DC Permanent Magnet Motors


Motors are used to convert energy by interacting with a magnetic field and alternating (AC) or direct (DC) current.DC motors feed on a direct... Read More


56C Frame Washdown DC Motors

Dayton 56C frame washdown DC motors feature totally enclosed housing capable of withstanding wet / high-humidity environments or frequent washing for sanitation & cleanliness. They are ideal for the chemical, food & beverage and pharmaceutical industries. These motors are equipped with ball bearings for less rotational friction while running at a maximum speed of 1750 rpm. They have a totally enclosed fan-cooled enclosure to prevent motor heating and can be operated at a maximum ambient temperature of 40 degrees C. Choose from a wide range of these washdown DC motors, available in 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 3/4 & 1 hp variants.

StyleModelFull Load AmpsHPLength Less ShaftOverall LengthVoltagePrice (inc. GST)
A1F6542.51/48.875"10.75"90 VDC SGD 1920.84
A1F6483.51/29.875"13"180 VDC-
A1F65051/29.875"13"90 VDC SGD 1473.09
A1F6405.0112.875"17"180 VDC SGD 2260.54
A1F6467.63/411.875"15"90 VDC SGD 1958.05
A1F64210.0112.875"17"90 VDC SGD 2177.79

SCR Drive Motors, Integral DC, Tach Permanent Magnet

StyleModelArmature CurrentArmature VoltageBrushesEnclosureFrameHPOutputRevisionPrice (inc. GST)
ACDPT3575-----1-1/2 HP-- SGD 7309.11
BCDPT33161.61802/BP5011CV01TENV56C.33.33P SGD 4198.83
BCDPT33061.251802/BP5011CV01TENV56C.25.25P SGD 4116.88
BCDPT33102.5902/BP5011T01TENV56C.25.25K SGD 4116.88
BCDPT33262.51802/BP5011CV01TENV56C.5.5P SGD 4481.43
BCDPT33203.2902/BP5011T01TENV56C.33.33K SGD 4198.83
BCDPT34363.71802/BP5000AW14TEFC56C.75.75J SGD 4721.08
BCDPT33304.8902/BP5011T01TENV56C.5.5M SGD 4198.83
BCDPT345551802/BP5000AW14TEFC56C11L SGD 5266.57
BCDPT34407.6902/BP5000BK08TEFC56C.75.75K SGD 4740.58
ACDPT35859.61802/BP5000T15TEFC145TC22U SGD 8234.63
BCDPT344510902/BP5000BK08TEFC56C11M SGD 5266.57
CCDPT3603141802/BP5031A01TEFC184ATC33AD SGD 9578.18

Permanent Magnet DC Motors

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AWPMDC1.5-18-180V-145TCB SGD 1763.51
BWPMDC12-18-12V-56CB SGD 953.16
CWPMDC1-18-90V-56CB SGD 1100.04
DWPMDC1-18-24V-56CB SGD 1195.97
EWPMDC1-18-12V-56CB SGD 1201.88
FWPMDC2-18-180V-56CB SGD 1885.70
GWPMDC1-18-180V-56CB SGD 1091.40
HWPMDC1.5-18-90V-56CB SGD 1188.68
IWPMDC1.5-18-24V-56CB SGD 1327.03
JWPMDC12-18-90V-56CB SGD 865.75
KWPMDC12-18-24V-56CB SGD 947.25
LWPMDC2-18-180V-145TCB SGD 2470.71
MWPMDC13-18-180V-56CB SGD 669.33
NWPMDC1.5-18-180V-56CB SGD 1178.52
OWPMDC34-18-90V-56CB SGD 983.70
PWPMDC34-18-24V-56CB SGD 1073.75
QWPMDC34-18-12V-56CB SGD 1079.66
RWPMDC12-18-180V-56CB SGD 858.58
SWPMDC13-18-90V-56CB SGD 676.61
TWPMDC13-18-24V-56CB SGD 800.38
UWPMDC13-18-12V-56CB SGD 807.61
VWPMDC14-18-90V-56CB SGD 632.94
WWPMDC34-18-180V-56CB SGD 974.92
XWPMDC1-36-12V-56CB SGD 1191.69

DC Power Motors

StyleModelArmature CurrentArmature VoltageBrushesFrameHPOutputRevisionTypePrice (inc. GST)
AD23011.72302/BP5000T1556.33.33P3513D SGD 3454.73
AD23022.12302/BP5000H0356.5.5L3420D SGD 3549.30
AD11513.21152/BP5000H0356.33.33S3413D SGD 3454.73
AD23033.32302/BP5000H0356.75.75V3428D SGD 4178.11
AD230442302/BP5000T155611M3535D SGD 4803.24
AD11524.81152/BP5000H0356.5.5S3420D SGD 3549.30
BD23055.82302/BP5125A011841.51.5Z3636D SGD 8168.32
AD11536.61152/BP5000H0356.75.75R3428D SGD 4178.11
AD115481152/BP5000T075611N3535D SGD 4803.24
StyleModelArmature CurrentArmature VoltageBrushesFrameHPOutputRevisionTypePrice (inc. GST)
ACDPX34363.51802/BP5011CV0156C.75.75V3435P SGD 6967.20
ACDPX34407902/BP5011CV0156C3/4 W3/4 WY3435P SGD 6967.20
ACDPX35757.11802/BP5035AB01145TC1.51.5R3548P SGD 9917.17
ACDPX35459.6902/BP5035C0156C11V3536P SGD 9278.53
StyleModelArmature CurrentArmature VoltageBrushesEnclosureFrameHPOutputRevisionPrice (inc. GST)
ACDPWD33161.61802/BP5011CV01TENV56C.33.33- SGD 1971.61
ACDPWD33061.251802/BP5011CV01TENV56C.25.25Y SGD 1866.43
ACDPWD33102.5902/BP5011T01TENV56C.25.25AA SGD 1866.43
ACDPWD34363.71802/BP5000AW14TEFC56C.75.75Z SGD 2674.86
ACDPWD34407.6902/BP5000BK08TEFC56C.75.75AB SGD 2674.86
ACDPWD344510902/BP5000BK08TEFC56C11AB SGD 3263.18
ACDPWD3603141802/BP5031A01TEFC184TC33AP SGD 9572.06
StyleModelArmature CurrentArmature VoltageBrushesEnclosureHPInsulationMountingOutputPrice (inc. GST)
ACDP3410-V2410.6242/BP5104BV01TENV.25FF1.25 SGD 1476.20
ACDP3420-V2413.6242/BP5104BV01TENV.333FF1.333 SGD 1629.72
ACDP3430-V2419.6242/BP5104BV01TENV.5FF1.5 SGD 1688.67
ACDP3410-V1222.5122/BP5104BV01TENV.25FF1.25 SGD 1557.29
ACDP3420-V1228.6122/BP5104BV01TENV.33FF1.33 SGD 1708.35
ACDP3440-V2429.4242/BP5104BV01TEFC.75HF1.75 SGD 2527.49
ACDP3430-V1240122/BP5104BV01TENV.5FF3.5 SGD 1770.97
ACDP3445-V2440.9242/BP5112AU01TEFC1FF31 SGD 3659.84
ACDP3440-V1266122/BP5112AU01TEFC.75FF3.75 SGD 2542.24
ACDP3445-V1285.6122/BP5112AU01TEFC1HF31 SGD 3677.02

Non-Standard Frame DC Permanent Magnet Motors

StyleModelBearingsFull Load AmpsHPInsulation ClassLength Less ShaftMotor ApplicationNameplate RPMOverall LengthPrice (inc. GST)
A1Z851Ball0.91/6--Variable Speed18009.375" SGD 524.02
B3XE19Ball2.41/18, 1/44B-Variable Speed1800/43005 15/16" SGD 527.54
B3XE20Ball5.11/9, 1/20B-Variable Speed1725/40006 27/64" SGD 539.98
B3XE21Ball0.31/53B3.75"Variable Speed25005 15/16" SGD 499.23
C3XE22Ball0.51/27B4 15/16"Variable Speed18006.437" SGD 517.14
D4Z140Ball1.51/8B6.875"Variable Speed18008.375" SGD 481.42
A4Z141Ball0.81/18B4 15/16"Variable Speed18006.375" SGD 429.65
A4Z143Ball14.01/4, 1/7B6.875"Variable Speed1750/39008.375" SGD 480.28
A4Z144Ball6.91/6, 1/14B4.875"Variable Speed1750/42006.375" SGD 447.97
E4Z528Ball1.81/6B7.875"Variable Speed18009.375" SGD 530.53
A4Z529Ball16.21/3, 1/6B7.875"Variable Speed1800/42009.375" SGD 553.61
F3LCH7Sleeve3.81/35A3.875"H VAC/R23504.875" SGD 126.92
StyleModelArmature CurrentArmature VoltageBrushesEnclosureFrameHPInsulationOutputPrice (inc. GST)
ACDP3580-----1-1/2 HP-- SGD 4027.60
ACDP33161.61802/BP5011CV01TENV56C.33F.33 SGD 1520.29
ACDP33061.251802/BP5011CV01TENV56C.25F.25 SGD 1442.02
ACDP33262.51802/BP5011CV01TENV56C.5F.5 SGD 1701.30
ACDP33102.5902/BP5011T01TENV56C.25F.25 SGD 1442.02
ACDP33203.2902/BP5011T01TENV56C.33F.33 SGD 1701.30
ACDP34363.71802/BP5000AW14TEFC56C.75H.75 SGD 2065.78
ACDP33304.8902/BP5011T01TENV56C.5F.5 SGD 1701.30
ACDP34604.851802/BP5000AW14TEFC56C1F1 SGD 2065.78
ACDP33355902/BP5011CV01TENV56C.5F.5 SGD 1520.29
ACDP345551802/BP5000AW14TEFC56C1F1 SGD 2513.43
ACDP34407.3902/BP5000BK08TEFC56C.75H.75 SGD 2065.78
ACDP34437.5902/BP5000BK08TEFC56C.75F.75 SGD 1828.50
ACDP35757.71802/BP5000T15TEFC145TC1.5F1.5 SGD 4628.12
ACDP35859.61802/BP5000T15TEFC145TC2F2 SGD 5522.20
ACDP34509.7902/BP5000BK08TEFC56C1F1 SGD 2065.78
ACDP3590101802/BP5000T15TEFC145TC2F2 SGD 4628.12
ACDP344510902/BP5000BK08TEFC56C1F1 SGD 2513.43
ACDP3603141802/BP5031A01TEFC184TC3F3 SGD 6801.54
ACDP360521.61802/BP5027A01TEFC1810ATC5H5 SGD 11589.88

SCR Drive Motors, Shunt Wound

StyleModelArmature CurrentArmature VoltageBrushesFrameHPInsulationNEMA/IEC FrameOutputPrice (inc. GST)
ACD3434----1/3 hp-56C- SGD 1585.10
ACD5350----1/2 hp-56C- SGD 2523.20
BCDX7150----1-1/2 HP-182C- SGD 10441.57
ACD34512.61802/BP5000H0356C.5F-.5 SGD 1802.81
ACD53333.7902/BP5000T0756C.33F-.33 SGD 2285.92
ACD34763.91802/BP5000H0356C.75F-.75 SGD 2241.90
ACD531851802/BP5000T0756C1F-1 SGD 3164.10
CCD621851802/BP5125A01184C1F-1 SGD 4226.95
ACD34505.2902/BP5000H0356C.5F-.5 SGD 1802.81
ACD34757.8902/BP5000H0356C.75F-.75 SGD 2241.90
ACD53758902/BP5000T0756C.75F-.75 SGD 2970.85
CCD62029.51802/BP5125A01184C2F-2 SGD 4706.15
CCD75029.51802/BP5125A01213C2F-2 SGD 9822.54
CCD62199.6902/BP5125A01184C1F-1 SGD 4226.95
ACD531910902/BP5000T0756C1F-1 SGD 3164.10
CCD620314.71802/BP5125A01184TC3H-3 SGD 6356.33
CCD750314.71802/BP5125A01215C3F-3 SGD 10446.30

SCR Drive Motors

StyleModelArmature CurrentHPOutputRevisionRPMPrice (inc. GST)
ACD2005P-2-5 hp--1750 RPM SGD 21664.60
BCD34253.25.25V1750 SGD 1450.58
BCD34333.4.33.33Z1750 SGD 1585.10

Premium Duck Washguard PMDC Motors, TEFC 180V, C Face Less Base

StyleModelAmpskWTorqueTypePrice (inc. GST)
A1090843.80.5518 LB-INU80-14 SGD 946.17
B1090874.60.7527 LB-INX80-14 SGD 901.59
C1090907.51.136 LB-INZ80-14 SGD 1079.21

143/5TC Frame DC Permanent Magnet Motors

Dayton permanent magnet DC motors produce a constant torque and are ideal for conveyor belts, hoists, mixers and positive displacement pumps. They are made from NEMA rated 143/5TC frame with Class H insulation which permits the temperature to rise up to 180 degrees C. These continuous duty motors can run at a maximum speed of 1750 RPM in both clockwise and counterclockwise directions. They are face / base mounted for easy installation and have ball bearings to handle heavy radial and axial loads. Choose between 7.5 and 15 ampere current variants of these motors, available on Raptor Supplies.

StyleModelFull Load AmpsHPOverall LengthPrice (inc. GST)
A4Z3797.51.518 5/16" SGD 3306.19
A6Z79115.0322 5/16" SGD 4594.56

DC Permanent Magnet Motors

Dayton DC permanent magnet motors are used to generate a constant torque all over their speed range, making them suitable for use in mixers, conveyor belts, hoists and positive displacement pumps. These UL recognized motors are provided with ball bearings that can manage heavy-duty radial and axial loads due to the greater torque that DC motors can produce. They are engineered for tough-to-start applications like belt-driven equipment, machine tools, conveyors and reciprocating pumps. Choose from a range of these permanent magnet motors, available in F and H insulation class options.

StyleModelFull Load AmpsHPInsulation ClassMotor Enclosure DesignNameplate RPMOverall LengthVoltagePrice (inc. GST)
A2M1672.51/4FTotally Enclosed Fan-Cooled175010 13/16"90 VDC SGD 1173.30
A4Z5242.51/2FTotally Enclosed Fan-Cooled175011 13/16"180 VDC SGD 1109.93
A2M5093.51/3FTotally Enclosed Fan-Cooled175011 5/16"90 VDC SGD 1194.70
B4Z5253.83/4FTotally Enclosed Fan-Cooled175013 13/16"180 VDC SGD 1262.85
C2M1685.01/2FTotally Enclosed Fan-Cooled175011 13/16"90 VDC SGD 1305.53
A4Z3785.01FTotally Enclosed Fan-Cooled175014 13/16"180 VDC SGD 1581.47
D2M1697.63/4FTotally Enclosed Fan-Cooled175013 13/16"90 VDC SGD 1473.95
B2M17010.01FTotally Enclosed Fan-Cooled175014 13/16"90 VDC SGD 1677.08
E6ML0113.51/3FTotally Enclosed Nonventilated180010.75"24 VDC SGD 1200.30
E6ML0239.01/2HTotally Enclosed Nonventilated180011.75"12 VDC SGD 1411.59
F6ML0680.01HTotally Enclosed Fan-Cooled180013 13/16"12 VDC SGD 2050.10

Dc Motor Pm Tenv 1/6 Hp 700 Rpm 12vdc

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
MZD-4001AE4CTQ SGD 508.26

DC Motor PM TEFC 2 HP 1750 rpm 180VDC

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
4Z380AE2QVP SGD 3161.97

Paint Free Washdown Motor, 1750 RPM, 90V DC, 0.25 hp, TEFC, 56C Frame

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
CDPSWD3410AJ6PCK SGD 2235.80

DC Permanent Magnet Motors

Permanent magnet DC (PMDC) motors are ideal for producing high torque at low speeds using a permanent magnet and DC current supply. Raptor Supplies offers a wide range of permanent magnet DC motors from brands, like Baldor, Marathon Motors, Dayton and Prestoline Motors.
Permanent magnet DC motorsmanufactured by Baldor Motors are suitable for operating washers & windshield wipers in vehicles and powering blowers in air conditioners & heaters. They have a heavy duty steel frame (56C, 145TC, 184TC, 184ATC or 1810ATC) with TEFC, a TENV or XPFC motor enclosure and a dynamically balanced armature for heat & moisture resistance. The commutators of these permanent DC motors are fused with the armature connections for generating a continuous duty magnetic field while providing low current flow resistance to reduce hysteresis loss. Baldor Motors PMDC motors are fitted with fine ceramic ferrite magnets to eliminate demagnetisation and double seal ball bearings to hold both axial & radial loads in clockwise (CW) & counterclockwise (CCW) directions. The endplates of these motors have die cast alloy construction with steel bearing inserts for easy re-greasing and increased thermal conductivity. They are also available in fractional power outputs and servomotor variants for precise control of speed & linear movement.
Dayton permanent magnet DC motorsare used to produce constant / variable torque for use in conveyor belts, hoists, mixers & positive displacement pumps. They have 143/5TC, 56C or non standard frame with different types of insulations that allow high operating temperature. These motors can run at a maximum speed of 1800 rpm in both CW & CCW directions. They are face / base mounted for quick & easy installation at any location. These motors are also used for powering tough-to-start applications like belt driven equipment, machine tools and reciprocating pumps.
Dayton 56C frame washdown DCmotors feature a totally enclosed housing for operating in wet or humid environments and withstanding frequent washing for sanitation. They are ideal for the chemical, food & beverage and pharmaceutical industries. This housing keeps out dirt & moisture and drains out any condensated particles through drain holes. These motors are further equipped with a totally enclosed fan-cooled enclosure & ball bearings for less motor heating & rotational friction.
Marathon Motors and Prestoline DC motors are used in air moving, hydraulic tail gate and snow plow lift applications as direct OEM replacements for other PMDC motors with similar specifications.


DC permanent magnet motors can handle heavy radial & axial loads by producing a constant torque throughout their speed range; best suited for application in conveyor belts, hoists, mixers, and positive displacement pumps. These motors are also suitable for driving HVAC equipment such as heat pumps, condenser fans and air conditioning & refrigeration condensing units. Raptor Supplies also offers washdown DC motors that can operate in wet / humid environments and withstand frequent washing.


  • DC permanent magnet motors are used for powering HVAC equipment, automobile, conveyor belts, hoists & pumps by converting electrical energy to mechanical power.
  • They use permanent magnets that do not require any field excitation arrangement & coil windings.
  • These permanent magnets are attached with the armature connections for generating a continuous duty magnetic field and moving the motor shafts.
  • The ball bearings on these devices further reduce frictional losses & eliminate heat generation inside the units.
  • Selected motors can be used in outdoor applications or in wet operating conditions due to their totally enclosed motor enclosures & insulation.

Working Mechanism

After the DC permanent magnet motors are mounted at the desired location, they are fitted to the equipment that needs to be powered. The motors are further attached to controlling accessories like DC speed controls for monitoring motor outputs. Then the units are connected to a DC power source for supplying power to equipment.

Standards and Approvals

A DC permanent magnet motor should meet or be certified to standards like ASME, ANSI, API or NACE before use in automobile, HVAC devices, boilers, pressure vessels or other mission critical applications.

Frequently Asked Questions

What accessories are compatible with these DC permanent magnet motors?

DC permanent magnet motors can be fitted with various accessories for replacing its faulty or worn out parts. The accessories compatible with this type of motors are:

What is the difference between a permanent magnet DC motor and a general purpose DC motor?

The main difference between a general-purpose DC motor and a permanent magnet DC (PMDC) motor is the stator construction. A PMDC stator is made of permanent magnets, whereas a DC motor features electromagnet. The former does not need separate field excitation whereas an ordinary DC motor stator comes with field windings to provide excitation to the electromagnet. A PMDC motor is also more efficient when compared to a DC motor due to the absence of field windings and the resulting copper loss.

How can users select the right DC permanent magnet motors for their needs?

First thing to note while selecting a permanent magnet DC motor is the voltage rating & power output of the unit. The voltage rating measures the input DC voltage that a motor can operate on, whereas the power output of a motor indicates the power generated (in horsepower) by the unit. Then, users should take a note of the frame, enclosure, insulation and mounting requirements. The frame data of the motor indicates the shape & size of the selected motor. Enclosure & insulation refers to the outside covering and suggesting if the motor can be used outdoors or not. Mounting data of the motor can tell the users of the mounting pattern & accessories required to install the motor at the desired place.

Does Raptor Supplies offer other variants of DC permanent magnet motors?

Yes, Raptor Supplies offers various types of motors, namely general purpose DC motors, stepper motors and DC wound field motors.

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