Evaporative Coolers | Raptor Supplies Singapore

Evaporative Coolers


Ducted Evaporative Cooler

StyleModelAir FlowAmpsBlade Dia.DepthDischargeDriveFill TypeFinishPrice (inc. GST)
A2YAF4-2HTK5-3X2744000 cfm--45"SideWith-- SGD 2467.04
B2YAE8-2HTK5-3X2744000 cfm--49"DownWith-- SGD 2820.93
C2YAF3-2HTK5-3X2744000 cfm--45"DownWith-- SGD 2514.23
C2YAF3-2HTK3-3X2744000 cfm--45"DownWith-- SGD 2335.82
D2YAE9-2HTL1-3X2754000 cfm--49"SideWith-- SGD 2764.18
D2YAE9-2HTK9-3X2754000 cfm--49"SideWith-- SGD 2743.89
B2YAE8-2HTK3-3X2744000 cfm--49"DownWith-- SGD 2642.52
D2YAE9-2HTK74000 cfm--49"SideWith-- SGD 2683.61
D2YAE9-2HTK5-3X2744000 cfm--49"SideWith-- SGD 2707.64
A2YAF4-2HTK3-3X2744000 cfm--45"SideWith-- SGD 2250.24
D2YAE9-2HTK3-3X2744000 cfm--49"SideWith-- SGD 2571.74
EASA514000 to 5000 cfm--45"SideWithoutManual Fill- SGD 1925.22
FADA514000 to 5000 cfm--45"DownWithoutManual Fill- SGD 1972.41
GASA51124000 to 5000 cfm--49"SideWithoutManual Fill- SGD 2208.33
HADA51124000 to 5000 cfm--49"DownWithoutManual Fill- SGD 2279.12
D2YAE9-2HTL2-3X2754400 cfm--49"SideWith-- SGD 2805.92
B2YAE8-2HTL1-3X2754400 cfm--49"DownWith-- SGD 2834.97
B2YAE8-2HTK9-3X2754400 cfm--49"DownWith-- SGD 2814.67
I2YAE9-2HTL4-3X2754400 cfm--49"SideWith-- SGD 2774.35
I2YAE9-2HTL5-3X2754400 cfm--49"SideWith-- SGD 2843.17
C2YAF3-2HTK9-3X2754400 cfm--45"DownWith-- SGD 2507.97
C2YAF3-2HTL1-3X2754400 cfm--45"DownWith-- SGD 2528.26
B2YAE8-2HTK74400 cfm--49"DownWith-- SGD 2754.40
C2YAF3-2HTK7-3X2754400 cfm--45"DownWith-- SGD 2447.69
A2YAF4-2HTL5-3X2754400 cfm--45"SideWith-- SGD 2560.06

Residential Ducted Evaporative Coolers

StyleModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
AAPT2Accessory SGD 149.69
ACWB1ABracket SGD 169.59
BDSW2WCooler SGD 111.27
AMMHD1502TCooler SGD 152.72
AHBBT2Double Pole Thermostat SGD 139.23
AEFFT2Double Pole Thermostat SGD 103.99
ACMB20Mounting Bracket SGD 171.79
ACMB10Mounting Bracket SGD 153.13
ACMB30Mounting Bracket-
AHTWHS1Mounting Frame SGD 164.24
AEFFT1Pole SGD 87.71
CRA1WReceptacle SGD 41.39
APR24Relay SGD 174.87
AAWHR2Relay SGD 148.00
ACDF24RRelay SGD 137.82
AHBBT1Single Pole Thermostat SGD 115.38
AAWHS1Sleeve SGD 165.18
AAWHS2Sleeve SGD 165.18
AEFFSMSleeve SGD 168.45
ALFKSMSurface Mounting Frame SGD 182.12
AHCA241520WSwitch SGD 194.21
ATA1TPAWTamper SGD 77.13
AM601TPWTamper SGD 86.44
AM602TPWTamper SGD 110.87
AM611WThermostat SGD 83.20


StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
ACVR6091 SGD 186.73
B6017051 SGD 94.98
C6018058 SGD 43.01
ACVR6061 SGD 115.07
ACVR6037 SGD 94.36
DCVR6018 SGD 73.47
ECP900 SGD 306.88
F6038069 SGD 44.61
G6017069 SGD 36.34
H6092069 SGD 70.56
I6091055 SGD 27.34
J6017050 SGD 44.37
K6060050 SGD 67.60
L6091057 SGD 71.47
MCP370 SGD 104.34
N6037057 SGD 47.78
O6375700 SGD 52.93
P6375100 SGD 157.60
QCP610 SGD 145.54
R6375500 SGD 37.53
S6091054 SGD 27.34
T6092000 SGD 443.87
U6036050 SGD 59.42
V6615100 SGD 228.80
W6375101 SGD 176.36


StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AF-EV1-1801 SGD 5088.96
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A4000RLD4 SGD 2482.72
A4000CRLD4 SGD 2949.56

Portable Evaporative Coolers

Port-A-Cool portable coolers ae integrated with Kul Comfort evaporative media for cooling air through the evaporation of water. These coolers feature a large drain for preventing overspills, a liquid level indicator for preventing dry running of the unit and an automatic pump shutoff facility for overheat protection. Choose from a broad range of these evaporative coolers available in 8.5, 9.1, 11.9 and 15.9A current ratings on Raptor Supplies.

StyleModelAir FlowAmpsBlade Dia.ColorDepthHeightMotor HpSpeedPrice (inc. GST)
APACJS2301A1-------- SGD 3091.40
BPACHZ260DAZ-------- SGD 17532.38
CPACJS2601A113,500 cfm11.936"-31"74.75"3/4Variable SGD 6450.82
DPACHZ270DAZ22,500 cfm19.848"Orange35"89.75"2-4/91 SGD 21458.84
EPACJS2701A123,500 cfm15.948"-37.125"89.75"1.125Variable SGD 8674.94
FPACJS2201A12400 cfm3.4-Black26.5"42"1/4Variable SGD 2109.57
GPACJS2401A15500 cfm8.516"-22.437"57.437"3/4Variable-

Louver Kits

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
APARLVR000300 SGD 179.96
BPARLVR000200 SGD 163.41

Power Cords

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
APARPCD00220A SGD 157.58
BPARPCD00010B SGD 195.56
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A009609 SGD 347.40

Portable Evaporative Coolers

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AMC18V SGD 379.69
BM250 SGD 1223.54
CMC92V SGD 2682.01
DM150 SGD 815.86

Window Evaporative Coolers

Dayton window evaporative coolers are used for cooling rooms, small homes and garages. These coolers do not require ductwork and use wet evaporative pads for producing cool, humidified air. They provide flow rates up to 4800 cfm and feature painted finish to resist corrosion on exposed surfaces. These window evaporative coolers have a water capacity of 15 gallons and are available in blade diameters of 9, 12 & 16 inches.

StyleModelAir FlowAmpsBlade Dia.DepthDrive TypeHeightMotor HpWidthPrice (inc. GST)
A4RNN82800 cfm3.49"31"Direct27"1/822" SGD 944.69
A4RNN73800 cfm7.112"38.187"Belt28.25"1/328.25" SGD 1229.97
A4RNN64800 cfm9.216"43.5"Belt35.25"1/234" SGD 1783.53

Portable Evaporative Coolers

Dayton portable evaporative coolers are designed to cool air in dry and hot environments. These evaporative coolers feature a set of swivel caster wheels, making them ideal for use around commercial and industrial spaces. They provide a maximum airflow rate of 3800 CFM, covering up to 1400 sq. ft. area. They can hold up to 10.4 gallons of water and are equipped with 2 inch thick pads to soak in water and evaporate, thereby providing cooling effect. The water is pumped with the help of an AC motor. These coolers further have 2-speed settings to provide desired airflow rate. Choose between Dayton belt drive and direct drive evaporative coolers, available on Raptor Supplies.

StyleModelAir FlowAmpsDepthDrive TypeHeightMotor HpSpeedWidthPrice (inc. GST)
A6RJZ42800/2100 cfm2.622"Direct32"1/8122" SGD 776.07
B6RJZ33800/2376 cfm6.5/3.628.375"Belt36.38"1/3228.38" SGD 1101.95

Ducted Evaporative Coolers

Dayton ducted evaporative coolers are designed for cooling air by moving it through moist filters. These coolers provide flow rates up to 6800 cfm and are equipped with multiple inlets to draw in air for cooling. They feature painted finish to resist corrosion on exposed surfaces and a cooling capacity of 1400 sq.ft. These coolers are available in widths of 28, 34, 37 & 42 inches.

StyleModelAir FlowAmpsBlade Dia.DepthDischargeHeightMediaMotor HpPrice (inc. GST)
A4RNP23800 cfm7.112"28"Down28.25"Aspen1/3 SGD 2967.29
B4RNP53800 cfm7.112"28"Side28.25"Aspen1/3 SGD 2784.29
A4RNP14800 cfm9.216"34"Down35.25"Aspen1/2 SGD 1265.38
B4RNP44800 cfm9.216"34"Side35.25"Aspen1/2 SGD 1192.46
C4RNP84800 cfm12.419"47"Down27.25"Celdek3/4 SGD 1771.37
C4RNP94800 cfm12.419"47"Side27.25"Celdek3/4 SGD 1317.07
A4RNN96800 cfm1119"37"Down42.25"Aspen3/4 SGD 3190.70
B4RNP36800 cfm1119"37"Side42.25"Aspen3/4 SGD 3190.70
C4RNP66800 cfm12.419"47"Down32.25"Celdek1 SGD 2398.90
C4RNP76800 cfm12.419"47"Side32.25"Celdek1 SGD 2231.51
C4RNR16800 cfm12.419"43"Down32.25"Celdek1 SGD 1981.15
C4RNR26800 cfm12.419"43"Side32.25"Celdek1 SGD 1981.15

Ducted Evaporative Cooler

StyleModelAir FlowAmpsDepthDischargeDriveHeightMotor HpSpeedPrice (inc. GST)
A7K58316,000 cfm7.5/6.8/3.462"SideWith59.75"21 SGD 8930.22
A7K58216,000 cfm7.5/6.8/3.462"SideWith59.75"21 SGD 8930.22
B7K57616,000 cfm7.5/6.8/3.462"DownWith59.75"21 SGD 9545.20
B7K57716,000 cfm7.5/6.8/3.462"DownWith59.75"21 SGD 9545.20
B7K57918,000 cfm10.6/9.6/4.862"DownWith59.75"31 SGD 9964.29
A7K58418,000 cfm10.6/9.6/4.862"SideWith59.75"31 SGD 9349.31
A7K58518,000 cfm10.6/9.6/4.862"SideWith59.75"31 SGD 9349.31
B7K57818,000 cfm10.6/9.6/4.862"DownWith59.75"31 SGD 9926.44
B7K58021,000 cfm16.7/15.2/7.662"DownWith59.75"51 SGD 10165.19
B7K58121,000 cfm16.7/15.2/7.662"DownWith59.75"51 SGD 10165.19
A7K58621,000 cfm16.7/15.2/7.662"SideWith59.75"51 SGD 9522.32
A7K58721,000 cfm16.7/15.2/7.662"SideWith59.75"51 SGD 9550.22
C75/85SD5905 to 6498 cfm-41.25"SideWithout53.625"3/4 or 1Variable SGD 3477.89
D75/85DD6074 to 6685 cfm-41.25"DownWithout53.625"3/4 or 1Variable SGD 4023.90
E7K5957500 cfm13.8/7.6/6.941.25"SideWith53.625"3/41 SGD 4527.68
E7K5977500 cfm3.5/3.2/1.641.25"SideWith53.625"3/41 SGD 4793.45
F7K5887500 cfm13.8/7.6/6.941.25"DownWith53.625"3/41 SGD 5073.69
F7K5897500 cfm13.8/7.6/6.941.25"DownWith53.625"3/41 SGD 5049.61
G7K5907500 cfm3.5/3.2/1.641.25"DownWith53.625"3/41 SGD 5339.46
G7K5917500 cfm3.5,SNF/ Greater Than3.2/1.641.25"DownWith53.625"3/41 SGD 5339.46
E7K5967500 cfm3.5/3.2/1.641.25"SideWith53.625"3/41 SGD 4793.45
E7K5947500 cfm13.8/7.6/6.941.25"SideWith53.625"3/41 SGD 4503.60
E7K5998500 cfm16/841.25"SideWith53.625"11-
F7K5938500 cfm16/841.25"DownWith53.625"11-
H14/21SD8567 to 10794 cfm-62"SideWith59.75"1-1/2, 2, 3 or 5Variable SGD 7329.26

Window Evaporative Cooler

StyleModelAir FlowDepthDrive TypeHeightMotor HpWidthPrice (inc. GST)
AN28W2800 cfm30.25"Direct27"1/824" SGD 1180.87
BRN50W5000 cfm46.875"Belt34.5"1/234" SGD 2229.42

Ducted Evaporative Cooler

StyleModelAir FlowDepthDischargeDriveFill TypeHeightMotor HpSpeedPrice (inc. GST)
AN30S2077 cfm28.125"SideWithoutAuto Fill33.375"1/32 SGD 1216.95
BN31D2175 cfm28.125"DownWithoutManual Fill33.375"1/31 or 2 SGD 1343.49
CN40/45S2973 to 3432 cfm34.125"SideWithoutManual Fill34.5"1/3 or 1/21 or 2 SGD 1436.00
D2YAE5-2HTK53000 cfm28.125"SideWith-33.375"1/32 SGD 1668.98
D2YAE5-2HTK33000 cfm28.125"SideWith-33.375"1/31 SGD 1490.57
E2YAE2-2HTK33100 cfm28.125"DownWith-33.375"1/31 SGD 1616.92
F2YAE2-2HTK53100 cfm28.125"DownWith-33.375"1/32 SGD 1791.20
G2YAE4-2HTK54000 cfm34.125"SideWith-34.5"1/32 SGD 1888.02
G2YAE4-2HTK34000 cfm34.125"SideWith-34.5"1/31 SGD 1709.61
HN43/48D4000 to 4800 cfm34.125"DownWithoutManual Fill34.5"1/3 or 1/21 or 2 SGD 1562.54
IN55/65S4190/4734 cfm39"SideWithoutManual Fill42.38"1/2 or 3/41 or 2 SGD 1859.48
J2YAE1-2HTK34300 cfm34.125"DownWith-34.5"1/31 SGD 1836.16
J2YAE1-2HTK54300 cfm34.125"DownWith-34.5"1/32 SGD 2010.25
G2YAE4-2HTK94500 cfm34.125"SideWith-34.5"1/22 SGD 1847.09
G2YAE4-2HTK74500 cfm34.125"SideWith-34.5"1/21 SGD 1786.81
G2YAE4-2HTL14500 cfm34.125"SideWith-34.5"1/22 SGD 1867.39
J2YAE1-2HTL14800 cfm34.125"DownWith-34.5"1/22 SGD 1993.93
J2YAE1-4UU134800 cfm34.125"DownWith-34.5"1/21-
J2YAE1-2HTK74800 cfm34.125"DownWith-34.5"1/21 SGD 1913.36
J2YAE1-2HTK94800 cfm34.125"DownWith-34.5"1/22 SGD 1974.24
K2YAE3-4UU135500 cfm39"SideWith-42.38"1/21-
K2YAE3-2HTL15500 cfm39"SideWith-42.38"1/22 SGD 2290.86
K2YAE3-2HTK75500 cfm39"SideWith-42.38"1/21 SGD 2208.76
K2YAE3-2HTK95500 cfm39"SideWith-42.38"1/22 SGD 2270.57
L2YAD9-2HTL15600 cfm39"DownWith-42.38"1/22 SGD 2281.11

Band, Band

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
BELR0001CT7WAE SGD 35.601

Cool Window Evaporative Cooler, 2000 Sq Ft, 4000 Cfm, 1/2 Hp Hp

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
MCP59CT2JDW SGD 1849.881

Indoor Evaporative Air Cooler, 21 Pt

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
CS10XECR4CGF SGD 532.771

Air Window Evaporative Cooler, 1400 Sq Ft, 4, 200 Cfm, 1/3 Hp Hp

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
RN46WCP4ULK SGD 2122.311

Drain Cap

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.

Evaporative Coolers

Evaporative coolers are used to lower down the surrounding air temperature by using water. Raptor Supplies offers evaporative coolers from brands like Portacool, Vestil, Waycooland more. These coolers do not use any refrigerants, thereby decreasing the operating costs. They pull in warm air from the surrounding and pass it through the evaporative pads to cool the air. They are available in ducted, window and portable cooler variants on Raptor Supplies. Central ducted evaporative coolers are installed in outdoor facilities with a connection to ducts for cooling the whole building, whereas window evaporative coolers are fitted onto windows for cooling rooms or small areas. We also offer portable evaporative coolers featuring wheels for moving coolers between locations when required.

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