Ear Plugs | Raptor Supplies Singapore

Ear Plugs

3M -

Metal Detectable Ear Plugs

StyleModelNoise Reduction Rating NrrPackagingShapeSizePrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A700012720825 dBPillow PackPodUniversal SGD 364.68100
B701038467132 dBPolybagBulletUniversal SGD 401.59200
C311-410633 dBPoly BagTaperedRegular SGD 200.70200
3M -

Disposable Ear Plugs

StyleModelNoise Reduction Rating NrrPackagingShapeSizePrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A710000711828 dBPoly BagBellS SGD 109.79200
B710009984729 dBPlastic BagTaperedUniversal SGD 70.82200
CVP110029 dBBulk Bag, UnwrappedTaperedUniversal SGD 1.461
D310-100129 dBPillow PackCylinderRegular SGD 90.06200
E700005271930 dBPillow PackCylinderRegular SGD 131.681
F312-125233 dBPoly BagTaperedRegular SGD 102.17200
G312-125033 dBPoly BagTaperedRegular SGD 76.50200

Ear Plugs

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
AQD12 SGD 6.545
BMAX6 SGD 12.1810
CEAR913 SGD 36.375
StyleModelMetal DetectableNoise Reduction Rating NrrPackagingShapePrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A7000127183No30 dB-Tapered SGD 238.03200
A7000127186No30 dB-Tapered SGD 378.28200
A7000127185No28 dBPoly BagDome SGD 176.72200
A7000127213No28 dBPolybagPod SGD 99.73100
A7000052745No28 dBPolybagPod SGD 156.53100
A7000052723No28 dBBulk Bag, UnwrappedPod SGD 313.81200
A7000127656Yes28 dBPolybagPod SGD 420.57200
StyleModelPackagingSizePrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A7000029950Bulk BoxRegular SGD 90.67200
A7000127206Pillow PackRegular SGD 30.9230
A7000127173Poly BagS SGD 284.16200
A7000052726Poly BagRegular SGD 450.55500
A7000002300Poly BagRegular SGD 95.26200
StyleModelMetal DetectableNoise Reduction Rating NrrPackagingSizePrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A7100000262No33 dBPillow PackL SGD 112.34200
A7000127207No33 dBPoly BagL SGD 204.43200
A7000127171No29 dBPillow PackS SGD 106.56200
A7000002298No29 dBRefill Bottle For One Touch DispenserRegular SGD 257.001
A7000029955No29 dBPoly BagRegular SGD 445.251
A7000002301No29 dBPoly BagRegular SGD 171.62200
A7000127210Yes33 dBPoly BagL SGD 315.30200

Ear Plugs

StyleModelItemPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A100-19010Ear Plugs SGD 187.94100
B100-19020Ear Plugs SGD 187.94100
C100-09022Ear Plugs SGD 242.04100
D100-02300Hearing Band SGD 10.731

Ear Plugs

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A6598 SGD 2018.4950
B6615 SGD 135.52100
C6609 SGD 99.35100
D6450 SGD 135.6250
E6900 SGD 102.43100

Ear Plugs

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
AMAX-5-H5 SGD 1331.812500
BXTR-30 SGD 73.19100
CXTR-1 SGD 73.19200
DFF-30 SGD 75.70100

Ear Plugs

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A18-14001 SGD 134.5648
B18-12002 SGD 101.24100
C18-33001 SGD 232.6748
C18-34001 SGD 238.1248
D18-21001 SGD 166.4948
E18-20001 SGD 171.6348
F18-12004 SGD 36.8460
F18-12001 SGD 80.98200
G18-30001 SGD 177.64100
A18-14002 SGD 160.01250
H18-11004 SGD 38.7360
I18-11002 SGD 101.19100
J18-10004 SGD 38.7360
J18-10001 SGD 88.07200
K18-10002 SGD 92.87100
A18-14003 SGD 138.29400
H18-11001 SGD 87.30200

Laser Lite Disposable Earplugs

StyleModelPackagingSizePrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
ALL-30Poly Bag, Wrapped In PairsUniversal SGD 76.46100
BLL-1Poly Bag, Wrapped In PairsUniversal SGD 73.58200
CLL-5Zip-Lock Poly BagRegular SGD 2.495
DLL-5-30Zip-Lock Poly BagRegular SGD 5.145
StyleModelSizePrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A7000002313L SGD 234.85200
A7000002311L SGD 149.95200
A7000002312Regular SGD 212.89200
A7000002310Regular SGD 97.01200

Max Family Disposable Earplugs

StyleModelNoise Reduction Rating NrrPackagingShapeSizePrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
ALPF-5-3030 dBZip-Lock Poly BagContouredRegular SGD 5.285
BLPF-1-D30 dBBoxContouredUniversal SGD 206.391
CLPF-3030 dBPoly BagContouredUniversal SGD 70.53100
DLPF-30-P30 dBPaper BagContouredUniversal SGD 99.13100
ELPF-130 dBPoly BagContouredUniversal SGD 67.85200
FMAX-3033 dBPoly BagBellUniversal SGD 78.68100
GMAX-5-3033 dBZip-Lock Poly BagBellRegular SGD 5.435
HMAX-133 dBPoly BagBellUniversal SGD 85.86200

Ear Plugs

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A55PD66 SGD 89.0350
B55NL99 SGD 280.44100

Disposable Ear Plugs

StyleModelColorPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A13821Blue SGD 540.24100
B67212Orange SGD 325.511
3M -

Bulk Ear Plug Dispenser-Ready Refills

StyleModelSizePrice (inc. GST)
A391-1005L SGD 194.68
B7000002305Universal SGD 193.20

Metal Detectable Ear Plugs

StyleModelNoise Reduction Rating NrrPackagingShapeSizePrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
AFDT-3025 dBHearPack(R)FlangedUniversal SGD 424.36100
BSDT-3025 dBPolybagFlangedUniversal SGD 403.70100
CLT-5-3032 dBZip-Lock Poly BagContouredRegular SGD 7.655
DLT-3032 dBPoly BagContouredUniversal SGD 110.00100
3M -

Disposable Ear Plugs, Corded

StyleModelNoise Reduction Rating NrrShapeSizePrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A700012721128 dBBellS SGD 204.00200
B701067438329 dBTaperedUniversal SGD 86.99100
C700012765431 dBTaperedL SGD 269.82200
D311-125133 dBTaperedL SGD 177.00200
E311-125033 dBTaperedRegular SGD 144.99200

Bulk Ear Plug Dispenser-Ready Refills

StyleModelNoise Reduction Rating NrrShapePrice (inc. GST)
ALL-1-D32 dBContoured SGD 205.48
BMAX-1-D33 dBBell SGD 219.84
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A7000127181 SGD 252.38120
A7000127182 SGD 183.33120
StyleModelMetal DetectablePackagingPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A7000127255-- SGD 23.535
A7100239692-- SGD 356.3280
A7000002321NoPolybag SGD 292.64100
A7000002320NoPolybag SGD 3.581
A7000002322NoPolybag SGD 4.971
A7000052728NoBulk Bag, Unwrapped SGD 650.68200
A7000029960NoBulk Bag, Unwrapped SGD 567.13100
A7000052725YesPolybag SGD 787.28200
A7000002319YesPolybag SGD 5.371

Ear Plugs

Disposable ear plugs are specially designed to provide hearing protection by reducing the noise exposure level and the risk of hearing loss. Raptor Supplies offers a wide range of disposable ear plugs from brands, like 3M, Condor, Elvex, Etymotic, Howard Leight, Peltor & Tasco. These convenient-to-use ear plugs have a soft and smooth design that provides superb comfort for longer wear with a maximum noise reduction rating of 33 dB. Howard Leight offers corded and uncorded disposable ear plugs for protection from loud noises and dust while enabling amazing attenuation. To provide protection against noise levels above 85 dB, 3M single-use ear plugs have pliable construction that slowly expands to fit a wide range of ear canal sizes and are also easy to insert and remove. We also offer refill containers for One Touch dispensers designed to deliver uncorded foam earplugs on one gentle turn, so that no packaging is wasted with each pair. Choose from a wide variety of these colour-coded disposable ear plugs available in different shapes and sizes, on Raptor Supplies.

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