpsHPLength Less ShaftMotor Enclosure DesignMotor Shaft DesignMotor Thermal ProtectionPrice (inc. GST)
A6XH56Ball486.1/3.01/37.875"Open DripproofFlatAuto SGD 622.10
B6XH81Ball56Z6.1/3.01/37.875"Open DripproofFlatAuto SGD 655.85
B6XH83Ball569.2/4.61/28.375"Open DripproofKeyedAuto SGD 734.72
B6XH63Sleeve482.6/ 5.2A1/4 hp7 15/16"Open Drip ProofFlatNone SGD 577.95

50 Hertz Motors, Three Phase, TEFC, C Face Less Base

StyleModelFrameFull Load AmpsHPInsulation ClassLength Less ShaftNameplate RPMOverall LengthRPM RangePrice (inc. GST)
A10269456C2.4/1.4/1.21/2B8.375"142510.25"1401-1500 SGD 1012.55
B11489656C3.5/2.0/1.751B9.187"142511 1/16"1401-1500 SGD 1135.05
C121274143TC5.0/2.9/2.51.5B9.75"285012"1801-3000 SGD 1172.88
D131506182TC8.2/4.7/4.13F11.25"142514"1401-1500 SGD 1373.78
E131508184TC14.0/8.1/7.05F12.75"142515.5"1401-1500 SGD 1571.06

50 Hertz Motors, Single Phase, TEFC, Rigid Base

StyleModelFrameFull Load AmpsHPInsulation ClassLength Less ShaftMotor Thermal ProtectionNameplate RPMRPM RangePrice (inc. GST)
A110064568.2/4.11/2B9.75"None14251401-1500 SGD 998.18
B113908566.4/3.21/3B9.25"Manual14251401-1500 SGD 907.14
C1139105611.8/5.93/4F9.75"Manual14251401-1500 SGD 1223.34
D1139115612.8/6.41F10.75"Manual14251401-1500 SGD 1417.92
E1139195613.2/6.61B10.25"None28501801-3000 SGD 1000.83
F11006656H12.8/6.41B11.25"None14251401-1500 SGD 1372.17
G11042456H17.2/8.61.5F11.75"None14251401-1500 SGD 1555.25
H11392956H17.2/8.61.5F11.75"Manual14251401-1500 SGD 1465.66
I121070145T12.43F12.25"None28501801-3000 SGD 1960.22
J131556182T11.22F12.75"None14401401-1500 SGD 2229.56
K131557184T15.93F14.25"None14401401-1500 SGD 3185.35
L131578184T21.05F14.75"None14401401-1500 SGD 4044.76
M131601184T15.93F14.25"Manual14401401-1500 SGD 3136.71
N131638184T20.55F14.75"None28751801-3000 SGD 2101.65

50 Hertz Motors, Single Phase, TEFC, C Face Less Base

StyleModelFrameFull Load AmpsHPInsulation ClassLength Less ShaftMotor Thermal ProtectionNameplate RPMRPM RangePrice (inc. GST)
A11392256C8.2/4.11/2B9.75"Manual14251401-1500 SGD 1061.19
B11392456C12.8/6.41F10.75"Manual14251401-1500 SGD 1276.49
C11392156C6.4/3.21/3B9.25"Manual14251401-1500 SGD 926.96
D11392356C11.8/5.93/4F10.25"Manual14251401-1500 SGD 1212.52
E11392556C17.2/8.61.5F11.75"Manual14251401-1500 SGD 1545.83
F120990145TC17.2/8.62F11.75"None28501801-3000 SGD 1637.73

50 Hertz Motors, Single Phase, Drip Proof, Resilient Base

StyleModelFull Load AmpsHPInsulation ClassLength Less ShaftNameplate RPMService FactorVoltagePrice (inc. GST)
A1142258.2/4.11/2B9.5"14251.25110/220 SGD 1066.59
B1142339.62F12"14401.15220 SGD 1768.34

50 Hertz Motors, Three Phase, TEFC, Rigid Base

StyleModelFrameFull Load AmpsHPInsulation ClassLength Less ShaftNameplate RPMOverall LengthRPM RangePrice (inc. GST)
A114307563.2/1.85/1.63/4B9.187"142511 1/16"1401-1500 SGD 1074.70
B114888563.5/2.0/1.751B9.187"142511 1/16"1401-1500 SGD 1090.01
C131459182T8.2/4.7/4.13F10.75"142513.5"1401-1500 SGD 1394.50
D131481184T12.8/7.4/6.45F11.75"285014.5"1801-3000 SGD 1713.39

50Hz Motors, IP22 Open Drip Proof NEMA Frame Three Phase

StyleModelAmpsBreak-down TorqueFrameFull Load AmpsFull Load EfficiencyInsulation ClassMotor TypeOutputPrice (inc. GST)
AM3108-57---1.7/173B-- SGD 794.60
AM3112-57---3.2/1.970F-- SGD 884.26
BEM3116-573.1 A @ 230 V 1.8 A @ 400 V-561.8 a-F3518M1.000 hp SGD 1150.75
BEM3116T-573.1 A @ 230 V 1.8 A @ 400 V-143T1.8 a-F3518M1.000 hp SGD 1156.89
BEM3154T-575.0 A @ 230 V 2.9 A @ 400 V23.2 LB-FT145T2.9 A-F3526M1.500 hp SGD 1229.37
BEM3157T-575.9 A @ 230 V 3.4 A @ 400 V24.7 LB-FT145T3.4 a-F3528M2.000 hp SGD 1263.73
BEM3211T-578.4 A @ 230 V 4.9 A @ 400 V41 LB-FT182T4.9 A-F3630M3.000 hp SGD 1445.51
BEM3218T-5714.0 A @ 230 V 8.0 A @ 400 V67.85 LB-FT184T8.0 A-F3646M5.000 hp SGD 1600.27

50Hz Motors, C-Face NEMA Frame Three Phase

StyleModelAmpsBase TypeBreak-down TorqueFrameFull Load AmpsFull Load EfficiencyInsulation ClassMotor TypePrice (inc. GST)
AVM3542-57----3.1/1.875.5F- SGD 1035.32
BM3542-57----3.1/1.875.5F- SGD 964.08
AVM3541-57----2.4/1.475.5F- SGD 934.63
AVM3538-57----1.7/173B- SGD 964.08
AVM3537-57----1.9/1.172F- SGD 895.29
AVM3534-57----1.7/168B- SGD 825.31
AKM3454-57----1.2/.764B- SGD 729.50
BM3538-57----1.7/173B- SGD 901.44
CEM3545-572.8 A @ 230 V 1.6 A @ 400 VRigid-561.6 A-B3516M SGD 1263.73
CVEM3545-572.8 A @ 230 V 1.6 A @ 400 VNo Mounting6.33 LB-FT56C1.6 A-B3516M SGD 1276.03
CVEM3546-573.1 A @ 230 V 1.8 A @ 400 VNo Mounting16.4 LB-FT56C1.8 a-F3518M SGD 1263.73
CEM3546T-573.1 A @ 230 V 1.8 A @ 400 VRigid16.26 LB-FT143T1.8 a-F3518M SGD 1291.99
CVEM3546T-573.1 A @ 230 V 1.8 A @ 400 VNo Mounting16.4 LB-FT143TC1.8 a-F3518M SGD 1263.73
CVEM3550T-574.0 A @ 230 V 2.3 A @ 400 VNo Mounting-143TC2.3 A-B3524M SGD 1387.78
CEM3550T-574.0 A @ 230 V 2.3 A @ 400 VRigid11.3 LB-FT143T2.3 A-B3524M SGD 1466.39
CVEM3554T-575.0 A @ 230 V 2.9 A @ 400 VNo Mounting23.2 LB-FT145TC2.9 A-F3526M SGD 1312.87
CVEM3555-575.0 A @ 230 V 2.9 A @ 400 VNo Mounting17.8 LB-FT56C2.9 A-B3532M SGD 1376.75
CVEM3555T-575.0 A @ 230 V 2.9 A @ 400 VNo Mounting17.8 LB-FT145TC2.9 A-B3532M SGD 1514.30
CEM3555T-575.0 A @ 230 V 2.9 A @ 400 VRigid17.8 LB-FT145T2.9 A-B3532M SGD 1610.09
CEM3554T-575.0 A @ 230 V 2.9 A @ 400 VRigid23.2 LB-FT145T2.9 A-F3526M SGD 1314.10
CVEM3558T-575.9 A @ 230 V 3.4 A @ 400 VNo Mounting24.7 LB-FT145TC3.4 a-F3528M SGD 1391.47
CEM3558T-575.9 A @ 230 V 3.4 A @ 400 VRigid24.7 LB-FT145T3.4 a-F3528M SGD 1387.78

50Hz Motors, IP44 Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled NEMA Frame Three Phase

StyleModelAmpsBreak-down TorqueFrameFull Load AmpsMotor TypeNumber of PolesOutputOverall LengthPrice (inc. GST)
AEM3615T-57---13/7.5---- SGD 1880.29
BEM3610T-577.3 A @ 230 V 4.2 A @ 400 V20.34 LB-FT182T4.2 A3534M23.000 hp15.16" SGD 2052.23
BEM3611T-579.7 A @ 230 V 5.6 A @ 400 V49.5 LB-FT182T5.6 A3632M43.000 hp16.54" SGD 1628.51
BEM3710T-5810.8 A72.1 LB-FT213T10.8 A3736M47.500 hp19.01" SGD 2608.55
BEM3613T-5711.2 A @ 230 V 6.4 A @ 400 V44.9 LB-FT184T6.4 A3642M25.000 hp18.04" SGD 2360.46

50Hz Motors, IP22 Open Drip Proof NEMA Frame Single Phase

StyleModelAmpsBreak-down TorqueEnclosureFrameHPNo-load CurrentNumber of PolesOutputPrice (inc. GST)
AL1319-50----1-1/2 HP--- SGD 1644.07
AL1206-504.6/2.32.4 LB-FTOpen48.333.2 Amps04.33 SGD 832.65
AL1205-505.2/2.61.35 LB-FTOpen48.332.2 Amps02.33 SGD 684.08
AL1208-506.6/3.3-Open48.5-02.5 SGD 752.74
AL1209-507.4/3.73.8 LB-FTOpen48.52.25 Amps04.5 SGD 1044.88
AL1304-507.4/3.73.8 LB-FTOpen56.52.25 Amps04.5 SGD 947.50
AL1306-5010.6/5.33.2 LB-FTOpen56.757.8 Amps02.75 SGD 916.30
AL1307-5010/510.3 LB-FTOpen56.753.2 Amps04.75 SGD 1169.72
AL1309-5012/63.88 LB-FTOpen5613 Amps021 SGD 963.73
AL1318-5013/6.56.8 LB-FTOpen5613.8 Amps041 SGD 1426.85
AL1313-5018.4/9.25.5 LB-FTOpen561.58.2 Amps021.5 SGD 1353.22
BL1508T-5021.641.5 LB-FTOPSB213T56.41 Amps045 SGD 3231.98
AL1317-5024/12-Open562-022 SGD 1693.16
AL1405T-5028/1414.5 LB-FTOpen182T27.7 Amps042 SGD 1911.20
BL1408T-5032/1624 LB-FTOpen184T35.7 Amps043 SGD 2066.03

50Hz Motors, IP44 Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled NEMA Frame Single Phase

StyleModelAmpsBreak-down TorqueFrameFrame SizeFull Load AmpsHPInsulationIP RatingPrice (inc. GST)
AL3514T-50---145T16/81-1/2 HP-54, 44 SGD 1624.08
BL3503-50---566.6/3.31/2 hp-54 SGD 905.04
BL3501-506.4/3.23.4 LB-FT56--.33F- SGD 925.01
BL3409-507.2/3.63.8 LB-FT48--.5B- SGD 988.45
BL3504-507.2/3.63.8 LB-FT56--.5B- SGD 1052.35
BL3506-509.2/4.62.75 LB-FT56--.75B- SGD 1009.92
BL3507-5010/510.3 LB-FT56--.75B- SGD 1249.58
BL3510-5012.4/6.210.8 LB-FT56--1B- SGD 1436.84
BL3509-5012.6/6.3-56--1B- SGD 1173.45
AL3514-5016/811.5 LB-FT56--1.5B- SGD 1624.08
BL3513-5018/96.4 LB-FT56--1.5F- SGD 1545.46
AL3515-5019.4/9.78.7 LB-FT56--2F- SGD 2009.84
AL3605T-5020/1017 LB-FT182T--2B- SGD 2295.72
AL3708T-502262.4 LB-FT213T--5F- SGD 3231.98
AL3609T-5025/12.519.8 LB-FT184T--3F- SGD 2702.68

50Hz Motors, C-Face NEMA Frame Single Phase

StyleModelAmpsBreak-down TorqueHPInsulationNo-load CurrentNumber of PolesOutputPower FactorPrice (inc. GST)
AVL3501-506.4/3.23.4 LB-FT.33F2.77 Amps04.3360 SGD 1014.89
AVL3503-506.6/3.32.1 LB-FT.5B2.2 Amps02.577 SGD 865.33
AVL3504-507.2/3.63.8 LB-FT.5B2.1 Amps04.576 SGD 1104.53
AVL3506-509.2/4.62.75 LB-FT.75B4.34 Amps02.7586 SGD 1061.11
AVL3507-5010/510.3 LB-FT.75B3.2 Amps04.7576 SGD 1393.15
AVL3510-5012.4/6.210.8 LB-FT1B3.19 Amps04182 SGD 1595.38
AVL3509-5012.6/6.3-1B-02184 SGD 1248.34
BVL3514-5016/811.5 LB-FT1.5B4.7 Amps041.588 SGD 1802.63
AVL3513-5018/96.4 LB-FT1.5F8.4 Amps021.584 SGD 1605.36
BVL3515-5019.4/9.78.7 LB-FT2F5 Amps02296 SGD 2037.30

Special Voltage Motor, 0.33 HP, 1 Phase, 50 Hz, 110/220V, 1500 RPM

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
110394AD7WDU SGD 233.14

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