Gate and Globe Valves | Raptor Supplies Singapore

APOLLO VALVES Gate And Globe Valves

Gate valves are designed to provide fluid isolation by offering a positive seating in both fully open and fully closed positions, whereas globe valves utilise an additional plug or tap for the same. Available in stainless steel, carbon steel, brass and low-lead bronze body materials


Apollo gate & globe valves find extensive use for reliable control over fluid flow in oil & gas, petrochemical, power generation and water treatment plants. These valves are crucial components in... Read More


620F, 6GA Gate Valves

StyleModelSizePrice (inc. GST)
A6GA200B1LF- SGD 2106.33
B6GA20EB1LFA- SGD 12906.39
A6GA209B1LF- SGD 1794.75
A6GA208B1LF- SGD 1885.87
B6GA200B1LFA- SGD 3264.97
B6GA20GB1LFA- SGD 20752.35
A6GA20EB1LF- SGD 12906.39
B6GA20HB1LFA- SGD 31851.95
B6GA20CB1LFA- SGD 8444.78
B6GA20AB1LFA- SGD 4587.08
A6GA20AB1LF- SGD 3275.25
B6GA209B1LFA- SGD 2283.69
B6GA208B1LFA- SGD 1885.87
A6GA209B12 1/2 Lbs. SGD 2283.69
B6GA208B12" SGD 1636.46
A6GA20AB14mm SGD 2966.27
A6GA20EB18 SGD 10565.63
StyleModelSizePrice (inc. GST)
A60105011" SGD 358.19
A60101011/4" SGD 158.30
A60102013/8" SGD 163.19
StyleModelSizePrice (inc. GST)
A60705011" SGD 798.81
A60703011/2" SGD 365.03
A60704013/4" SGD 626.21
StyleModelInlet To Outlet LengthPipe SizePrice (inc. GST)
A60901012.25"1/4" SGD 203.04
A60902012.25"3/8" SGD 200.10
A60903012.75"1/2" SGD 217.67

60A-100 Series Barstock Globe Valves

StyleModelBody MaterialConnection TypeSizePrice (inc. GST)
A60A10588--- SGD 594.25
A60A10309--- SGD 307.08
B60A1050924--- SGD 431.56
B60A10509--- SGD 584.12
B60A10488--- SGD 494.99
A60A10424--- SGD 368.50
B60A10409--- SGD 420.01
B60A10388--- SGD 292.72
B60A10324--- SGD 221.09
B60A1030924--- SGD 231.95
B60A10288--- SGD 253.07
B60A10224--- SGD 192.84
B60A10209--- SGD 248.42
B60A10188--- SGD 239.82
B60A10124--- SGD 187.06
B60A10109--- SGD 235.20
B60A1010988--- SGD 292.16
B60A10524ASTMA108 Carbon SteelFnpt- SGD 417.46
B60A10101Carbon SteelNpt1/4" SGD 182.86
A60A10301Carbon SteelNpt1/2" SGD 253.20
A60A10201Carbon SteelNpt3/8" SGD 217.95
A60A10401Carbon SteelNpt3/4" SGD 412.54
B60A10501Carbon SteelNpt1" SGD 503.92

60A Globe Valves

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A60A12224 SGD 174.59
A60A72324 SGD 438.73
A60A72588 SGD 886.55
A60A72524 SGD 967.15
B60A12524 SGD 423.31
B60A12501 SGD 431.93
B60A12124 SGD 169.64
A60A12101 SGD 182.86
B60A72501 SGD 809.13
B60A72424 SGD 755.55
B60A72401 SGD 745.92
A60A72388 SGD 445.46
A60A72357 SGD 407.97
B60A72307 SGD 447.97
B60A12324 SGD 221.09
B60A7230757 SGD 483.72
B60A72301 SGD 434.77
A60A72224 SGD 313.43
A60A72201 SGD 353.66
A60A72157 SGD 331.66
B60A72101 SGD 344.97
A60A72124 SGD 305.78
B60A12424 SGD 315.88
A60A12488 SGD 424.28
B60A1240924 SGD 446.03

60A-700 Series Barstock Globe Valves

StyleModelHandle TypeInlet To Outlet LengthPipe SizeSeal MaterialTop Of Handle To Inlet CenterPrice (inc. GST)
A60A70157----- SGD 379.09
B60A7050924----- SGD 891.13
A60A70357----- SGD 623.27
B60A7032488----- SGD 448.83
B60A70388----- SGD 445.46
B60A70409----- SGD 700.69
A60A7040924----- SGD 833.73
B60A70457----- SGD 663.26
A60A70488----- SGD 828.96
B60A7042488----- SGD 713.13
A60A70509----- SGD 1032.32
A60A70557----- SGD 1139.99
A60A70324----- SGD 438.73
B60A7052488----- SGD 899.83
B60A70588----- SGD 886.55
B60A7055788----- SGD 915.49
B60A70107----- SGD 313.92
B60A7010724----- SGD 316.99
B60A70109----- SGD 355.00
A60A7010924----- SGD 410.19
B60A7012457----- SGD 334.76
B60A7012488----- SGD 415.66
B60A7032457----- SGD 411.34
B60A7030924----- SGD 508.55
B60A70188----- SGD 359.65

60B-100 Series Globe Valves

StyleModelBody MaterialComplianceConnection TypeHandle TypeInlet To Outlet LengthPipe SizeSizeStem MaterialPrice (inc. GST)
A60B10588-------- SGD 509.35
B60B10107-------- SGD 215.58
A60B10509-------- SGD 500.68
A60B10109-------- SGD 235.20
B60B1012488-------- SGD 253.47
A60B10188-------- SGD 239.82
B60B1022488-------- SGD 259.33
A60B1030924-------- SGD 290.37
A60B1050924-------- SGD 431.62
B60B1010924-------- SGD 248.00
A60B10224ASTMA108 Carbon SteelNACE MR0175(ED 2000)&MR0103(2012)FnptHand Wheel2.25"3/8"-ASTM A276 Stainless Steel SGD 189.33
A60B10324ASTMA108 Carbon SteelNACE MR0175(ED 2000)&MR0103(2012)FnptHand Wheel2.75"1/2"-ASTM A276 Stainless Steel SGD 210.98
A60B10124ASTMA108 Carbon SteelNACE MR0175(ED 2000)&MR0103(2012)FnptHand Wheel2.25"1/4"-ASTM A276 Stainless Steel SGD 182.11
A60B10524Carbon SteelNACE MR -01-75(ED 2000)FnptTee3.625"1"-Stainless Steel SGD 417.46
A60B10101Carbon Steel-Npt---1/4"- SGD 202.49
A60B10424Carbon SteelNACE MR -01-75(ED 2000)FnptTee3.187"3/4"-Stainless Steel SGD 358.33
B60B10201Carbon Steel-Npt---3/8"- SGD 217.95
B60B10401Carbon Steel-Npt---3/4"- SGD 412.54
B60B10501Carbon Steel-Npt---1"- SGD 503.92
A60B10301Carbon Steel-Npt---1/2"- SGD 248.41

60B Globe Valves

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A60B12424 SGD 368.50
A60B72101 SGD 344.97
A60B72301 SGD 379.03
A60B72324 SGD 417.84
A60B72201 SGD 310.02
A60B72401 SGD 745.92
A60B72424 SGD 642.49
A60B72501 SGD 951.53
A60B72509 SGD 877.85
A60B12124 SGD 169.64
A60B12401 SGD 412.54
A60B12301 SGD 253.20
A60B12324 SGD 221.09
A60B1230924 SGD 258.14
A60B12501 SGD 431.93
A60B12524 SGD 362.84

60B Series Carbon Steel Globe Valves, FNPT

StyleModelPipe SizePrice (inc. GST)
A60B20201- SGD 219.42
A60B201092488- SGD 307.50
B60B20509- SGD 561.11
B60B20501- SGD 492.36
B60B2040924- SGD 440.35
A60B20309- SGD 326.01
B60B20524- SGD 574.38
B60B203A0- SGD 229.38
B60B2030924- SGD 293.92
A60B20301- SGD 256.73
A60B20207- SGD 232.52
A60B20101- SGD 195.60
A60B80501- SGD 2148.94
A60B80401- SGD 1415.18
B60B80324- SGD 525.60
A60B80301- SGD 603.27
B60B80188- SGD 420.44
B60B80124- SGD 375.99
B60B80101- SGD 363.52
A60B80107- SGD 374.72
B60B20401- SGD 480.19
B60B201241/4" SGD 177.62
B60B202243/8" SGD 192.89

60B-700 Series Globe Valves

StyleModelComplianceHandle TypeInlet To Outlet LengthPipe SizeSeal MaterialStem MaterialTop Of Handle To Inlet CenterPrice (inc. GST)
A60B70207------- SGD 321.23
B60B70557------- SGD 1139.99
A60B70388------- SGD 445.46
A60B70457------- SGD 663.26
A60B7042488------- SGD 713.13
A60B70424------- SGD 755.55
B60B70509------- SGD 1032.36
B60B70524------- SGD 967.15
B60B70588------- SGD 1042.56
A60B7032488------- SGD 516.90
A60B70188------- SGD 359.65
B60B7010924------- SGD 410.19
B60B70124------- SGD 348.67
B60B7012488------- SGD 415.66
A60B7010724------- SGD 316.99
B60B70109------- SGD 406.56
B60B70357------- SGD 623.27
B60B70309------- SGD 504.62
B60B7020924------- SGD 419.08
B60B7030724B------- SGD 470.59
A60B7030757------- SGD 419.18
B60B7030724------- SGD 451.90
A60B7020724------- SGD 324.60
B60B70307------- SGD 448.00
A60B70224------- SGD 357.65

610F, 6GA Gate Valves

StyleModelSizePrice (inc. GST)
A6GA10MB1LFA- SGD 39711.60
A6GA10GB1LFA- SGD 7247.48
A6GA10HB1LFA- SGD 11947.80
A6GA10EB1LFA- SGD 4824.68
B6GA10EB1LF- SGD 3969.95
B6GA109B1LF- SGD 676.84
A6GA109B1LFA- SGD 1046.64
A6GA10AB1LFA- SGD 1660.36
A6GA10CB1LFA- SGD 2837.22
A6GA108B1LFA- SGD 1020.66
A6GA10BB1LFA- SGD 2082.91
A6GA100B1LFA- SGD 1154.10
B6GA100B1LF- SGD 949.64
A6GA10PB1LFA- SGD 79424.58
A6GA10NB1LFA- SGD 51624.14
A6GA10JB1LFA- SGD 19856.45
A6GA10KB1LFA- SGD 37404.30
B6GA109B12 1/2 Lbs. SGD 861.23
B6GA10BB15" SGD 2082.91
B6GA10CB16 SGD 2334.58
B6GA10EB18 SGD 3969.95
B6GA10GB110 SGD 7247.48
B6GA10HB112" SGD 9831.16

611F, 6GA Gate Valves

StyleModelSizePrice (inc. GST)
A6GA110B1LFA- SGD 1124.49
A6GA119B1LFA- SGD 1022.23
A6GA11MB1LFA- SGD 35275.60
A6GA11HB1LFA- SGD 9730.71
A6GA11EB1LFA- SGD 4824.68
A6GA11AB1LFA- SGD 1610.10
A6GA118B1LFA- SGD 988.07
B6GA118B1LF- SGD 705.47
A6GA11NB1LFA- SGD 45856.73
A6GA11KB1LFA- SGD 27339.69
A6GA11JB1LFA- SGD 19442.57
B6GA11HB1LF- SGD 9730.71
A6GA11GB1LFA- SGD 8926.64
A6GA11CB1LFA- SGD 2708.63
A6GA11BB1LFA- SGD 2448.29
A6GA11PB1LFA- SGD 70551.11
B6GA118B12" SGD 813.00
B6GA11GB110 SGD 7345.21
B6GA11KB116" SGD 27339.69

621F, 6GA Gate Valves

StyleModelSizePrice (inc. GST)
A6GA218B1LF- SGD 1482.09
B6GA21HB1LFA- SGD 25019.78
B6GA21EB1LFA- SGD 13028.55
A6GA21EB1LF- SGD 10720.47
B6GA218B1LFA- SGD 2291.88
B6GA21CB1LFA- SGD 96.81
B6GA21BB1LFA- SGD 7359.05
B6GA219B1LFA- SGD 2658.15
B6GA21GB1LFA- SGD 16280.32
A6GA21AB1LF- SGD 2731.52
A6GA219B1LF- SGD 1718.92
B6GA21AB1LFA- SGD 4224.05
B6GA210B1LFA- SGD 2985.29
B6GA210B1LF- SGD 2456.42
A6GA219B12 1/2 Lbs. SGD 2187.23
A6GA210B13" SGD 2456.42
A6GA21BB15" SGD 6055.37
B6GA21CB16 SGD 6233.86
B6GA21EB18 SGD 10353.96
A6GA21GB110 SGD 16280.32

120S LF Series Non Rising Stem Solder Globe Valves

Apollo 120S LF Series non-rising stem solder globe valves are ideal for precise flow control and ensure reliable shut-off & regulation of fluid or gas in pipes. They are used in plumbing, HVAC systems and industrial processes. These solder globe valves are certified as lead-free under AB1953 standards for prioritising safety by minimising harmful materials in their composition. They feature adjustable graphite stem packing to enable precise adjustments & control over the flow. These valves provide optimum flow capacity, ensuring efficient fluid or gas movement through pipes. They feature a malleable iron rugged hand wheel to provide a sturdy grip for manual operation. These valves are equipped with solder connections for easy and secure integration into plumbing and system setups. They include a screw-in bonnet that simplifies maintenance and servicing tasks, allowing for quick access and adjustments when needed.

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A33LF14301 SGD 228.61
A33LF14501 SGD 417.08
A33LF14701 SGD 704.25
A33LF14401 SGD 314.68
A33LF14601 SGD 540.24
A33LF14801 SGD 1083.79

711F Series Outside Screw And Yoke Globe Valves

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A6GB118B1LFA SGD 2054.28
A6GB11CB1LFA SGD 6390.62
A6GB11AB1LFA SGD 3426.48
A6GB11GB1LFA SGD 16679.43
A6GB119B1LFA SGD 1769.35
B6GB218B1LFA SGD 3216.12
A6GB110B1LFA SGD 2413.95
A6GB11BB1LFA SGD 4218.99
B6GB210B1LFA SGD 3861.04
B6GB21AB1LFA SGD 5672.75
B6GB219B1LFA SGD 3079.29
A6GB11EB1LFA SGD 12792.59
C6GB21CB1LFA SGD 10256.51
B6GB21EB1LFA SGD 17373.15

711F, 6GB Globe Valves

StyleModelSizePrice (inc. GST)
A6GB11EB1LF- SGD 10526.28
A6GB11CB1LF- SGD 5258.46
A6GB119B1LF- SGD 1769.35
A6GB118B12" SGD 1690.35
A6GB11AB14mm SGD 2819.44
A6GB11BB15" SGD 4218.99
A6GB11EB18 SGD 10526.28
A6GB11GB110 SGD 16679.43

721F, 6GB Globe Valves

StyleModelSizePrice (inc. GST)
A6GB21CB1LF- SGD 8439.53
A6GB219B12 1/2 Lbs. SGD 2419.97
A6GB210B13" SGD 2496.81
A6GB21AB14mm SGD 4667.76
A6GB21CB16 SGD 6632.53
A6GB21EB18 SGD 14295.36

121T LF Series Metal Seat NPT Globe Valves

Apollo 121T LF Series NPT globe valves are ideal for precise control of fluid flow in industries such as HVAC, oil & gas, chemical processing and water treatment. They feature a threaded bonnet to reduce the risk of leakage, ensuring a secure and tight seal during operation. These globe valves have a bronze valve body providing high strength and resistance to corrosion. They have cold and steam working pressures up to 200 psi and 125 psi, respectively. They feature an inline design and a rising stem for smooth operation and efficient control over fluid flow.

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A33LF16101 SGD 206.44
B33LF16501 SGD 399.58
B33LF16701 SGD 664.32
B33LF16201 SGD 206.41
A33LF16301 SGD 229.76
B33LF16401 SGD 284.73
B33LF16601 SGD 524.42
A33LF16801 SGD 1008.86

120T LF PTFE Seat NPT Globe Valves

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A33LF13201 SGD 195.19
B33LF13301 SGD 217.25
B33LF13501 SGD 522.74
A33LF13401 SGD 287.23
A33LF13601 SGD 526.91
A33LF13701 SGD 623.27
A33LF13801 SGD 1013.79

107T Series Rising Stem NPT Gate Valves

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A3020901 SGD 1278.67
A3020701 SGD 439.47
A3020601 SGD 363.36
A3020401 SGD 183.14
B3020101 SGD 163.01
B3020501 SGD 231.24
A3020301 SGD 154.14
B3020801 SGD 502.94
C3020201 SGD 163.01
D3020001 SGD 1769.65


  • Apollo 610F, 6GA gate valves feature a handwheel actuator for manual operation. These gate valves have cast iron construction for structural rigidity. These Apollo gate valves come in flanged 125/150 connection for secure and reliable connections for fluid control systems. They have a full port design for efficient flow and minimised pressure drop. These valves are equipped with a resilient Graphoil seal for tight and leakproof operations in high pressures & temperatures. They come with a bronze seat and trim materials for enhanced durability and resistance to corrosion.
  • The brand's 101S rising stem valves are suitable for heating and plumbing applications, including use in HVAC and building service pipe systems. These valves are made for soldering for a tight seal to prevent leaks. They feature solder connections to attach with copper pipes without extra fittings for ease of installation.
  • Apollo 120T Series globe valves have manual actuators for ease of operations. They feature bronze construction for structural rigidity and leakproof operations. These bronze gate valves have a pressure rating of 125 CWP.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I install Apollo gate valves?

  • Shut off the supply line to the area where you are installing the valve.
  • Prepare the pipe ends by cleaning and deburring them.
  • Align the valve with the pipe and ensure the arrow on the valve indicates the direction of flow.
  • Securely tighten the valve onto the pipe using appropriate fittings.
  • Open the valve to ensure proper operation and check for leaks.
  • If no leaks are detected, turn on the supply line and test the valve again for any issues.

How do I install a globe valve?

  • Shut off the supply line to the area where you're installing the valve.
  • Prepare the pipe ends by cleaning and deburring them.
  • Position the globe valve in the desired location along the pipeline, ensuring it is oriented correctly for flow direction.
  • Use appropriate fittings to securely connect the valve to the pipe.
  • Ensure all connections are tightly secured to prevent leaks.
  • Open and close the valve several times to check for smooth operation and verify that it shuts off the flow completely.
  • Turn on the supply line and inspect the valve for any signs of leakage. If no leaks are detected, the installation is complete.

What factors should I consider while choosing a gate valve?

  • Determine the specific application and the type of fluid the valve will control.
  • Ensure the valve's pressure rating matches or exceeds the maximum operating pressure of the system.
  • Choose a valve size appropriate for the flow requirements of the system.
  • Select a valve material compatible with the fluid being controlled and suitable for the operating conditions.
  • Consider the type of end connections needed for proper integration into the piping system.

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