Bushings and Torque Arm Kits | Raptor Supplies Singapore

BALDOR / DODGE Bushings And Torque Arm Kits


Baldor / Dodge bushings and torque arm kits are ideal for secure mounting and alignment for power transmission components like motors, gearboxes and shafts. These torque arm bushing kit components... Read More


Tigear 2 Tie Rod Assemblies

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A47TIEROD SGD 1356.47
A26TIEROD SGD 409.44
A30TIEROD SGD 438.51
A35TIEROD SGD 565.28
A40TIEROD SGD 961.52

Backstop Assemblies

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A272259 SGD 17299.98
B243106 SGD 1845.33
B244106 SGD 2422.00
C901102 SGD 1649.25

Cover Assemblies

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A246624 SGD 800.77
A246620 SGD 492.01
A246635 SGD 1311.17
A246621 SGD 492.01
A246619 SGD 492.01
A246629 SGD 819.16
A246609 SGD 381.22
A246611 SGD 409.58
A246613 SGD 327.14
A246605 SGD 456.04
A246606 SGD 456.04
A246604 SGD 456.04
A246625 SGD 991.09
A246618 SGD 610.45
A246617 SGD 437.90
A246608 SGD 381.22
A246603 SGD 327.14
A246633 SGD 1447.13
A246623 SGD 574.45
A246622 SGD 800.77
A246631 SGD 1447.13
A246616 SGD 437.90
A246627 SGD 710.97
A246612 SGD 409.58
A246634 SGD 1311.17

End Cover Assemblies

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A905115 SGD 535.20
B903143 SGD 192.37
C900142 SGD 166.72
B909143 SGD 412.95
B910143 SGD 500.16
C902142 SGD 166.72
B902143 SGD 166.72
B905143 SGD 248.80
C904142 SGD 210.32
C909142 SGD 412.95
B904143 SGD 210.32
C903142 SGD 192.37
C907142 SGD 289.84
B901143 SGD 166.72
A908115 SGD 868.90
C910142 SGD 500.16
B907143 SGD 289.84
B900143 SGD 166.72
C901142 SGD 166.72
B908143 SGD 359.09
B912143 SGD 628.41
A909115 SGD 733.63
A912115 SGD 1174.22
C908142 SGD 359.09
C905142 SGD 248.80

Motor Bases

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A122123 SGD 1162.55
A122118 SGD 1606.28

Motor Mount Assemblies

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AA38962 SGD 4601.81
A249401 SGD 4069.83
B901090 SGD 1168.35
B904090 SGD 1749.28
B910090 SGD 5510.76
B902090 SGD 1314.55
B912090 SGD 7648.61
B903090 SGD 1455.62
B909090 SGD 4370.63
A245393 SGD 2122.14
A250404 SGD 5698.91
A250401 SGD 4887.24
B905090 SGD 1930.13
C356269 SGD 2930.91
D351069 SGD 1138.92
A246391 SGD 2357.14
A246388 SGD 2780.98
E241391 SGD 1138.92
C354028 SGD 1956.33
A245391 SGD 2122.14
A248401 SGD 3748.33
B900090 SGD 874.64
C356069 SGD 2357.14
C355169 SGD 2122.14
A247395 SGD 2930.91

Tie Rod Assemblies

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A13TIEROD SGD 282.65
A15TIEROD SGD 324.93
A17TIEROD SGD 339.45
A2023TIEROD SGD 367.16
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A241278 SGD 403.67
A246425 SGD 1089.89
A249421 SGD 2422.00
A249420 SGD 2422.00
A248424 SGD 2058.68
A248423 SGD 2058.68
A248422 SGD 2058.68
A248420 SGD 2058.68
A247428 SGD 1574.31
A247426 SGD 1574.31
A247425 SGD 1574.31
A247420 SGD 1574.31
A246427 SGD 1089.89
A246426 SGD 1089.89
A246424 SGD 1089.89
A250420 SGD 3027.50
A246423 SGD 1089.89
A246422 SGD 1089.89
A246421 SGD 1089.89
A246420 SGD 1089.89
A245428 SGD 911.15
A245426 SGD 911.15
A245424 SGD 911.15
A245423 SGD 911.15
A245422 SGD 911.15

Motor Belt Guard Assemblies

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A242395 SGD 1531.06
A243153 SGD 3826.18
A245102 SGD 4079.91
A244395 SGD 1828.02
A241149 SGD 3693.56
B247392 SGD 2228.81
B246368 SGD 2076.00
A241395 SGD 1283.08
A244151 SGD 3953.06
A245387 SGD 1954.89
B248397 SGD 2445.06
A243387 SGD 1779.02
B245389 SGD 1954.89
B244397 SGD 1828.02
B243389 SGD 1779.02
B241397 SGD 1283.08
A250395 SGD 2984.25
A249395 SGD 2791.06
A248395 SGD 2445.06
A246366 SGD 2076.00
A247390 SGD 2228.81

Housing Assemblies

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A243534 SGD 1929.91
A243538 SGD 2249.00
A250174 SGD 16108.20
A352219 SGD 1653.12
A246170 SGD 6343.33
A247180 SGD 10072.44
A249180 SGD 15108.65

Reducer Input Pinions

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A256028 SGD 4121.92
A259034 SGD 5688.25
A246291 SGD 2770.00
A248370 SGD 4444.09
A246290 SGD 2752.75
A247370 SGD 5177.58
A248371 SGD 4444.09
A272074 SGD 9068.23
A272106 SGD 9068.23
A250004 SGD 9892.61
A250300 SGD 10355.15
A247371 SGD 4613.33

Reducer Housings

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A241190 SGD 1683.85
A351235 SGD 2821.76
A242194 SGD 1860.72
A352179 SGD 1868.39
A356300 SGD 15269.42
A356294 SGD 8082.37
A351225 SGD 1806.88
A246174 SGD 6597.06
A249174 SGD 24440.73
A247184 SGD 11810.13
A248180 SGD 11625.59
A241186 SGD 2191.33
A248174 SGD 24602.06

Reducer Gear Keys

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A241217 SGD 42.70
A391015 SGD 105.11
A244217 SGD 203.67
A245218 SGD 11.33
A248218 SGD 21.57
A436186 SGD 10.50
A901276 SGD 34.86
A900276 SGD 32.26

Reducer Assemblies

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A902198 SGD 5766.66
A902199 SGD 5189.99
A902196 SGD 5783.97
A901197 SGD 4180.83
A252144 SGD 3670.14
A902197 SGD 5766.66
A901196 SGD 4195.25
A901199 SGD 3935.75
A244254 SGD 539.19
A245254 SGD 707.85


StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A728071 SGD 24.28
A851329 SGD 3.47
A851353 SGD 3.47
A866695 SGD 17.36
A975504 SGD 55.54
A975623 SGD 3.47

Output Gear Keys

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A390113 SGD 159.63
A390112 SGD 160.74

Motor Mount Belt Guard Assemblies

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A965878 SGD 2739.16
B964394 SGD 3056.33
C249397 SGD 2791.06
A965846 SGD 4007.83
C247149 SGD 4783.43
A244152 SGD 3953.06
C246132 SGD 4336.52
C242491 SGD 1531.06
B964395 SGD 6054.99
A243416 SGD 1779.02
C246478 SGD 2076.00
A244489 SGD 1828.02
A245495 SGD 1954.89
C241142 SGD 3693.56
C245162 SGD 4079.91
C247146 SGD 4783.43
A241489 SGD 1283.08
C245497 SGD 1954.89
C242397 SGD 1531.06
C245015 SGD 4079.91
A242223 SGD 3777.16
A246147 SGD 4336.52
A272688 SGD 3220.68
A248477 SGD 3027.50
A246476 SGD 2076.00
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A272690 SGD 44887.75
A272691 SGD 44887.75
A272692 SGD 54787.48

Input Pinions

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A242186 SGD 1510.13
A454545 SGD 3396.18
A454293 SGD 2161.31
A472240 SGD 4862.94
A472142 SGD 4324.78
A454292 SGD 1893.33
A454299 SGD 1712.47
A454415 SGD 1977.53
A472238 SGD 5279.05
A454294 SGD 1687.88
A454429 SGD 1644.69
A472139 SGD 5143.98
A472242 SGD 4612.38
A472239 SGD 5048.12
A454298 SGD 1636.42
A241200 SGD 1294.39
A472243 SGD 3606.22
A241302 SGD 1294.39
A243058 SGD 11263.37
A259162 SGD 2069.22
A246521 SGD 4340.38
A904219 SGD 1466.98
A904221 SGD 1466.98
A906218 SGD 3538.01
A902209 SGD 403.31

Hydra Lock Breathers

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A964364 SGD 310.56
B964366 SGD 488.02

Hub Collars

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A392254 SGD 282.32
A392262 SGD 431.55
B245598 SGD 310.56
B247309 SGD 379.10
A392259 SGD 322.65
B241209 SGD 288.53
B243572 SGD 266.20
A392261 SGD 455.74
A392266 SGD 212.73
B392258 SGD 313.56
A392260 SGD 411.38
B250009 SGD 915.52
A392267 SGD 306.53
B392255 SGD 294.41
B249209 SGD 584.80
B245209 SGD 310.56
B243209 SGD 266.20
B246309 SGD 322.65
B244658 SGD 310.56
B242209 SGD 300.89
B248209 SGD 395.24
B244209 SGD 332.22
A392265 SGD 266.20
A392257 SGD 326.70
B392256 SGD 310.56


  • Baldor / Dodge hydra lock breathers are made of polycarbonate material, ensuring durability and resistance to harsh operating conditions. They operate within a temperature range of -20 to 200 degrees Fahrenheit, suitable for diverse environmental conditions. These lock breathers offer a filter rating of 3 microns, ensuring thorough filtration and cleaner output.
  • Baldor / Dodgespeed reducer motor mounts have a flow rate of 150 LQ, ensuring efficient fluid transfer and circulation. They are constructed from durable cast iron, ensuring robustness and longevity in demanding environments. These speed reducer motor mounts offer a standard mounting type, featuring four bolts for secure and stable installation. They are designed with a spline shaft, enabling smooth and reliable power transmission. These speed reducer motor mounts operate at a 485 RPM speed, ensuring efficient performance in fluid handling applications. They provide a torque of 930 Nm, delivering sufficient power for fluid transfer and processing tasks.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I select the suitable bushings and torque arm kits for my application?

Major factors that you should consider include load capacity, shaft size, mounting requirements and environmental conditions.

What safety precautions should I take when working with bushings and torque arm kits?

  • Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), such as safety glasses and gloves.
  • Ensure machinery is properly locked and tagged out to prevent accidental startup.
  • Use proper lifting techniques and equipment to handle heavy components safely.
  • Inspect bushings and torque arm kits for damage or defects before installation.
  • Align components correctly during installation to prevent premature wear.
  • Use the correct tools and equipment to avoid damaging components.
  • Stay clear of pinch points and moving parts during installation and operation.
  • Provide adequate ventilation in confined spaces to prevent exposure to harmful fumes.
  • Follow established lockout / tagout procedures when servicing machinery.
  • Ensure personnel are adequately trained and supervised for safe operation.
  • Have emergency procedures, including first aid supplies and contact information, in place.

How do I install bushings and torque arm kits properly?

  • Prepare the equipment by ensuring it's turned off and securely fixed.
  • Identify the mounting locations based on equipment specifications.
  • Clean and inspect mounting surfaces and components for damage.
  • Apply lubrication to reduce friction on shafts and bushings.
  • Slide bushings onto shafts, ensuring proper alignment and seating.
  • Attach the torque arm to the equipment frame using the provided hardware.
  • Tighten bolts and fasteners to recommended torque specifications.
  • Verify alignment of components with shafts and equipment frame.
  • Test equipment operation, monitoring for any unusual vibrations.
  • Perform a final inspection to confirm proper installation and alignment.

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