AC Motors | Raptor Supplies Singapore


Marathon AC motors are devices that transform electrical current into mechanical rotational energy or torque, by employing alternating current (AC) from an electrical power grid or electrical generator.


Marathon AC motors are useful in the manufacturing, agriculture, construction and transportation industries for running pumps, fans, compressors and conveyors.


3 Phase NEMA Frame General Purpose AC Motors

StyleModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
A184TTDBD6101General Purpose Motor SGD 1369.94
B182TTFCD6076General Purpose Motor SGD 1416.13
C215TTFCD6530General Purpose Motor SGD 2772.00
D5KH49PN0849SGeneral Purpose Motor SGD 648.28
E213TTFCD6531General Purpose Motor SGD 2330.92
F213TTFBD6028General Purpose Motor SGD 1696.39
G184TTFCD6026General Purpose Motor SGD 1282.93
G184TTFCD6001General Purpose Motor SGD 1200.89
H324TTFCD6026General Purpose Motor SGD 4780.51
I286TSTFCD6026General Purpose Motor SGD 3739.33
G182TTFCD6026General Purpose Motor SGD 1123.79
C215TTFCD6807General Purpose Motor SGD 2584.76
C215TTFCD6526General Purpose Motor SGD 2772.00
J145TTFC6026General Purpose Motor SGD 1042.40
K256TTDBD6076General Purpose Motor SGD 2923.99
L182TTDBD6039General Purpose Motor SGD 1047.04
M364TSTDBD6001General Purpose Motor SGD 7559.74
N365TTDBD6060General Purpose Motor SGD 7899.68
K254TTDBD6076General Purpose Motor SGD 2650.59
N365TTDBD6086General Purpose Motor SGD 7181.33
L184TTDBD6039General Purpose Motor SGD 1138.58
K256TTDBD6001General Purpose Motor SGD 2799.86
O324TTDBD6076General Purpose Motor SGD 4571.76
K254TTDBD6001General Purpose Motor SGD 2659.85
P286TTDBD6076General Purpose Motor SGD 3912.99

Symax Series Super Premium Efficiency AC Permanent Magnet Motors

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A182TPFRB10181 SGD 2984.49
B182TPFRB10194 SGD 2657.57
C184TPFRB10214 SGD 2893.74
D213TPFRB10230 SGD 3069.64
E215TPFRB10219 SGD 3258.32

Globetrotter Series Premium Efficiency AC Induction Motors

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A213TTFCD6026 SGD 1645.16
B215TTFCD6026 SGD 2099.59
C254TTFCD6026 SGD 2664.83
D256TTFCD6026 SGD 2937.75
E284TTFCD6026 SGD 3570.69
F286TTFCD6026 SGD 3742.03
G326TTFCD6026 SGD 5275.63
H182TTFBD6028 SGD 1130.87
I184TTFBD6028 SGD 1205.52
J215TTFBD6028 SGD 1957.86
K254TTFCD6028 SGD 2703.17
L256TTFCD6028 SGD 2920.06

Close Coupled Pump AC Motors

StyleModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
A182TTDW17008Close-Coupled Pump Motor SGD 1704.50
B256TTDBD6085Close-Coupled Pump Motor SGD 4184.06
C324TTDBD6007Close-Coupled Pump Motor SGD 7026.02
D184TTDW16310Close-Coupled Pump Motor SGD 2046.19
E184TTFBD6031Close-Coupled Pump Motor SGD 1812.34
F184TTFBD6006Close-Coupled Pump Motor SGD 1889.05
E182TTFBD6031Close-Coupled Pump Motor SGD 1369.43
G215TTDBD6082Close-Coupled Pump Motor SGD 2683.49
H286TTDBD6012Close-Coupled Pump Motor SGD 5215.62
I284TTDBD6007Close-Coupled Pump Motor SGD 5210.74
J286TTDBD6037Close-Coupled Pump Motor SGD 5778.03
K286TTDBD6032Close-Coupled Pump Motor SGD 5776.83
L213TTDBD6082Close-Coupled Pump Motor SGD 2592.48
I284TTDBD6032Close-Coupled Pump Motor SGD 4989.31
M256TTDBD6012Close-Coupled Pump Motor SGD 3951.87
N284TTDBD6037Close-Coupled Pump Motor SGD 4990.42
O256TTDBD6037Close-Coupled Pump Motor SGD 4171.43
P286TTDBD6085Close-Coupled Pump Motor SGD 6716.46
Q447TSTDCD4002Fire Pump Motor SGD 35896.69
R447TSTDCD4026Pump Motor SGD 33896.51
S447TSTDCD4003Pump Motor SGD 36632.36

Vector AC Motors

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A182THTY17041 SGD 3993.97
B184THTY17038 SGD 4349.21
C184THTY7736 SGD 2878.62

Hazardous Location AC Motors

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A286TTGCD16577 SGD 7301.92
B215TTFCD6527 SGD 2772.00
C056T17G15612 SGD 1572.34
D215TTGCD6528 SGD 3250.07
E182TTGCD6541 SGD 2609.86
F184TTGCD6544 SGD 2864.67
G326TSTGS6501 SGD 13344.51
A215TTGND6576 SGD 3671.56
H254TTGCD16034 SGD 6343.90

Cooling Tower AC Motors

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A256TTTCD16544 SGD 6607.45
B284TTTCD16540 SGD 7860.77
C364TTTCD16534 SGD 19692.70
D254TTTCD16545 SGD 5302.61

NEMA Premium XRI Efficiency Motors, Three Phase, Totally Enclosed, Rigid Base

StyleModelFrameFull Load AmpsHPHzkWLength Less ShaftMountingNominal EfficiencyPrice (inc. GST)
A254TTFL16026254T37.5/18.81550/60-19"Base92.4% SGD 3460.39
B254TTFL16036254T37.5/18.8156011.2-Rigid- SGD 3746.25
C256TTFL16033256T48/24.12050/60-20.75"Base93% SGD 3928.23
D256TTFL16038256T48/24.1206014.9-Rigid- SGD 4126.55

Globetrotter General Purpose Motors, Totally Enclosed, Rigid Base

StyleModelFrameFull Load AmpsHPHzInverter RatedLength Less ShaftMax. Ambient Temp.Motor DesignPrice (inc. GST)
A145TTFC6027145T5/2.5A250/60 HzNo11 9/16"40° C3 phase SGD 1122.51
B182TTFCD6001182T7.6/3.8350/60Yes12 1/16"40 Degrees C3-Phase SGD 1083.13
C184TTFCD6005184T5A560 Hz-13 5/16"40° C3 phase SGD 1287.88
D256TTFCD6001256T51-46/232050/60Yes23 13/16"40 Degrees C3-Phase SGD 2706.15
E326TTFCD6030326T47.55060Yes28.625"40 Degrees C3-Phase SGD 5393.66
F326TSTFCD6001326TS113/56.5A5060 Hz-24 7/16"40° C3 phase SGD 5817.32
G364TTFCD6036364T138/69A6060 HzYes27.4375"40° C3 phase SGD 7540.73
G365TTFCD6036365T171/85.5A7560 HzYes28 7/16"40° C3 phase SGD 9235.26
G365TTFCD6086365T121/60.5A5060 Hz-28 7/16"40° C3 phase SGD 8684.20
H365TSTFCD6001365TS168/84A7560 HzYes28 7/16"40° C3 phase SGD 9645.89
I405TTFCD6036405T226/113A10060 Hz-31 1/2"40° C3 phase SGD 12015.55
J444TTFCD6036444T140A12560 HzYes38 3/16"40° C3 phase SGD 17218.61
K444TTFCD6086444T229/115A10060 HzYes38 3/16"40° C3 phase SGD 18587.51
K445TTFCD6086445T143A12560 Hz-38 3/16"40° C3 phase SGD 20161.05
J445TTFCD6036445T169A15060 HzYes38 3/16"40° C3 phase SGD 18876.06
L445TSTFCD6001445TS164A15050/60 HzYes43 3/16"40° C3 phase SGD 19926.18
M447TTFCD6038447T219A20060 Hz-46 11/16"40° C3 phase SGD 22010.27

Globetrotter General Purpose Motors, Totally Enclosed, C Face Footed

StyleModelFrameFrame MaterialFull Load AmpsHPHzLength Less ShaftMax. Ambient Temp.Motor DesignPrice (inc. GST)
A182TTFBD6003182TCRolled Steel7.6/3.8350/6012.875"40 Degrees C3-Phase SGD 1089.36
B184TTFBD6004184TCRolled Steel13-12/6550/6013.875"40 Degrees C3-Phase SGD 1147.74
C184TTFBD6003184TCSteel12.4/6.2A560 Hz14 1/8"40° C3 phase SGD 1135.36
D215TTFBD6003215TCRolled Steel22.8/11.41050/6017.625"40 Degrees C3-Phase SGD 1810.13
E284TTFCD6028284TCCast Iron61/30.52550/6025 9/16"40 Degrees C3-Phase SGD 3606.77
E286TTFCD6028286TCCast Iron73/36.53050/6026.75"40 Degrees C3-Phase SGD 3778.14

Globetrotter General Purpose Motors, Dripproof, Rigid Base

StyleModelFrameFrame MaterialFull Load AmpsHPHzInverter RatedLength Less ShaftMax. Ambient Temp.Price (inc. GST)
A182TTDBD6026182TSteel8/4A350/60 HzYes9 1/2"40° C SGD 1159.66
B182TTDBD6001182TSteel13.2/6.6A550/60 HzYes9 1/2"40° C SGD 976.04
C184TTDBD6026184TSteel13.2/6.6A560 HzYes10 1/2"50° C SGD 1254.49
D215TTDBD6026215TSteel25.4/12.7A1060 HzYes14 1/8"40° C SGD 1797.26
E254TTDBD6026254TSteel37.5/18.8A1560 HzYes18 5/8"40° C SGD 2824.80
F256TTDBD6026256TRolled Steel48.5/24.32050/60No20.25"40 Degrees C SGD 2801.50
G284TTDBD6026284TSteel62.5/31A2560 HzNo21 1/16"40° C SGD 3372.99
H284TTDBD6076284TSteel41/20.6A1560 Hz-21 1/16"40° C SGD 3487.06
I284TSTDBD6001284TSSteel71.5/35.5A3060 HzYes21 1/16"40° C SGD 3489.47
G286TTDBD6026286T-73/36.5A3060 HzNo22 1/2"40° C SGD 3660.97
J286TSTDBD6001286TSRolled Steel93.0/46.54050/60No22.5"40 Degrees C SGD 4345.80
K324TTDBD6026324TRolled Steel95.5/48.04050/60No23 5/16"40 Degrees C SGD 4299.15
L324TSTDBD6001324TSRolled Steel115.0/57.55050/60No23 5/16"40 Degrees C SGD 4773.17
L326TTDBD6026326TRolled Steel118.0/59.05050/60No24.5"40 Degrees C SGD 4636.57
M326TTDBD6076326TRolled Steel75.0/37.53050/60No24.5"40 Degrees C SGD 5114.64
L326TSTDBD6001326TSSteel136/68A6060 HzYes24 1/2"40° C SGD 5440.61
N364TTDBD6060364TRolled Steel139.0/69.56050/60No25 13/16"40 Degrees C SGD 6960.70
N364TTDBD6086364TSteel97/48.5A4060 HzYes27.4375"40° C SGD 6656.18
O364TSTDBD6060364TSSteel140/70A6060 HzYes27 15/16"40° C SGD 6658.46
L365TSTDBD6060365TSSteel172/86A7560 HzYes27 3/8"40° C SGD 7649.63
L404TTDCD6060404TCast Iron228/114A10060 HzYes29 15/16"40° C SGD 12037.33
P404TSTDCD6060404TSCast Iron228/114A10060 HzYes29 5/8"40° C SGD 11176.11
Q445TTDCD6060445TCast Iron223A20060 HzYes36 1/16"40° C SGD 19000.79

General Purpose Motors, Three Phase, Dripproof, Rigid Base

StyleModelAssemblyEnclosureFrameFrame MaterialFull Load AmpsHPHzInsulation ClassPrice (inc. GST)
A449TSTDN14005-Open Dripproof449TS-54650050/60F SGD 60662.79
B449TSTDN16005--449TSCast Iron54650050/60H SGD 79088.42
C184TTDW16038--184TRolled Steel13.6-12.6/6.3550/60F SGD 1803.92
D254TTDC6003F1 (F2 Modification Available)DP254T-18.42060F SGD 3438.06
E213TTDC6079F1 ONLYDP213T-3.6360F SGD 2176.49

General Purpose Motors, Single Phase, Totally Enclosed, Rigid Base

StyleModelFrameFull Load AmpsHPInsulation ClassLength Less ShaftNameplate RPMNominal EfficiencyOverall LengthPrice (inc. GST)
A184TBFW17044184T28/14.6-143F12.125"175580%14 15/16" SGD 1921.68
B184TBFW7701184T22-19.85F14.125"353082.5%16 15/16" SGD 2323.18
C184TBFW7726184T21.5-19.55F14.625"175585.5%17.437" SGD 2337.66
D213TBFW7001213T36-32-327.5F15.375"346581.5%18.75" SGD 2655.16
E213TBFW7026213T24.5-22-225B15.375"174982.5%18.75" SGD 2316.44
F215TBFW7026215T35-30-307.5B17 11/16"174084%21 1/16" SGD 1973.93
G215TBFW7027215T41.510F17 11/16"175985.5%21 1/16" SGD 3092.97

Severe Duty Motors

StyleModelFull Load AmpsHPLength Less ShaftMotor ApplicationNameplate RPMNominal EfficiencyOverall LengthVoltagePrice (inc. GST)
A215TTFCD650111.8A1016 5/8"Hazardous Location351890.2%20.0625"460V AC SGD 2584.76
A215TTFCD688113.6/6.8A516 1/4"General Application118089.5%19 5/8"230/460V AC SGD 2670.66


StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
ACS580 SGD 1272.14
B03-008W-HI SGD 2116.99

Replacement Motors

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
ARP1107F SGD 2110.98
ARP1166F SGD 811.08

General Purpose Motors

StyleModelFrameFrame MaterialFull Load AmpsHPHzInverter RatedLength Less ShaftMax. Ambient Temp.Price (inc. GST)
A213TTDBD6026-------- SGD 1638.72
B213TTDWD16060-------- SGD 2273.96
CTCA2P22AE251GAA009100LCast Iron7.8/3.9A360 HzYes338 mm40° C SGD 1567.35
CTCA0032AE231GAA009100LCast Iron10.4/5.2A460 HzYes338 mm40° C SGD 1402.79
DTCA2P23AE211GAA009112MCast Iron8.8/4.4A350/60 HzYes339 mm40° C SGD 1976.92
CTCA0042AE231GAA009112MCast Iron13.8/6.9A5 1/260 HzYes339 mm40° C SGD 2025.98
CTCA7P52AE231GAA009132MCast Iron25.4/12.7A1060 HzYes423 mm40° C SGD 2749.98
ETCA5P53AE211GAA009132MCast Iron20.8/10.4A7 1/250/60 HzYes423 mm40° C SGD 2545.78
ETCA5P52AE211GAA009132SCast Iron19.6/9.8A7 1/250/60 HzYes385 mm40° C SGD 1728.56
ETCA5P51AE211GAA009132SCast Iron17.6/8.8A7 1/250/60 HzYes385 mm40° C SGD 2044.56
FTCA0152AE211GAA009160LCast Iron50/25.1A2050/60 HzYes556 mm40° C SGD 3349.59
FTCA18P1AE211GAA009160LCast Iron56/28.1A2550/60 HzYes556 mm40° C SGD 3867.58
FTCA0113AE211GAA009160LCast Iron38/19.1A1550/60 HzYes556 mm40° C SGD 3873.19
FTCA0112AE211GAA009160MCast Iron37.5/18.7A1550/60 HzYes512 mm40° C SGD 2854.05
CTCA0112AE231GAA009160MCast Iron37.5/18.7A1560 HzYes512 mm40° C SGD 4005.46
FTCA0151AE211GAA009160MCast Iron45.5/22.8A2050/60 HzYes512 mm40° C SGD 4309.90
FTCA0111AE211GAA009160MCast Iron34/16.9A1550/60 HzYes512 mm40° C SGD 3247.42
FTCA7P53AE211GAA009160MCast Iron26.4/13.2A1050/60 Hz-512 mm40° C SGD 3281.45
GTCA0222AE211GAA009180LCast Iron72/36A3050/60 HzYes640 mm40° C SGD 5267.85
GTCA0153AE211GAA009180LCast Iron53.5/26.7A2050/60 HzYes640 mm40° C SGD 5187.36
GTCA18P2AE211GAA009180MCast Iron62/31A2550/60 HzYes602 mm40° C SGD 5554.24
GTCA0221AE211GAA009180MCast Iron68/34A3050/60 HzYes602 mm40° C SGD 4944.29
H182TTFBD6079182TCVRolled Steel4.8/2.41.550/60No12.875"40 Degrees C SGD 2148.42
ITCA0223AE211GAA009200LCast Iron76/38A3050/60 HzYes659 mm40° C SGD 7371.24
ITCA0302AE211GAA009200LCast Iron94/47A4050/60 HzYes659 mm40° C SGD 7044.15

Severe Duty Motor, 3 hp, 3 Phase, 1770 Rpm, 460VAC, 182T Frame

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
182THTCD9026CH6HYQ SGD 2176.17

General Purpose Motor, 15/10 HP, 3 Phase, 60/50 Hz, 230/460 and 190/380V, 1800 RPM

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
254TTFL16039CD2LLQ SGD 3972.87

AC Induction Motor, General Purpose, 3Hp, 1-Phase, 115/230 VAC, 3600 rpm, 145T Frame

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
5KCR48TN8062CV6LDR SGD 1570.35

Standard Efficiency AC Induction Motor, General Purpose, Inverter Rated And 4-In-1, 3/4Hp

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)


  • Marathon Motors offers general-purpose AC motors with power ratings ranging from 0.75 to 500 HP.
  • The brand's HVAC motors have open dripproof enclosures and can rotate both clockwise and counter-clockwise directions.
  • Marathon general-purpose AC motors feature continuous duty and can handle fluids up to 40 degrees C.
  • The brand's jet pump AC motors have double-sealed ball bearings and a mechanically locked on shaft end for smooth high-pressure operations.

Working Mechanism

  • AC motors function through the principles of electromagnetism.
  • Alternating current is supplied from an external source to energise coils of wire arranged within the stator.
  • As the current alternates direction, it produces a rotating magnetic field within the stator.
  • This rotating magnetic field induces a voltage in conductive elements housed in the rotor, generating current.
  • These induced currents create their own magnetic fields, which interact with the stator's rotating magnetic field.
  • The resulting electromagnetic forces exert torque on the rotor, causing it to rotate.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the differences between ODP, TEFC and TENV motor enclosures?

  • ODP motors have openings in the enclosure for air circulation and cooling, but they are susceptible to dust and moisture ingress.
  • TEFC motors are enclosed to keep dust and moisture out, and an external fan cools them.
  • TENV motors are fully enclosed and sealed to prevent contamination, making them suitable for harsh environments. But, they require alternative cooling methods, such as heat dissipation through the enclosure walls.

What are the differences between single-phase and three-phase general-purpose AC motors?

  • Single-phase general-purpose motors operate using a single alternating current phase and are commonly used in light commercial applications. They have lower power ratings and efficiency compared to three-phase motors.
  • Three-phase general-purpose motors, on the other hand, use three alternating current phases and are preferred for industrial and heavy commercial applications due to their higher power output.

How can we keep Marathon AC motors from malfunctioning or failing prematurely?

    To avoid malfunction or breakdown:
    • Install or mount the motor properly.
    • Give the motor adequate ventilation to avoid overheating.
    • Check regularly for excessive vibration or misalignment.
    • Protect the general-purpose motor from dust, dirt or moisture.
    • Do not overload or underload the AC motor beyond its specifications.

How do I choose between a general-purpose AC motor and a DC motor?

General-purpose AC motors operate on alternating current, while DC motors operate on direct current. AC motors are more cost-effective and easy to control in applications having adequate AC power. DC motors offer advantages, such as precise speed control, high starting torque and suitability for battery-powered or remote applications. The choice between AC and DC motors depends on the power source availability, speed & torque requirements, control complexity and cost considerations.

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