Automatic Flush Valves - Page 2 | Raptor Supplies Singapore

Automatic Flush Valves


Automatic Flush Valve

StyleModelBattery LifeFixture TypeGallons Per FlushInlet SizePower SourcePressure RangeRough-inSensor RangePrice (inc. GST)
AZEMS6000-WS1.0005-Toilet1.61" IPSElectric25 to 80 psi11.5"12" to 60" SGD 1167.57
BZEMS6003AV-ULF-IS-Urinal0.1253/4" IPSElectric25 to 80 psi11.5"18" to 22" SGD 869.37
CZEMS6203-EWS-YB-YC-Urinal0.53/4" IPSElectric25 to 80 psi11.5"18" to 22" SGD 1093.13
CZEMS6203-WS1-YB-YC-Urinal1.03/4" IPSElectric25 to 80 psi11.5"18" to 22" SGD 1091.44
DZEMS6000AV-HET-IS-Toilet1.281" IPSElectric25 to 80 psi11.5"12" to 60" SGD 869.37
DZEMS6000AV-WS1-IS-Toilet1.61" IPSElectric25 to 80 psi11.5"12" to 60" SGD 869.37
DZEMS6000PL-HET-IS-Toilet1.281" IPSElectric25 to 80 psi11.5"12" to 60" SGD 842.87
DZEMS6000PL-WS1-IS-Toilet1.61" IPSElectric25 to 80 psi11.5"12" to 60" SGD 842.87
EZEMS6200-HET.0001-Toilet1.281" IPSElectric25 to 80 psi11.5"12" to 60" SGD 1354.86
EZEMS6200-WS1.0004-Toilet1.61" IPSElectric25 to 80 psi11.5"12" to 60" SGD 1150.65
BZEMS6003AV-IS-EWS-Urinal0.53/4" IPSElectric25 to 80 psi11.5"18" to 22" SGD 1158.84
FZEMS6003-EWS-YB-YC-Urinal0.53/4" IPSElectric25 to 80 psi11.5"18" to 22" SGD 1006.38
BZEMS6003AV-WS1-IS-Urinal1.03/4" IPSElectric25 to 80 psi11.5"18" to 22" SGD 869.37
BZEMS6003PL-ULF-IS-Urinal0.1253/4" IPSElectric25 to 80 psi10"18" to 22" SGD 842.87
BZEMS6003PL-EWS-IS-Urinal0.53/4" IPSElectric25 to 80 psi10"18" to 22" SGD 842.87
BZEMS6003PL-WS1-IS-Urinal1.03/4" IPSElectric25 to 80 psi10"18" to 22" SGD 842.87
GZEMS6003-EWS.0001-Urinal0.53/4" IPSElectric25 to 80 psi10"18" to 22" SGD 1151.77
GZEMS6003-WS1-IS.0001-Urinal1.03/4" IPSElectric25 to 80 psi10"18" to 22" SGD 992.97
CZEMS6203-EWS.0001-Urinal0.53/4" IPSElectric25 to 80 psi10"18" to 22" SGD 1150.65
CZEMS6203-WS1.0004-Urinal1.03/4" IPSElectric25 to 80 psi10"18" to 22" SGD 1150.65
FZEMS6003-WS1-YB-YC-Urinal1.03/4" IPSElectric25 to 80 psi11.5"18" to 22" SGD 824.85
FZEMS6003PL-WS1-Urinal1.63/4" IPSElectric25 to 80 psi11.5"18" to 22" SGD 842.87
FZEMS6003PL-EWS-Urinal0.53/4" IPSElectric25 to 80 psi11.5"18" to 22" SGD 1039.81
HZEMS6200-HET-YB-YC-Toilet1.281" IPSElectric25 to 80 psi11.5"12" to 60" SGD 1091.44
IZEMS6000AV-WS1-Toilet1.61" IPSElectric25 to 80 psi11.5"12" to 60" SGD 869.37

Exposed, Rear Spud, Automatic Flush Valve

StyleModelRough-inPrice (inc. GST)
AZER6203-WS1.000111 1/2" SGD 1117.13
BZEMS6152AV-11L14" SGD 1001.82

Flush Valve, 1-1/2" Spud Coupling

StyleModelConnection LocationFixture TypeGallons Per FlushPower SourcePressure RangeRough-inValve DesignPrice (inc. GST)
AZP6800-WS1-NES-LLBackToilet1.60Lithium Battery25 to 100 psi10"Piston SGD 1411.09
AZP6800-HET-NES-LLBackToilet1.28Lithium Battery25 to 100 psi10"Piston SGD 1451.53
BZTR6203-EWS-LLTop SpudUrinal Sensor0.5(4) AA Alkaline Battery25 to 80 psi11.5"Sensor SGD 965.35
BZTR6203-WS1-LLTop SpudUrinal Sensor1.0(4) AA Alkaline Battery25 to 80 psi11.5"Sensor SGD 965.35
CZTR6200EV-LLTop SpudWater Closet Sensor1.28(4) AA Alkaline Battery25 to 80 psi11.5"Sensor SGD 965.35
DZTR6200-WS1-LLTop SpudWater Closet Sensor1.6(4) AA Alkaline Battery25 to 80 psi11.5"Sensor SGD 965.35

Automatic Dual Flush Valves

StyleModelBattery LifeItemPower SourcePrice (inc. GST)
AECOS 81113 Years @ 4000 Flushes/MonthAutomatic Flush Valve(4)AA Batteries SGD 1358.68
BSolis 8111-1.6/1.16 Years @ 4000 Flushes/MonthAutomatic Dual Flush ValveSolar with (4)AA Batteries SGD 1311.86

Automatic Flush Valves

StyleModelBattery LifeFixture TypeGallons Per FlushInlet SizePower SourceSensor RangePrice (inc. GST)
A8115-1.6/1.1------ SGD 1286.70
BRoyal 186-1 ESS-Urinal13/4"24 VAC, 50/60 Hz15" to 30" SGD 1310.87
C8180-1PVDBN------ SGD 2519.73
D3012673------ SGD 1083.96
E3250311------ SGD 2483.69
F3910285------ SGD 1018.50
GRoyal 111 ESS-Toilet1.61"24 VAC, 50/60 Hz22" to 42" SGD 1286.47
HSloan 111 DFB SMO2 Years @ 3000 Flushes/MonthToilet1.61"(4)C Cell Batteries8" to 54" SGD 1035.99
HSLOAN 111-1.28 DFB SMO2 Years @ 3000 Flushes/MonthToilet1.281"(4)C Cell Batteries8" to 54" SGD 1086.42
ISloan 186-1 DFB SMO2 Years @ 3000 Flushes/MonthUrinal13/4"(4)C Cell Batteries15" to 30" SGD 1150.55
ISloan 186 DFB SMO2 Years @ 3000 Flushes/MonthUrinal1.53/4"(4)C Cell Batteries8" to 54" SGD 1103.03
HSloan 110 DFB SMO2 Years @ 3000 Flushes/MonthToilet3.51"(4)C Cell Batteries8" to 54" SGD 998.33
JG2 8111-1.283 Years @ 4000 Flushes/MonthToilet1.281"(4)AA Batteries22" to 42" SGD 1175.48
JECOS 8186-0.5 OR3 Years @ 4000 Flushes/MonthUrinal0.53/4"(4)AA Batteries15" to 30" SGD 1171.77
ISLOAN 186-0.5 DFB SMO3 Years @ 4000 Flushes/MonthUrinal0.53/4"(4)C Cell Batteries15" to 30" SGD 1092.45
JECOS 8186-0.25 OR3 Years @ 4000 Flushes/MonthUrinal0.253/4"(4)AA Batteries15" to 30" SGD 1291.14
JG2 8186-13 Years @ 4000 Flushes/MonthUrinal13/4"(4)AA Batteries15" to 30" SGD 1326.83
JG2 81863 Years @ 4000 Flushes/MonthUrinal1.53/4"(4)AA Batteries15" to 30" SGD 1173.07
JG2 81113 Years @ 4000 Flushes/MonthToilet1.61"(4)AA Batteries22" to 42" SGD 1329.47
JG2 81103 Years @ 4000 Flushes/MonthToilet3.51"(4)AA Batteries22" to 42" SGD 1318.57
GRoyal 111-1.28 ESS5 Years @ 4000 Flushes/MonthToilet1.281"24 VAC, 50/60 Hz22" to 42" SGD 1329.68
KSolis 8111-1.66 Years @ 4000 Flushes/MonthToilet1.61"Solar with (4)AA Batteries22" to 42" SGD 1265.91
LSolis 8186-1.56 Years @ 4000 Flushes/MonthUrinal1.53/4"Solar with (4)AA Batteries22" to 42" SGD 1413.38
LSolis 8186-0.56 Years @ 4000 Flushes/MonthUrinal0.53/4"Solar with (4)AA Batteries15" to 30" SGD 1327.34
MSolis 8111-1.286 Years @ 4000 Flushes/MonthToilet1.281"Solar with (4)AA Batteries22" to 42" SGD 1198.79
StyleModelGallons Per FlushPrice (inc. GST)
ARoyal 603-1.6 ESM1.6 SGD 1219.92
ARoyal 603 ESM3.5 SGD 873.92

Flush Valve Toilet

StyleModelGallons Per FlushRough-inPrice (inc. GST)
AZER6140AV-WS1-11L1.610" SGD 991.18
BZER6152AV-WS1-11L1.620.5" SGD 935.37
CZER6140AV-11L3.510" SGD 1004.54
BZER6152AV-11L3.520.5" SGD 923.30

Single Flush, Sensor, Two Piece

StyleModelGallons Per FlushRough-inPrice (inc. GST)
AZ5615. 1/4 in or 7 1/4 in to 9 1/4 in for ADA SGD 1560.63
BZ5645. 1/8" SGD 1485.35
CZ5655." SGD 1158.49
DZ5665." SGD 1173.85
BZ5645." SGD 1492.77
EZ5615. 1/2" SGD 1460.52
FZ5655." or 12" SGD 1227.13
GZ5665." or 12" SGD 1275.94
HZ5615. 1/4 in or 7 1/4 in to 9 1/4 in for ADA SGD 1036.03
IZ5615. 1/4 in or 7 1/4 in to 9 1/4 in for ADA SGD 1412.25
FZ5616. 1/4 in or 7 1/4 in to 9 1/4 in for ADA SGD 1537.36
JZ5675." SGD 1433.78
KZ5666." SGD 1232.87
LZ5615., 1.65 1/4 in or 7 1/4 in to 9 1/4 in for ADA SGD 1391.20

Single Flush, Oscillating Handle, Two Piece

StyleModelGallons Per FlushRough-inPrice (inc. GST)
AZ5655." SGD 591.21
BZ5665." SGD 608.29
CZ5675." SGD 780.16
DZ5691. 1/4" SGD 9673.15
EZ5615. 1/4 in or 7 1/4 in to 9 1/4 in for ADA SGD 563.74
FZ5615. 1/4 in or 7 1/4 in to 9 1/4 in for ADA SGD 593.19
GZ5675." SGD 704.58
HZ5666." SGD 634.15
IZ5615., 1.65 1/4 in or 7 1/4 in to 9 1/4 in for ADA SGD 680.28

Single Flush, Battery

StyleModelBattery LifeGallons Per FlushSensor RangePrice (inc. GST)
AZERK-C-DF-TM3 year1.6/1.122" to 42" SGD 391.62
AZERK-U-ULF-TM-S3 year0.12522" to 42" SGD 652.52
BZER6003AV-WS1-TM3 year122" to 42" SGD 704.85
BZER6003AV-ULF-TM3 year0.12522" to 42" SGD 704.85
BZER6003AV-EWS-TM3 year0.522" to 42" SGD 704.85
CZER6000AV-WS1-TM3 year1.622" to 42" SGD 704.85
CZER6000AV-ONE-TM3 year1.122" to 42" SGD 704.85
CZER6000AV-HET-TM3 year1.2822" to 42" SGD 704.85
CZER6000AV-DF-TM3 year1.122" to 42" SGD 704.85
AZERK-U-WS1-TM-S3 year122" to 42" SGD 594.01
AZERK-U-ULF-TM3 year0.12522" to 42" SGD 391.62
AZERK-C-DF-TM-S3 year1.6/1.122" to 42" SGD 652.52
AZERK-U-EWS-TM-S3 year0.522" to 42" SGD 572.21
AZERK-U-EWS-TM3 year0.522" to 42" SGD 391.62
AZERK-C-WS1-TM-S3 year1.622" to 42" SGD 594.01
AZERK-C-WS1-TM3 year1.622" to 42" SGD 391.62
AZERK-C-ONE-TM-S3 year1.122" to 42" SGD 652.52
AZERK-C-ONE-TM3 year1.122" to 42" SGD 391.62
AZERK-C-HET-TM-S3 year1.2822" to 42" SGD 652.52
AZERK-C-HET-TM3 year1.2822" to 42" SGD 391.62
DZTR6203-ULF-X3 year @ 4000 Flushes/Month0.1256" to 12" SGD 799.76

Top Spud, Automatic Flush Valve

StyleModelBattery LifeFinishGallons Per FlushInlet SizePressure RangeRough-inSensor RangePrice (inc. GST)
AZTR6203-EWS-HW-Chrome0.53/4" IPS35 to 80 psi10", 12", 14"Adjustable SGD 1065.32
BZTR6200-WS1-HW-Chrome1.61-1/2" IPS35 to 80 psi10", 12", 14"Adjustable SGD 965.35
CZTR6200-ONE-HW-Chrome1.11-1/2" IPS35 to 80 psi10", 12", 14"Adjustable SGD 831.51
DZTR6200EV-HW-Chrome1.281-1/2" IPS35 to 80 psi10", 12", 14"Adjustable SGD 965.35
EZER6003PL-ULF-CCP3 yearPolished Chrome0.1253/4" IPS25 to 80 psi11 1/2"4 to 12" SGD 586.26
FZTR6203-QRT-LL3 yearPolished Chrome0.253/4" IPS35 to 80 psi11 1/2"12" to 60" SGD 965.35
EZER6003PL-WS1-CCP3 yearPolished Chrome1 to 1.53/4" IPS25 to 80 psi11 1/2"4 to 12" SGD 586.26
GZER6000AV-HET-CPM3 yearPolished Chrome1.281" IPS20 to 80 psi11 1/2"Adjustable SGD 640.76
FZTR6203-QRT3 yearPolished Chrome0.253/4" IPS35 to 80 psi11 1/2"12" to 60" SGD 893.30
HZER6003PL-WS1-CPM3 yearPolished Chrome13/4" IPS20 to 80 psi11 1/2"12" to 60" SGD 606.13
HZER6003PL-CPM3 yearPolished Chrome1.53/4" IPS20 to 80 psi11 1/2"12" to 60" SGD 743.60
IZER6003AV-EWS-CPM3 yearPolished Chrome0.53/4" IPS20 to 80 psi11 1/2"12" to 60" SGD 640.76
JZER6000PL-WS1-CPM3 yearPolished Chrome1.61" IPS20 to 80 psi11 1/2"12" to 60" SGD 606.13
JZER6000PL-CPM3 yearPolished Chrome3.51" IPS20 to 80 psi11 1/2"12" to 60" SGD 606.13
KZTR6201-WS13 year @ 4000 Flushes/MonthChrome11-1/2" IPS35 to 80 psi10", 12", 14"Adjustable SGD 911.33
AZTR6203-QRT-HW3 year @ 4000 Flushes/MonthChrome0.251-1/2" IPS35 to 80 psi10", 12", 14"Adjustable SGD 1078.27
AZTR6203-WS1-HW3 year @ 4000 Flushes/MonthChrome11-1/2" IPS35 to 80 psi10", 12", 14"Adjustable SGD 1070.29
LZTR6200-ONE3 year @ 4000 Flushes/MonthChrome1.11-1/2" IPS35 to 80 psi10", 12", 14"Adjustable SGD 893.30
MZTR6200-ONE-LL10 yearChrome1.11-1/2" IPS35 to 80 psi10", 12", 14"Adjustable SGD 965.35
NZTR6201-WS1-LL10 yearChrome11-1/2" IPS35 to 80 psi10", 12", 14"Adjustable SGD 986.58

Concealed, Rear Spud, Automatic Flush Valve

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AZER6140AV-HET-11L SGD 978.81
BZER6152AV-HET-11L SGD 911.60

Aqua Flush Automatic Flush Valves

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AZEMS6000-HET-YB-YC SGD 824.85
DZER6000-WS1.0001 SGD 568.21

Flush Valves

StyleModelFits BrandPrice (inc. GST)
A85406Kohler SGD 44.63
B1142714Kohler(R) SGD 56.65

Flush Valves

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A24501301 SGD 1384.77
BWETS2002.1201 SGD 1355.27
CWETS2050.1041 SGD 556.37

Urinal Flush Valves

StyleModelRough-inPrice (inc. GST)
AZ5738.205.0011 1/2" SGD 1415.76
BZ5738.207.0015 3/4" SGD 745.90
CZ5755.205.0019 1/2" SGD 1403.82

ZEMS6000AV-W1 AquaVantage Exposed Flush Valves

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AZEMS6000AV-1-HET-W1 SGD 1080.16
BZEMS6000AV-HET.0012 SGD 1114.66
CZEMS6000AV-HET-W1 SGD 1050.83

ZEMS6000AV AquaVantage Exposed Flush Valves

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AZEMS6000AV-HET.0002 SGD 1259.93
CZEMS6000AV-ONE SGD 869.37
EZEMS6000AV-WS1.0021 SGD 1166.89
FZEMS6000AV-WS1-MOB SGD 922.24

AquaVantage Exposed Flush Valves

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
BZEMS6000AV-MOB-W1 SGD 1114.66
DZEMS6003AV-MOB-W1 SGD 1114.66
FZEMS6152AV-WS1-11L SGD 1211.55

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