Asphalt Testing Compression Machines


Asphalt testing compression machines are ideal for testing asphalt samples for their strength, stability & durability. They are used in construction applications for checking if paving materials are... Read More


Marshall Compression Machine

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
5DNL3AE3JKT SGD 9586.59

Working Mechanism

  • Position the asphalt sample inside an asphalt testing compression machine and secure it according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Set appropriate load & displacement settings for the machine to conduct the test.
  • Switch on the machine and apply the compressive load to the asphalt sample.
  • Monitor the machine & the sample during the test. Ensure that the sample does not get damaged or deformed.
  • Stop the machine & remove the sample after the test is complete.
  • Record the results and the data like the maximum load applied, displacement at failure & other relevant parameters.
  • Repeat the testing process for any additional samples.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some safety guidelines for operating asphalt testing compression machines?

  • Wear personal protective equipment like safety glasses, gloves & protective clothing.
  • Always follow the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Inspect the machine regularly for any damage or defects.
  • Use proper lifting techniques to handle an asphalt sample to avoid injury.
  • Clean the work area of any debris to prevent accidents.
  • Make sure that electrical connections are secure and take caution near moving parts.

How to select an appropriate asphalt testing compression machine?

  • Different asphalt testing compression machines perform different types of tests on an asphalt sample. Select a model based on the test to be performed.
  • These machines are available in varying capacities. Choose a machine with enough capacity to handle the samples to be tested.
  • Choose a machine with proper accuracy for precise and trustable results.

How to maintain these asphalt testing compression machines in operable condition?

  • Clean the machine & surrounding area using a soft, dry cloth and a soft-bristled brush.
  • Inspect the machine for any loose, damaged or worn-out parts and tighten / replace them if required.
  • Ensure appropriate lubricant levels if the machine has a lubrication system.
  • Keep the machine calibrated to ensure accurate & precise results.

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