Belt Driven Exhaust Fans

StyleModelBase SizeDimensionsFlow RateHpSpeedVoltage RatingWheel DiameterPrice (inc. GST)
A32464-28-1/4 x 31-1/2"3100/3000/2900/2800/2610/2350/1900 Cfm1/21200 Rpm115/230 VAC15" SGD 2517.00
A3245921x 2"29.63"1950 Cfm1/41200 Rpm115/230 VAC13" SGD 2207.44
A3246121x 2"29.63"2420 Cfm1/21500 rpm115/230 VAC13" SGD 2290.74
A3246221x 2"29.63"2420 Cfm1/21500 rpm208/230/460 VAC13" SGD 2359.41
A3246021x 2"29.63"2100 Cfm1/31300 rpm115/230 VAC13" SGD 2237.84
A3246724-3/4x 2"33-1/4"3350 Cfm3/41300 rpm208/230/460 VAC15" SGD 2545.15
A3246824-3/4x 2"33-1/4"3850 Cfm11500 rpm115/230 VAC15" SGD 2759.02
A3246924-3/4x 2"33-1/4"3850 Cfm11500 rpm208/230/460 VAC15" SGD 2596.93
A3246624-3/4x 2"33-1/4"3350 Cfm3/41300 rpm115/230 VAC15" SGD 2605.93
A3246524-3/4x 2"33-1/4"3100 Cfm1/21200 Rpm208/230/460 VAC15" SGD 2514.75
A3246324-3/4x 2"33-1/4"2600 Cfm1/31000 Rpm115/230 VAC15" SGD 2441.58
A3248128x 2"38.9"5100 Cfm21300 rpm208/230/460 VAC18" SGD 4228.03
A3249428x 2"38.9"6875 Cfm21200 Rpm208/230/460 VAC20" SGD 4339.47
A3249328x 2"38.9"5750 Cfm1-1/21000 Rpm208/230/460 VAC20" SGD 3725.98
A3248928x 2"38.9"5750 Cfm1-1/21000 Rpm115/230 VAC20" SGD 3913.96
A3248828x 2"38.9"5125 Cfm1900 rpm208/230/460 VAC20" SGD 3722.60
A3248728x 2"38.9"5125 Cfm1900 rpm115/230 VAC20" SGD 3721.47
A3248528x 2"38.9"4600 Cfm3/4800 Rpm115/230 VAC20" SGD 3597.65
A3248428x 2"38.9"4000 Cfm1/2700 Rpm208/230/460 VAC20" SGD 3586.39
A3248328x 2"38.9"4000 Cfm1/2700 Rpm115/230 VAC20" SGD 3512.10
A3248628x 2"38.9"4600 Cfm3/4800 Rpm208/230/460 VAC20" SGD 3611.16
A3248028x 2"38.9"5100 Cfm21300 rpm115/230 VAC18" SGD 4454.29
A3247928x 2"38.9"4700 Cfm1-1/21200 Rpm208/230/460 VAC18" SGD 3707.97
A3247828x 2"38.9"4700 Cfm1-1/21200 Rpm115/230 VAC18" SGD 3839.67
A3247728x 2"38.9"4300 Cfm11100 rpm208/230/460 VAC18" SGD 3634.80
StyleModelBase SizeDimensionsFlow RateHpSpeedVoltage RatingWheel DiameterPrice (inc. GST)
A3252421x 2"30-1/4"1590 Cfm1/41125 Rpm115/230 VAC13" SGD 2917.74
A3252621x 2"30-1/4"2100 Cfm1/21425 Rpm115/230 VAC13" SGD 2970.65
A3252721x 2"30-1/4"2100 Cfm1/21425 Rpm208/230/460 VAC13" SGD 2953.77
A3252521x 2"30-1/4"1760 Cfm1/31225 rpm115/230 VAC13" SGD 2930.13
A3253324-3/4x 2"33 3/4"3150 Cfm3/41300 rpm208/230/460 VAC15" SGD 3157.51
A3253524-3/4x 2"33 3/4"3600 Cfm11500 rpm208/230/460 VAC15" SGD 3195.78
A3253424-3/4x 2"33 3/4"3600 Cfm11500 rpm115/230 VAC15" SGD 3321.86
A3253224-3/4x 2"33 3/4"3150 Cfm3/41300 rpm115/230 VAC15" SGD 3204.79
A3253124-3/4x 2"33 3/4"2800 Cfm1/21200 Rpm208/230/460 VAC15" SGD 3122.62
A3252924-3/4x 2"33 3/4"2800 Cfm1/21200 Rpm115/230 VAC15" SGD 3139.50
A3252824-3/4x 2"33 3/4"2300 Cfm1/31000 Rpm115/230 VAC15" SGD 3100.10
A3254628x 2"38.88"3450 Cfm1/2700 Rpm115/230 VAC20" SGD 4157.11
A3255528x 2"38.88"5825 Cfm1-1/21100 rpm208/230/460 VAC20" SGD 4325.96
A3255428x 2"38.88"5825 Cfm1-1/21100 rpm115/230 VAC20" SGD 4536.46
A3255228x 2"38.88"4700 Cfm1900 rpm115/230 VAC20" SGD 4339.47
A3254928x 2"38.88"4075 Cfm3/4800 Rpm208/230/460 VAC20" SGD 4171.74
A3254828x 2"38.88"4075 Cfm3/4800 Rpm115/230 VAC20" SGD 4220.15
A3254728x 2"38.88"3450 Cfm1/2700 Rpm208/230/460 VAC20" SGD 4139.10
A3255328x 2"38.88"4700 Cfm1900 rpm208/230/460 VAC20" SGD 4225.78
A3254428x 2"39.38"4750 Cfm1-1/21300 rpm208/230/460 VAC18" SGD 3758.62
A3254228x 2"39.38"3900 Cfm11100 rpm208/230/460 VAC18" SGD 3655.06
A3254128x 2"39.38"3900 Cfm11100 rpm115/230 VAC18" SGD 3773.26
A3254028x 2"39.38"3550 Cfm3/41000 Rpm208/230/460 VAC18" SGD 3601.03
A3253928x 2"39.38"3550 Cfm3/41000 Rpm115/230 VAC18" SGD 3650.56
A3253828x 2"39.38"3125 Cfm1/2900 rpm208/230/460 VAC18" SGD 3566.13
StyleModelBase SizeDimensionsFlow RateHpSpeedVoltage RatingWheel DiameterPrice (inc. GST)
A3258224-3/4x 2"33 3/4"1540 Cfm1/31200 Rpm115/230 VAC15" SGD 3226.18
A3258424-3/4x 2"33 3/4"1900 Cfm1/21400 Rpm208/230/460 VAC15" SGD 3250.94
A3258524-3/4x 2"33 3/4"2250 Cfm3/41600 Rpm115/230 VAC15" SGD 3335.37
A3258624-3/4x 2"33 3/4"2250 Cfm3/41600 Rpm208/230/460 VAC15" SGD 3285.84
A3258724-3/4x 2"33 3/4"2590 Cfm11800 rpm115/230 VAC15" SGD 3462.57
A3258824-3/4x 2"33 3/4"2590 Cfm11800 rpm208/230/460 VAC15" SGD 3344.37
A3258324-3/4x 2"33 3/4"1900 Cfm1/21400 Rpm115/230 VAC15" SGD 3267.83
A3260028x 2"39.38"-2-208/230/460 VAC18" SGD 4133.47
A3260828x 2"38.68"-2-208/230/460 VAC20" SGD 5008.12
A3260728x 2"38.68"-2-115/230 VAC20" SGD 5539.44
A3260528x 2"38.68"3875 Cfm1-1/21200 Rpm115/230 VAC20" SGD 4674.92
A3260428x 2"38.68"3500 Cfm11100 rpm208/230/460 VAC20" SGD 4358.60
A3260328x 2"38.68"3500 Cfm11100 rpm115/230 VAC20" SGD 4474.55
A3260228x 2"38.68"3100 Cfm3/41000 Rpm208/230/460 VAC20" SGD 4304.57
A3260128x 2"38.68"3100 Cfm3/41000 Rpm115/230 VAC20" SGD 4352.98
A3260628x 2"38.68"3875 Cfm1-1/21200 Rpm208/230/460 VAC20" SGD 4459.92
A3259928x 2"39.38"-2-115/230 VAC18" SGD 5262.52
A3259828x 2"39.38"3800 Cfm1-1/21400 Rpm208/230/460 VAC18" SGD 3861.06
A3259728x 2"39.38"3800 Cfm1-1/21400 Rpm115/230 VAC18" SGD 4086.19
A3259628x 2"39.38"3450 Cfm11300 rpm208/230/460 VAC18" SGD 3751.87
A3259528x 2"39.38"3450 Cfm11300 rpm115/230 VAC18" SGD 3872.31
A3259428x 2"39.38"3050 Cfm3/41200 Rpm208/230/460 VAC18" SGD 3694.46
A3259328x 2"39.38"3050 Cfm3/41200 Rpm115/230 VAC18" SGD 3742.86
A3259228x 2"39.38"2375 Cfm1/21000 Rpm208/230/460 VAC18" SGD 3658.44
A3258928x 2"39.38"2375 Cfm1/21000 Rpm115/230 VAC18" SGD 3675.32
StyleModelFlow RateHousing HeightHousing LengthHousing WidthPower RatingVoltage RatingPrice (inc. GST)
A425004398 Cfm30"30"15 3/16"1/4115 VAC SGD 2132.02
A425034398 Cfm30"30"15 3/16"1/4208/230/460 VAC SGD 2249.09
A425064398 Cfm30"30"15 3/16"1/4230/460 VAC SGD 2412.32
A425124746 Cfm30"30"15 3/16"1/3208/230/460 VAC SGD 2371.79
A425184746 Cfm30"30"15 3/16"1/3115/230 VAC SGD 2502.37
A425214746 Cfm30"30"15 3/16"1/3230/460 VAC SGD 2379.67
A425094746 Cfm30"30"15 3/16"1/3115 VAC SGD 2173.67
A425305778 Cfm30"30"15 3/16"1/2115/230 VAC SGD 2515.88
A425335778 Cfm30"30"15 3/16"1/2208/230/460 VAC SGD 2437.08
A425395778 Cfm30"30"15 3/16"1/2115/230 VAC SGD 2655.46
A425425778 Cfm30"30"15 3/16"1/2230/460 VAC SGD 2519.26
A425456367 Cfm30"30"15 3/16"3/4115/230 VAC SGD 2578.92
A425486367 Cfm30"30"15 3/16"3/4208/230/460 VAC SGD 2440.46
A425546367 Cfm30"30"15 3/16"3/4115/230 VAC SGD 2681.35
A425576367 Cfm30"30"15 3/16"3/4230/460 VAC SGD 2587.92
A425936518 Cfm36"36"18 5/8"1/3208/230/460 VAC SGD 2550.77
A425996518 Cfm36"36"18 5/8"1/3230/460 VAC SGD 2639.70
A425966518 Cfm36"36"18 5/8"1/3115/230 VAC SGD 2771.41
A425696957 Cfm30"30"15 3/16"1115/230 VAC SGD 2653.21
A425636957 Cfm30"30"15 3/16"1115/230 VAC SGD 2504.62
A425726957 Cfm30"30"15 3/16"1230/460 VAC SGD 2482.11
A425666957 Cfm30"30"15 3/16"1208/230/460 VAC SGD 2405.56
A426087871 Cfm36"36"18 5/8"1/2208/230/460 VAC SGD 2700.49
A426057871 Cfm36"36"18 5/8"1/2115/230 VAC SGD 2779.29
A426187871 Cfm36"36"18 5/8"1/2115/230 VAC SGD 2804.05
StyleModelBlade Dia.HpPhaseVoltagePrice (inc. GST)
A624-1/3-1-TEFC24"1/31115/230 SGD 1413.53
A624-1/2-1-TEFC24"1/21115/230 SGD 1329.62
A624-1/2-3-TEFC24"1/23230/460 SGD 1299.78
A624-3/4-1-TEFC24"3/41115/230 SGD 1350.13
A624-3/4-3-TEFC24"3/43230/460 SGD 1365.05
A624-1-1-TEFC24"11115/230 SGD 1594.42
A624-1-3-TEFC24"13230/460 SGD 1428.45
A624-1/3-3-TEFC24"1/33230/460 SGD 1383.70
A630-3/4-3-TEFC30"3/43230/460 SGD 1419.13
A630-1-3-TEFC30"13230/460 SGD 1484.40
A630-1-1-TEFC30"11115/230 SGD 1650.37
A630-1/2-1-TEFC30"1/21115/230 SGD 1383.70
A630-3/4-1-TEFC30"3/41115/230 SGD 1404.21
A630-1/2-3-TEFC30"1/23230/460 SGD 1353.86
A630-1/3-3-TEFC30"1/33230/460 SGD 1437.78
A630-1/3-1-TEFC30"1/31115/230 SGD 1467.61
A636-1-1-TEFC36"11115/230 SGD 1823.79
A736-2-3-TEFC36"23230/460 SGD 1855.50
A736-2-1-TEFC36"21115/230 SGD 2349.67
A736-1-1/2-1-TEFC36"1-1/21115/230 SGD 2116.57
A636-1-3-TEFC36"13230/460 SGD 1657.82
A736-1-1/2-3-TEFC36"1-1/23230/460 SGD 1825.66
A636-3/4-3-TEFC36"3/43230/460 SGD 1588.83
A636-1/2-3-TEFC36"1/23230/460 SGD 1523.56
A636-1/2-1-TEFC36"1/21115/230 SGD 1553.39

800 Series Exhaust Fan, Industrial Duty

StyleModelBlade Dia.HpPhaseVoltagePrice (inc. GST)
A824-1/4-1-TEFC24"1/41115/230 SGD 1480.67
A824-1/4-3-TEFC24"1/43230/460 SGD 1506.77
A824-1X-3-EXP24"13230/460 SGD 2429.86
A824-1X-1-EXP24"11115/230 SGD 2349.67
A824-3/4X-3-EXP24"3/43230/460 SGD 2241.51
A824-3/4X-1-EXP24"3/41115/230 SGD 2685.34
A824-1/2X-3-EXP24"1/23230/460 SGD 2224.73
A824-1/2X-1-EXP24"1/21115/230 SGD 2310.51
A824-1/3-3-EXP24"1/33230/460 SGD 2187.43
A824-1/3-1-EXP24"1/31115/230 SGD 2282.54
A824-1/4X-3-EXP24"1/43230/460 SGD 2064.35
A824-1/4X-1-EXP24"1/41115/230 SGD 2224.73
A824-1/2-3-TEFC24"1/23230/460 SGD 1467.61
A824-1-3-TEFC24"13230/460 SGD 1687.66
A824-1-1-TEFC24"11115/230 SGD 1853.63
A824-3/4-3-TEFC24"3/43230/460 SGD 1532.88
A824-3/4-1-TEFC24"3/41115/230 SGD 1517.96
A824-1/2-1-TEFC24"1/21115/230 SGD 1497.45
A824-1/3-3-TEFC24"1/23230/460 SGD 1467.61
A824-1/3-1-TEFC24"1/21115/230 SGD 1497.45
A830-1/4X-3-EXP30"1/43230/460 SGD 2232.19
A830-1/3-3-TEFC30"1/33230/460 SGD 1627.99
A830-1/4X-1-EXP30"1/41115/230 SGD 2392.56
A830-1/3X-1-EXP30"1/31115/230 SGD 2446.64
A830-1/4-3-TEFC30"1/43230/460 SGD 1581.37

Exhaust Fan Package Unit

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
APKGE-12 SGD 861.55
APKGI-36 SGD 2500.72
APKGI-60 SGD 4773.94
APKGE-60 SGD 3567.40
APKGI-54 SGD 4471.84
APKGE-54 SGD 3403.30
APKGI-48 SGD 3183.25
APKGE-48 SGD 2355.27
APKGI-42 SGD 2825.20
APKGE-42 SGD 2131.49
APKGE-36 SGD 1803.28
APKGI-12 SGD 1195.35
APKGI-30 SGD 2174.38
APKGE-30 SGD 1491.86
APKGI-24 SGD 1687.66
APKGE-24 SGD 1303.51
APKGI-20 SGD 1462.02
APKGE-20 SGD 1089.05
APKGI-18 SGD 1393.02
APKGE-18 SGD 1016.33
APKGI-16 SGD 1355.72
APKGE-16 SGD 967.84

Belt Drive Exhaust Fans W/o Drive Packages, 20 Inch Blade

Dayton exhaust fans mount horizontally or vertically to pull out odour, moisture and fumes from inside to outside of a vent in commercial and industrial applications. They have galvanised steel construction with sealed pillow block bearings for load support to the rotating shaft, corrosion resistance, durability. They are capable of withstanding a maximum ambient temperature of 104 degrees F. These fans come without assembled belt drive packages that offer greater flexibility in terms of rpm speeds, as the motor is not directly in contact with the fan's moving parts. Choose from a wide range of these exhaust fans with 5 or 6 bladed propellers.

StyleModelMotor HpNumber Of BladesTypePrice (inc. GST)
A3FKD71/4 to 1/26Standard Duty Belt Drive Less Drive Package SGD 1070.03
B3FKD81/4 to 3/45Medium Duty Belt Drive Less Drive Package SGD 1214.97

Belt Drive Exhaust Fans W/o Drive Packages, 24 Inch Blade

Dayton exhaust fans pull out odours, moisture and fumes from inside to outside of a vent in commercial and industrial applications. They have galvanised steel construction for corrosion resistance, durability and withstanding a maximum ambient temperature of 104 degrees F. These fans come without assembled belt drive packages that offer flexibility in terms of rpm speeds, as the motor is not directly in contact with the fan's moving parts. Choose from a wide range of these exhaust fans with 5 steel or 6 aluminium bladed propellers.

StyleModelBearing TypeCfm RangeMotor HpNumber Of BladesPropeller MaterialRpm RangeTypePrice (inc. GST)
A1AHA8Regreasable Cast Pillow Block6469 to 81151/2 to 16Cast Aluminum939 to 1178Heavy Duty Belt Drive Less Drive Package SGD 2388.72
B1AHA1Regreasable Pillow Block6039 to 87341/3 to 1 1/25Steel643 to 930Medium Duty Belt Drive Less Drive Package SGD 1285.77

Belt Drive Exhaust Fans W/o Drive Packages, 30 Inch Blade

Dayton exhaust fans pull out odours, moisture and fumes from inside to outside of a vent in commercial and industrial applications. They have galvanised steel construction for corrosion resistance, durability and withstanding a maximum ambient temperature of 104 degrees F. These fans come without assembled belt drive packages that offer flexibility in terms of rpm speeds, as the motor is not directly in contact with the fan's moving parts. Choose from a wide range of these exhaust fans, available in maximum airflow speeds of 11061, 14990 and 15488 CFM.

StyleModelBearing TypeCfm RangeMax. DepthMotor HpNumber Of BladesPropeller MaterialRpm RangeShaft Dia.Price (inc. GST)
A1AHA9Regreasable Cast Pillow Block10,798 to 17,16920"3/4 to 36Cast Aluminum783 to 12451" SGD 2834.88
B1AHA2Regreasable Pillow Block9829 to 15,48820"1/2 to 25Steel594 to 9361" SGD 1580.94
C1WDC1Regreasable Pillow Block7096 to 11,06121-1/2"1/4 to 16Steel621 to 9683/4" SGD 1262.32

Belt Drive Exhaust Fans W/o Drive Packages, 36 Inch Blade

Dayton exhaust fans pull out odours, moisture and fumes from inside to outside of a vent in commercial and industrial applications. They have galvanised steel construction for corrosion resistance, durability and withstanding a maximum ambient temperature of 104 degrees F. These fans come without assembled belt drive packages that offer flexibility in terms of rpm speeds, as the motor is not directly in contact with the fan's moving parts. Choose from a wide range of these exhaust fans, available in maximum airflow speeds of 17407, 19733 and 26979 CFM.

StyleModelBearing SizeBearing TypeCfm RangeMotor HpNumber Of BladesPropeller MaterialRpm RangeShaft Dia.Price (inc. GST)
A1AHA31"Regreasable Pillow Block12,492 to 19,7331/2 to 35Steel433 to 6841" SGD 1833.58
B1WDC21"Regreasable Pillow Block9561 to 17,4071/4 to 1 1/26Steel435 to 7921" SGD 1312.28
C1AHB11-1/4"Regreasable Cast Pillow Block15,803 to 26,9791 to 56Cast Aluminum683 to 11661-1/4" SGD 2699.90

Belt Drive Exhaust Fans W/o Drive Packages, 42 Inch Blade

Dayton exhaust fans pull out odour, moisture and fumes from inside to outside of a vent in commercial and industrial applications. They have galvanised steel construction with 5 / 6 steel or aluminium bladed propellers for load support to the rotating shaft, corrosion resistance, durability and withstanding a maximum ambient temperature of 104 degrees F. These fans come without assembled belt drive packages that offer flexibility in terms of rpm speeds, as the motor is not directly in contact with the fan's moving parts. Choose from a wide range of these exhaust fans, available in maximum airflow speeds of 20998, 30825 and 33227 CFM.

StyleModelBearing SizeBearing TypeCfm RangeMax. DepthMotor HpNumber Of BladesPropeller MaterialRpm RangePrice (inc. GST)
A1AHB21-1/2"Regreasable Cast Pillow Block20,652 to 30,82526-3/8"1 1/2 to 56Cast Aluminum605 to 903 SGD 3616.99
B1AHA41-1/4"Regreasable Pillow Block17,709 to 33,22723-1/2"3/4 to 55Steel380 to 713 SGD 2604.04
C1WDC31-1/4"Regreasable Pillow Block12,640 to 20,99823-1/2"1/3 to 1 1/26Steel366 to 608 SGD 1663.92

Belt Drive Exhaust Fans W/o Drive Packages, 48 Inch Blade

Dayton exhaust fans pull out odour, moisture and fumes from inside to outside of a vent in commercial and industrial applications. They have galvanised steel construction with 5 / 6 steel or aluminium bladed propellers for load support to the rotating shaft, corrosion resistance, durability and withstanding a maximum ambient temperature of 104 degrees F. These fans come without assembled belt drive packages that offer flexibility in terms of rpm speeds, as the motor is not directly in contact with the fan's moving parts. Choose from a wide range of these exhaust fans, available in maximum airflow speeds of 31442, 32605 and 45053 CFM.

StyleModelBearing SizeBearing TypeCfm RangeMax. DepthMotor HpNumber Of BladesPropeller MaterialRpm RangePrice (inc. GST)
A1AHB31-1/2"Regreasable Cast Pillow Block28,995 to 45,05328"2 to 7 1/26Cast Aluminum576 to 895 SGD 4204.98
B1WDC41-1/4"Regreasable Pillow Block15,009 to 31,44223-1/2"1/3 to 36Steel295 to 618 SGD 1975.89
C1AHA51-1/4"Regreasable Pillow Block22,617 to 32,60523-1/2"1 to 55Steel351 to 506 SGD 3179.47

Belt Drive Exhaust Fans W/o Drive Packages, 54 Inch Blade

Dayton exhaust fans pull out odour, moisture and fumes from inside to outside of a vent in commercial and industrial applications. They have galvanised steel construction with 5 steel or 6 aluminium bladed propellers for load support to the rotating shaft, corrosion resistance, durability and withstanding a maximum ambient temperature of 104 degrees F. These fans come without assembled belt drive packages that offer flexibility in terms of rpm speeds, as the motor is not directly in contact with the fan's moving parts. Choose from a wide range of these exhaust fans, available in maximum airflow speeds of 44535 and 50124 CFM.

StyleModelBearing SizeBearing TypeCfm RangeMax. DepthMotor HpNumber Of BladesPropeller MaterialRpm RangePrice (inc. GST)
A1AHB41-1/2"Regreasable Cast Pillow Block33,602 to 50,12433-1/2"3 to 106Cast Aluminum480 to 716 SGD 7106.28
B1AHA61-1/4"Regreasable Pillow Block30,129 to 44,53523"1 1/2 to 55Steel343 to 507 SGD 4848.11

Belt Drive Exhaust Fans W/o Drive Packages, 60 Inch Blade

Dayton exhaust fans pull out odour, moisture and fumes from inside to outside of a vent in commercial and industrial applications. They have galvanised steel construction with 5 steel or 6 aluminium bladed propellers for load support to the rotating shaft, corrosion resistance, durability and withstanding a maximum ambient temperature of 104 degrees F. These fans come without assembled belt drive packages that offer flexibility in terms of rpm speeds, as the motor is not directly in contact with the fan's moving parts. Choose from a wide range of these exhaust fans, available in maximum airflow speeds of 66186 and 69692 CFM.

StyleModelBearing SizeBearing TypeCfm RangeMax. DepthMotor HpPropeller MaterialRpm RangeShaft Dia.Price (inc. GST)
A1AHA71-1/2"Regreasable Pillow Block38,697 to 66,18626-1/2"2 to 10Steel290 to 4961-1/2" SGD 5868.24
B1AHB51-3/4"Regreasable Cast Pillow Block48,356 to 69,69234"5 to 15Cast Aluminum485 to 6991-3/4" SGD 8591.85

Belt Driven Exhaust Fans

Belt driven exhaust fans are designed to move large volume of ambient air at low static pressures and are perfect for ventilation in factories and warehouses for continuous duty applications. Raptor Supplies offers a range of belt driven fans from brands like Airmaster Fan, Americraft Fan and Dayton. They are equipped with heavy-duty galvanized steel blades to handle huge volume of air at low static pressures. These belt driven centrifugal fans are provided with variable pitches and adjustable pulleys to enhance their performances. Choose from an array of these belt driven exhaust fans, available in 290 to 496, 295 to 618, 343 to 507, 351 to 506 and 366 to 608 RPM ranges.

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