Digital Calipers


Digital calipers measure the dimensions of objects with exceptional precision. They consist of two jaws, one fixed and one movable, that can be used to grasp an object. They have a digital display... Read More


Digital Caliper

Starrett digital calipers are designed for measuring the internal and external distances of objects in manufacturing, research & development and scientific facilities. These measuring calipers have high contrast, easy to read LCD readout for displaying the measured values to decimal point accuracy. Starrett calipers have inch / millimeter metric conversion and induction type linear encoder system for high accuracy. They provide IP67 level of protection against dust, dirt, coolants and water usually found in machining shops and automotive facilities. These measurement calipers feature wireless data transmission for transferring the data saved to electronic devices and computers. They can transfer the data to devices in a range of 30 feet without any data loss. Starrett calipers have hardened stainless steel measuring surfaces for preventing damage or wear against abrasive substances and laboratory conditions. They feature heavy-duty slide and bar arrangement for durability and slide lock for locking the caliper in position for transferring measurements. These digital calipers have a rechargeable battery port for easily charging the battery on spot.

StyleModelAccuracyCaseItemJaw DepthMaterialRangeResolutionSpc OutputPrice (inc. GST)
A798B-6/150 W/SLC-PlasticElectronic Digital Caliper1.5"Stainless Steel0 to 6"/0 to 150 mm0.0005"/0.01 mmYes SGD 960.15
B798B-12/300 W/SLC-PlasticElectronic Digital Caliper2.5"Stainless Steel0 to 12"/0 to 300 mm0.0005"/0.01 mmYes SGD 1430.79
C798B-8/200 W/SLC-PlasticElectronic Digital Caliper1.88"Stainless Steel0 to 8"/0 to 200 mm0.0005"/0.01 mmYes SGD 1008.05
DEC799A-6/150+/-0.001"/0.02 mmPlasticElectronic Digital Caliper1.5"Stainless Steel0 to 6"/0 to 150 mm0.0005"/0.01 mmNo SGD 397.96
E798A-12/300+/-0.001"/0.03 mmPlasticElectronic Digital Caliper2.5"Stainless Steel0 to 12"/0 to 300 mm0.0005"/0.01 mmNo SGD 1093.59
F798A-6/150+/-0.001"/0.03 mmPlasticElectronic Digital Caliper1.5"Stainless Steel0 to 6"/0 to 150 mm0.0005"/0.01 mmNo SGD 576.14
G798B-12/300+/-0.001"/0.03 mmPlasticElectronic Digital Caliper2.5"Stainless Steel0 to 12"/0 to 300 mm0.0005"/0.01 mmYes SGD 1347.12
H798B-8/200+/-0.001"/0.03 mmPlasticElectronic Digital Caliper1.88"Stainless Steel0 to 8"/0 to 200 mm0.0005"/0.01 mmYes SGD 850.10
I798A-8/200+/-0.001"/0.03 mmPlasticElectronic Digital Caliper1.875"Stainless Steel0 to 8"/0 to 200 mm0.0005"/0.01 mmNo SGD 763.36
J798B-6/150+/-0.001"/0.03 mmPlasticElectronic Digital Caliper1.5"Stainless Steel0 to 6"/0 to 150 mm0.0005"/0.01 mmYes SGD 715.38
KEC799A-12/300+/-0.0015"/0.04 mmPlasticElectronic Digital Caliper2.5"Stainless Steel0 to 12"/0 to 300 mm0.0005"/0.01 mmNo SGD 943.14
L799AZ-24/600+/-0.002"/0.05 mmPlasticElectronic Caliper4"-0 to 600mm0.0005"/0.01 mmNo SGD 2115.45
MB5000BZ-24/600+/-0.002"/0.05 mmWoodenElectronic Digital Caliper4.92"Carbon Fiber0 to 24"/0 to 600 mm0.0005"/0.01 mmYes SGD 3649.71
N5006BZ-14/350+/-0.002"/0.05 mmWoodenElectronic Digital Caliper3.94"Stainless Steel0 to 14"/0 to 350 mm0.0005"/0.01 mmYes SGD 3510.17
O5002BZ-24/600+/-0.002"/0.05 mmWoodenElectronic Digital Caliper4.92"Carbon Fiber0 to 24"/0 to 600 mm0.0005"/0.01 mmYes SGD 3296.75
P5002BZ-16/400+/-0.002"/0.05 mmWoodenElectronic Digital Caliper4.92"Carbon Fiber0 to 16"/0 to 400 mm0.0005"/0.01 mmYes SGD 4843.67
QB5000BZ-40/1000+/-0.003"/0.07 mmWoodenElectronic Digital Caliper4.92"Carbon Fiber0 to 40"/0 to 1000 mm0.0005"/0.01 mmYes SGD 4588.93
R799AZ-40/1000+/-0.003"/0.07 mmPlasticElectronic Caliper4"-0 to 1000mm0.0005"/0.0100 mmNo SGD 3891.62

500 Series Absolute Digimatic Calipers

StyleModelAccuracyCalibration CertificateCaseItemJaw DepthMaterialRangeResolutionPrice (inc. GST)
A500-501-10---Caliper---- SGD 1949.30
B500-502-10---Caliper---- SGD 3748.00
C500-163-30---Caliper---- SGD 692.43
D500-168---Digimatic Caliper 12In. W/Od And Id Car---- SGD 1719.76
E500-160-30+/-0.001"-Molded PlasticAbsolute Electronic Digital Caliper1.57"Stainless Steel0 to 6"/0 to 150 mm0.0005"/0.01 mm SGD 666.28
F500-175-30+/-0.001"-Molded PlasticAbsolute Electronic Digital Caliper1.57"Stainless Steel0 to 6"/0 to 150 mm0.0005"/0.01 mm SGD 822.19
G500-171-30CERT+/-0.001"YesMolded PlasticAbsolute Electronic Digital Caliper1.57"Stainless Steel0 to 6"/0 to 150 mm0.0005"/0.01 mm SGD 462.17
H500-196-30+/-0.001"NoMolded PlasticAbsolute Electronic Digital Caliper1.57"Stainless Steel0 to 6"/0 to 150 mm0.0005"/0.01 mm SGD 238.78
G500-172-30+/-0.001"NoMolded PlasticAbsolute Electronic Digital Caliper1.97"Stainless Steel0 to 8"/0 to 200 mm0.0005"/0.01 mm SGD 543.69
G500-171-30+/-0.001"NoMolded PlasticAbsolute Electronic Digital Caliper1.57"Stainless Steel0 to 6"/0 to 150 mm0.0005"/0.01 mm SGD 381.62
I500-195-30+/-0.001"NoMolded PlasticAbsolute Electronic Digital Caliper1.57"Stainless Steel0 to 4"/0 to 100 mm0.0005"/0.01 mm SGD 302.47
J500-172-30CERT+/-0.001"YesMolded PlasticAbsolute Electronic Digital Caliper1.97"Stainless Steel0 to 8"/0 to 200 mm0.0005"/0.01 mm SGD 620.81
I500-170-30+/-0.001"NoFitted PlasticAbsolute Electronic Digital Caliper1.57"Stainless Steel0 to 4"/0 to 100 mm0.0005"/0.01 mm SGD 380.88
I500-195-30CERT+/-0.001"YesMolded PlasticAbsolute Electronic Digital Caliper1.57"Stainless Steel0 to 4"/0 to 100 mm0.0005"/0.01 mm SGD 382.55
K500-197-30+/-0.001"NoMolded PlasticAbsolute Electronic Digital Caliper1.97"Stainless Steel0 to 8"/0 to 200 mm0.0005"/0.01 mm SGD 328.13
K500-197-30CERT+/-0.001"YesMolded PlasticAbsolute Electronic Digital Caliper1.97"Stainless Steel0 to 8"/0 to 200 mm0.0005"/0.01 mm SGD 502.64
I500-170-30CERT+/-0.001"YesFitted PlasticAbsolute Electronic Digital Caliper1.57"Stainless Steel0 to 4"/0 to 100 mm0.0005"/0.01 mm SGD 434.76
L500-196-30CERT+/-0.001"/0.02 mmYesMolded PlasticAbsolute Electronic Digital Caliper1.57"Stainless Steel0 to 6"/0 to 150 mm0.0005"/0.01 mm SGD 413.49
H500-193+/-0.0015"NoMolded PlasticAbsolute Electronic Digital Caliper2.52"Stainless Steel0 to 12"/0 to 300 mm0.0005"/0.01 mm SGD 817.88
M500-166 w/cert+/-0.0015"YesFitted PlasticAbsolute Electronic Digital Caliper64mmStainless Steel0 to 12"/0 to 300 mm0.0005"/0.01 mm SGD 1587.60
M500-166+/-0.0015"NoFitted PlasticAbsolute Electronic Digital Caliper64mmStainless Steel0 to 12"/0 to 300 mm0.0005"/0.01 mm SGD 1691.07
H500-173CERT+/-0.0015"/0.03 mmYesMolded PlasticAbsolute Electronic Digital Caliper2.52"Stainless Steel0 to 12"/0 to 300 mm0.0005"/0.01 mm SGD 1280.01
N500-506-10CERT+/-0.002"YesFitted PlasticAbsolute Electronic Digital Caliper3.54"Stainless Steel0 to 24"/0 to 600 mm0.0005"/0.01 mm SGD 2070.99
N500-506-10+/-0.002"NoMolded PlasticAbsolute Electronic Digital Caliper3.54"Stainless Steel0 to 24"/0 to 600 mm0.0005"/0.01 mm SGD 1785.21
O500-505-10CERT+/-0.002"YesFitted PlasticAbsolute Electronic Digital Caliper90mmStainless Steel0 to 18"/0 to 450 mm0.0005"/0.01 mm SGD 1996.44

550 Series Absolute Digimatic Calipers

StyleModelAccuracyCaseItemJaw DepthMaterialRangeResolutionPrice (inc. GST)
A550-223-10--Digital Caliper---- SGD 2024.83
B550-311-10+/-0.001"PlasticDigital Caliper50mmHardened Steel0 to 8"/0 to 200 mm0.01mm SGD 1165.87
C550-225-10+/-0.002"Molded PlasticAbsolute Electronic Digital Caliper3.94"Stainless Steel0 to 24"/0 to 600 mm0.0005"/0.01 mm SGD 2168.95
D550-227-10+/-0.003"WoodenAbsolute Electronic Digital Caliper5.51"Stainless Steel0 to 40"/0 to 1000 mm0.0005"/0.01 mm SGD 3921.08

551 Series Absolute Digimatic Calipers

StyleModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
A551-226-10Caliper SGD 4232.97
B551-301-10Digital Caliper SGD 1292.96

552 Series Digimatic Carbon-Fiber Calipers

StyleModelAccuracyCalibration CertificateCaseItemJaw DepthMaterialRangePrice (inc. GST)
A552-161-10---Caliper--- SGD 3301.13
A552-160-10---Caliper--- SGD 3119.54
B552-314-10CERT+/-0.002"YesFitted PlasticDigital Caliper150mmStainless Steel0 to 40"/0 to 1000 mm SGD 4245.12
C552-312-10+/-0.002"-Fitted WoodenDigital Caliper3.94"Carbon Fiber0 to 18"/0 to 450 mm SGD 1889.14
D552-313-10+/-0.002"-Fitted WoodenDigital Caliper3.94"Carbon Fiber0 to 24"/0 to 600 mm SGD 2154.69
B552-314-10+/-0.002"NoFitted PlasticDigital Caliper150mmStainless Steel0 to 40"/0 to 1000 mm SGD 3865.18
E552-315-10CERT+/-0.004"YesFitted PlasticDigital Caliper150mmStainless Steel0 to 60"/0 to 1500 mm SGD 5530.15
E552-315-10+/-0.004"NoFitted PlasticDigital Caliper150mmStainless Steel0 to 60"/0 to 1500 mm SGD 4970.57
F552-316-10CERT+/-0.005"YesFitted PlasticDigital Caliper150mmStainless Steel0 to 80"/0 to 1500 mm SGD 8034.06
G552-316-10+/-0.005"NoFitted PlasticDigital Caliper150mmStainless Steel0 to 80"/0 to 1500 mm SGD 7201.26

Specialty Digital Calipers

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A573-746-20 SGD 1928.54
B573-752-20 SGD 1756.08
C573-734-20 SGD 1208.51
D573-701-20 SGD 1016.18

500 Series Absolute Coolant Proof Calipers

StyleModelAccuracyCalibration CertificateCaseItemJaw DepthRangeSpc OutputPrice (inc. GST)
A500-768-20---Caliper--- SGD 435.64
B500-732-20---Digital Caliper--- SGD 745.82
C500-763-10+/-0.001"NoFitted PlasticAbsolute Digital Caliper50mm0 to 8"/0 to 200 mmYes SGD 670.23
D500-762-10+/-0.001"NoFitted PlasticAbsolute Digital Caliper40mm0 to 6"/0 to 150 mmYes SGD 531.88
E500-737-10 w/cert+/-0.001"YesFitted PlasticAbsolute Digital Caliper40mm0 to 6"/0 to 150 mmNo SGD 985.60
E500-734-10 w/cert+/-0.001"YesFitted PlasticAbsolute Digital Caliper40mm0 to 8"/0 to 200 mmNo SGD 985.16
E500-733-10 w/cert+/-0.001"YesFitted PlasticAbsolute Digital Caliper40mm0 to 6"/0 to 150 mmNo SGD 821.21
E500-734-10+/-0.001"NoFitted PlasticAbsolute Digital Caliper40mm0 to 8"/0 to 200 mmYes SGD 917.83
E500-733-10+/-0.001"NoFitted PlasticAbsolute Digital Caliper40mm0 to 6"/0 to 150 mmNo SGD 834.11
C500-763-10CERT+/-0.001"YesFitted PlasticAbsolute Digital Caliper50mm0 to 8"/0 to 200 mmYes SGD 891.89
D500-762-10CERT+/-0.001"YesFitted PlasticAbsolute Digital Caliper40mm0 to 6"/0 to 150 mmYes SGD 648.98
F500-752-10CERT+/-0.001"YesFitted PlasticAbsolute Digital Caliper40mm0 to 6"/0 to 150 mmNo SGD 512.73
E500-737-10+/-0.001"NoFitted PlasticAbsolute Digital Caliper40mm0 to 6"/0 to 150 mmYes SGD 864.15
G500-753-10CERT+/-0.001"YesFitted PlasticAbsolute Digital Caliper1.97"0 to 8"/0 to 200 mmNo SGD 656.20
H500-753-10+/-0.001"/0.02 mmNoMolded PlasticAbsolute Digital Caliper1.97"0 to 8"/0 to 200 mmNo SGD 547.32
I500-754-10CERT+/-0.0015"YesFitted PlasticAbsolute Digital Caliper64mm0 to 12"/0 to 300 mmNo SGD 1042.92
J500-764-10 w/cert+/-0.0015"YesFitted PlasticAbsolute Digital Caliper64mm0 to 12"/0 to 300 mmYes SGD 1295.92
J500-764-10+/-0.0015"NoFitted PlasticAbsolute Digital Caliper64mm0 to 12"/0 to 300 mmYes SGD 1200.58

Long Jaws

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A1133-24 SGD 1645.60
A1133-40 SGD 3485.32

Digital Calipers

StyleModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
A00530142Digital Caliper SGD 400.00
B00530140Digital Caliper SGD 265.26
C00530143Digital Caliper SGD 544.07
D00590305Electronic Digital Caliper SGD 796.00


StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A5002BZ-40/1000 SGD 6373.24
B776A SGD 8929.89
C776D SGD 9677.72
D776B SGD 11082.18
E167-100 SGD 35.51
F167-500 SGD 42.05
G167-015 SGD 40.93
H167-400 SGD 41.19
I167-060 SGD 36.87
J167-080 SGD 34.98
K167-090 SGD 34.98
L167-220 SGD 34.98
M167-025 SGD 34.76
N167-040 SGD 33.83

Fractional Electronic Digital Caliper

StyleModelAccuracyCaseMaterialRangeResolutionPrice (inc. GST)
A147+/-0.001"Molded PlasticStainless Steel0 to 6"/0 to 150 mm0.0005"/0.01mm/1/64ths SGD 103.32
B1433+/-0.005"/0.1 mmNoCarbon Fiber0 to 3"/0 to 76 mm0.0005"/0.01 mm SGD 37.03

Digital Caliper

StyleModelAccuracyCaseIp RatingJaw DepthMaterialRangeResolutionSpc OutputPrice (inc. GST)
A2YNJ9+/-0.001"/0.02 mmMolded541.6"Stainless Steel0 to 6"/0 to 150 mm0.0005"/0.01mm/1/64thsYes SGD 139.22
B2YNC7+/-0.0015"/0.02 mmMolded542"Stainless Steel0 to 8"/0 to 200 mm0.0005"/0.01 mmNo SGD 389.20
C2YNC6+/-0.008"Vinyl Pouch541.19"Polycarbonate0 to 6"/0 to 150 mm0.0005"/0.01 mmNo SGD 39.78
D4KY190.0005"/0.01 mmWooden-4"Stainless Steel0 to 24"/0 to 600 mm0.0005"/0.01 mmYes SGD 1855.19
E1AAU40.001"/0.02 mmMolded Plastic-1.5"Stainless Steel0 to 6"/0 to 150 mm0.0005/0.01mm"No SGD 243.09
F2ZA590.001"/0.02 mmMolded Plastic401.56"Stainless Steel0 to 6"/0 to 150 mm0.0005"/0.01 mmNo SGD 246.93
G2ZA600.001"/0.02 mmMolded Plastic541.56"Stainless Steel0 to 6"/0 to 150 mm0.0005"/0.01 mmNo SGD 240.63
H2ZA610.001"/0.02 mmMolded Plastic402.4"Stainless Steel0 to 12"/0 to 300 mm0.0005"/0.01 mmNo SGD 711.54
I29AD360.0015"/0.03 mmPlastic-1.57"Stainless Steel0 to 6"/0 to 150 mm0.0005"/0.01mm/1/64thsNo SGD 187.39
J29AD370.0015"/0.03 mmPlastic-1.97"Stainless Steel0 to 8"/0 to 200 mm0.0005"/0.01 mmNo SGD 397.60
K29AD400.0015"/0.03 mmPlastic-2.36"Stainless Steel0 to 12"/0 to 300 mm0.0005"/0.01 mmYes SGD 715.91
L29AD410.0015"/0.03 mmPlastic-1.97"Stainless Steel0 to 8"/0 to 200 mm0.0005"/0.01 mmYes SGD 385.73
M29AD390.002"/0.04 mmPlastic-3.54"Stainless Steel0 to 18"/0 to 450 mm0.0005"/0.01 mmYes SGD 1422.86

Fractional Digital Caliper

StyleModelRangePrice (inc. GST)
A14780 to 8"/0 to 203 mm SGD 129.79
B147120 to 12"/0 to 305 mm SGD 188.81

Digital Calipers

StyleModelAccuracyBeam SizeJaw SizeRangePrice (inc. GST)
AC033/150---- SGD 71.94
AC033/200---- SGD 104.72
AC033/300---- SGD 155.66
BC041/150-16 x 3 mm-- SGD 40.33
EC047/500-24 x 5.5 mm---
FC035/1500.02 mm16 x 3 mm40 mm0 to 150mm SGD 81.61
FC035/2000.03mm16 x 3 mm50 mm0 to 200mm SGD 112.15
FC035/3000.03mm16 x 3 mm60 mm0 to 300mm SGD 195.76

Electronic Digital Calipers

StyleModelAccuracyJaw DepthRangePrice (inc. GST)
A41030650.001"/0.03 mm1.57"0 to 6"/0 to 150 mm SGD 501.73
B41030690.001"/0.03 mm1.97"0 to 8"/0 to 200 mm SGD 563.66
C41030710.0015"/0.04 mm2.5"0 to 12"/0 to 300 mm SGD 844.98

500 Series, Absolute Digimatic Caliper

StyleModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
A500-153-30Caliper SGD 1175.69
B500-167-30Digital Caliper SGD 1370.89


StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AW798B-12/300 SGD 1275.32
BW798B-6/150 SGD 1035.58
CW798B-8/200 SGD 1162.05

Digital Caliper Jaw Micrometers

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A3520-30E SGD 907.39
B3520-50E SGD 846.27

Specialty Digital Calipers

StyleModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
A00530436Caliper SGD 2548.52
B00530437Caliper SGD 3210.40
C00530434Caliper SGD 1683.23
D00530435Caliper SGD 2022.22
E00530426Digital Caliper SGD 2236.18
F00530427Digital Caliper SGD 2830.39
G00530421Digital Caliper SGD 786.94
H00530430Digital Caliper SGD 942.56
I00530432Digital Caliper SGD 847.52
J00530433Digital Caliper SGD 992.59
K00530431Digital Caliper SGD 837.43
L00530422Digital Caliper SGD 777.56
M00530425Digital Caliper SGD 1838.99

Digital Calipers

StyleModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
A7302-21Cable SGD 231.52
B1118-150BDigital Caliper SGD 428.62
C1108-200CALDigital Caliper SGD 263.01
B1118-200BDigital Caliper SGD 654.38
D1110-150ADigital Caliper SGD 463.45
D1110-200ADigital Caliper SGD 683.04
D1110-300ADigital Caliper SGD 908.23
E1193-300Digital Caliper SGD 479.54
E1193-150Digital Caliper SGD 282.68
E1193-200Digital Caliper SGD 344.64

Digital Calipers

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A4103407 SGD 824.50
B4103302 SGD 400.67
C4103021 SGD 671.95
D4103070 SGD 825.85
E4103015 SGD 346.55
F4103073 SGD 973.88
G4103068 SGD 573.67
H4103404 SGD 583.26
I4103018 SGD 494.14
J4103019 SGD 488.71
K4103400 SGD 501.45
L4103406 SGD 824.27
M4103066 SGD 497.24
N4103064 SGD 476.57
O4103067 SGD 497.24
P4103300 SGD 400.71
Q4103301 SGD 409.53
R4103014 SGD 358.52
S4103016 SGD 354.94
T4103017 SGD 358.49
U4103072 SGD 821.06

Digital Calipers

Digital calipers, also known as electronic digital calipers, are battery operated precision instruments used to measure accurate internal and external distances. These calipers feature a button to switch between imperial & metric values and are available with either a manual ON/OFF switch or an auto shut-off feature. Choose from a wide range of steel, carbon fibre, polycarbonate and plastic digital calipers by brands like Brown & Sharpe, Mitutoyo, Starrett, Westwardand General. Starrettdigital calipers measure external, internal, depth and step dimensions with an accuracy of 0.001 inch up to a 60 inch range. These calipers feature a slim & streamlined profile for enhanced comfort and an LCD digital readout for accurate measurements. They have a hardened stainless steel body ideal for harsh industrial environments and a fine adjustment thumbwheel for error correction & precise operation. Mitutoyooffers a wide range of digital calipers for metalworking, forestry, mechanical engineering and woodworking applications. These calipers come with a aposition memory which remembers the last measurement and function control buttons on the face for quick and easy operation.

Working Mechanism

  • Digital calipers have two jaws: one fixed and one movable.
  • When you close the jaws around an object, they generate an electronic signal.
  • This signal is converted into a precise measurement.
  • The measurement is displayed on a digital screen in millimetres or inches.
  • Users can easily read and record the object's dimensions, ensuring accuracy and reducing errors.


Mahr Federal Electronic Digital Calipers:

  • They are IP67-rated for protection from dust and moisture.
  • These digital calipers come with a high-contrast LCD to obtain easy measurement readings.
  • They can also take the internal measurements of an object.

Starett Digital Calipers:

  • They feature inch-to-millimetre conversion for user convenience.
  • These Starrett calipers have an integrated wireless data transmitter for sending the measured values to computers or other electronic devices for analysis.
  • They have hardened stainless steel construction for protection against highly abrasive chemicals and solutions.

Mitutoyo Absolute Digital Calipers:

  • They can measure both inside & outside dimensions with up to +/-0.0015 inch accuracy.
  • These Mitutoyo digital calipers have a special absolute linear technology that, when turned on, instantly assumes the absolute position, negating the need to set the zero for reference and over-speed errors.

Frequently Asked Questions

How are digital calipers calibrated?

These calipers are calibrated by taking measurements against a reference standard, such as a gauge block.

What is the minimum value a digital caliper can measure?

They can measure a minimum dimension of 0.01 mm (0.0005 inches).

Can I use digital calipers for measuring thickness?

Yes, digital calipers can be used to measure the thickness of materials like sheet metal or plastic sheets by sandwiching the material between the jaws and taking the reading.

Can digital calipers be used for non-metallic materials?

Yes, they can be used for measuring non-metallic materials like plastic, wood and ceramics. However, care should be taken to avoid damaging the caliper jaws, especially when working with abrasive materials.

Are digital calipers more accurate than analogue calipers?

Yes, digital calipers are generally more accurate than analogue (vernier) calipers because they provide a digital readout, reducing the risk of errors.

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