General Purpose Hand Trucks


SPHT Series P Handle Hand Trucks, Stainless Steel

StyleModelCapacityNoseplate WidthLengthWidthHeightPrice (inc. GST)
ASPHT-500-SS500 lbs.14"18"21"52"-
BSPHT-500-SS-HR500 lbs.14"18"21"52"-
CSPHT-500-HD-SS600 lbs.22"19"22"52" SGD 610.03
DSPHT-500-HD-SS-HR600 lbs.22"19"22"52" SGD 644.89

General Purpose Hand Truck

Dayton hand trucks are designed for applications involving lifting / transport of loads throughout the workplace. They can also be used as baggage carts at airports & train stations. These light-weight, easy-to-use trucks feature an extruded aluminium noseplate to hold different items. They are equipped with stairclimber wheels for upward / downward movement on stairs. These general purpose hand trucks come in a rust-resistant powder-coated finish for hassle-free use. A wide range of these hand trucks from Dayton are available in load capacities ranging from 300 to 1000 lb on Raptor Supplies.

StyleModelColorFinishHandle TypeLoad CapacityMaterialOverall HeightOverall WidthWheel DiameterPrice (inc. GST)
A2NXC1RedPowder CoatContinuous Frame Flow-Back900 lb.Steel53.25"20.5"8" SGD 371.02
B2W179RedPowder CoatContinuous Frame Flow-Back650 lb.Steel46"22"10" SGD 231.31
C4ZH99RedPowder CoatContinuous Frame Flow-Back1000 lb.Steel48"19"10" SGD 230.54
D6W856RedRust-Resistant Powder CoatContinuous Frame Flow-Back800 lb.Steel46"20.5"10" SGD 219.13
E6W857RedRust-Resistant Powder CoatDual Handle800 lb.Steel47"19.510" SGD 271.42
F1W617RedPowder CoatContinuous Frame Flow-Back300 lb.Steel46"18.5"8" SGD 184.36
G2W063RedPowder CoatContinuous Frame Loop400 lb.Steel46"20"10" SGD 238.93
H2W157RedPowder CoatContinuous Frame Flow-Back1000 lb.Steel48"18"8" SGD 230.33
I34D660RedPowder CoatContinuous Frame Loop600 lb.Steel52"22"10" SGD 244.02
J34D661RedPowder CoatContinuous Frame Loop600 lb.Steel52"22"10" SGD 251.10
K6W858RedRust-Resistant Powder CoatContinuous Frame Dual Pin800 lb.Steel50.5"20.5"10" SGD 200.97
L3W153SilverBright AluminumContinuous Frame Loop400 lb.Aluminum48"22.5"10" SGD 386.30
M6W046SilverPowder CoatContinuous Frame Flow-Back500 lb.Aluminum48"18"8" SGD 401.46
N6W048SilverPowder CoatContinuous Frame Dual Pin500 lb.Aluminum48"21.25"10" SGD 344.78
O3W154SilverBright AluminumContinuous Frame Flow-Back400 lb.Aluminum46"20.5"10" SGD 400.79
P6W047SilverPowder CoatContinuous Frame Flow-Back500 lb.Aluminum48"21.25"10" SGD 430.91

APHT Series P Handle Hand Trucks

StyleModelCaster SizeWidthPrice (inc. GST)
AAPHT-500A-HR10" x 2"18.5" SGD 447.59
BAPHT-500A10" x 3.5"20.5" SGD 401.12

SITE Series Site Carts/Trucks

StyleModelCaster TypeLength
ASITE-C-FFFoam Filled22.81"

SPHT Series P Handle Hand Trucks

StyleModelCapacityCaster SizeColorHeightLengthWidthPrice (inc. GST)
ASPHT-500S500 lbs.10" x 3.5"Gray51.38"18"22" SGD 310.06
BSPHT-500S-HR500 lbs.10" x 2"Gray52"18"21" SGD 241.87
CSPHT-500S-HD600 lbs.10" x 3.5"Blue52"16.25"20" SGD 288.37
DSPHT-500S-HD-HR600 lbs.10" x 2"Blue52"16.25"20" SGD 323.21
ESPHT-600S-IND600 lbs.13" x 4"Red52"22"22" SGD 319.86

TWT Series Tilting Work Trucks


ALUM Series Deluxe Aluminium Hand Trucks

StyleModelCaster MaterialCaster SizeCaster TypeHandle HeightHeightItemLengthNoseplate ThicknessPrice (inc. GST)
AALUM-LOOP-10" x 3.5"Pneumatic-49.25"Hand Truck18.5"1/2" SGD 338.27
BALUM-P-10" x 3.5"Pneumatic-52.5"Modular Hand Truck18.5"0.5" SGD 396.15
CALUM-H-10.5" x 3.5"Pneumatic-51.25"Hand Truck19"0.5" SGD 329.88
DALUM-LOOP-H-10" x 3.5"Pneumatic49 3/4"62.81"Hand Truck18.5"1/2" SGD 396.15
EALUM-PIN-10.5" x 3.25"Pneumatic53"53"Modular Hand Truck18.25"1/2"-
FALUM-LOOP-HRHard Rubber10" x 3.5"--49.25"Hand Truck18.5"1/2" SGD 391.27
GALUM-P-HRHard Rubber10" x 2"--52.5"Modular Hand Truck18.5"0.5" SGD 444.19
HALUM-CONV-HRHard Rubber10" x 3.5", 5"x 1.25"--51.5"Hand Truck18.88"0.5" SGD 580.18
IALUM-H-HRHard Rubber10" x 2.5"--51.25"Hand Truck19"0.5" SGD 379.68
JALUM-LOOP-H-HRHard Rubber10" x 3.5"-49 3/4"62.81"Hand Truck18.5"1/2" SGD 444.32
KALUM-3-CONVPoly on Steel10.5" x 3.25", 5" x 1.25"Rigid, Swivel47"51.5"Convertible Hand Truck18.88"0.5" SGD 729.51
LALUM-CONVPoly on Steel10" x 3.5", 5" x 1.25"Swivel-51.5"Convertible Hand Truck18.88"1/2" SGD 560.47
MALUM-CONV-BPoly on Steel10" x 3.5", 5" x 1.25"Swivel-62.25"Convertible Hand Truck18.88"1/2" SGD 648.25

General Purpose Hand Truck

StyleModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
A274154Hand Truck SGD 8153.13
B274159Hand Truck SGD 8999.66
B274147Hand Truck SGD 9120.96
B274151Hand Truck SGD 9405.35
B274163Hand Truck SGD 9423.89
C274148Hand Truck SGD 9211.61
D274161Hand Truck SGD 9081.85
A274150Hand Truck SGD 8818.25
C274144Hand Truck SGD 8478.78
D274153Hand Truck SGD 9083.24
D274145Hand Truck SGD 8855.11
A274158Hand Truck SGD 8452.42
A274146Hand Truck SGD 8408.16
B274143Hand Truck SGD 8581.86
B274155Hand Truck SGD 8467.74
C274152Hand Truck SGD 8188.60
D274141Hand Truck SGD 8602.11
D274149Hand Truck SGD 9045.20
E274101Stair Climbing Hand Truck SGD 13894.20

ALUM-P Series Hand Trucks With Fold Down Platform

StyleModelWheel ColorWidth

General Purpose Hand Truck

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A3920-00-NIB-0003 SGD 207.84
B3920-00-NIB-0004 SGD 348.89
C3920-00-NIB-0002 SGD 385.52
D3920-00-NIB-0001 SGD 348.24
E3920-00-NIB-0005 SGD 452.39

General Purpose Hand Truck

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
ADCR-205-8 SGD 2170.50
B210351 SGD 3380.53

Economy Wide Plate Hand Trucks

Wesco Economy hand trucks come with a 20-inch-wide nose plate for moving bulky and oversized loads. These hand trucks feature a P-type handle in a single-loop design to allow one- or two-handed operation and a curved back frame to support round objects. They are further integrated with wheel guards & vinyl strips for added safety, and are available in pneumatic & solid rubber wheels on Raptor Supplies.

StyleModelLoad CapacityWheel Material
A210217500 lb.Solid Rubber
A210214600 lb.Pneumatic

General Purpose Hand Truck

StyleModelHandle TypeLoad CapacityOverall DepthOverall HeightOverall WidthWheel DiameterWheel MaterialWheel TypePrice (inc. GST)
AMHS-111-8PNContinuous Frame Flow-Back500 lb.17"45"17.5"8"RubberSemi-Pneumatic SGD 275.34
B(FB)E-18-10FFContinuous Frame Flow-Back550 lb.14"51.5"18"10"Microcellular polyurethaneFlat Free SGD 475.95
CMHS-113-8PNContinuous Frame Loop500 lb.17"46"17.5"8"RubberSemi-Pneumatic SGD 282.59
DC114-10FFContinuous Frame Loop800 lb.18"50"18"10"Microcellular polyurethaneFlat Free SGD 429.38
EMHS-112-8PNDual Handle500 lb.17"47"17.5"8"RubberSemi-Pneumatic SGD 284.92
FE-48-10PNDual Handle550 lb.14"44.5"18"10"RubberSemi-Pneumatic-

General Purpose Hand Truck

StyleModelHandle TypeItemOverall DepthOverall HeightOverall WidthWheel BearingsWheel DiameterWheel MaterialPrice (inc. GST)
ANPK13CG2C5-Hand Truck------ SGD 1019.12
BHMK111AAA5-General Purpose Hand Truck------ SGD 348.13
CHMK116UAB-General Purpose Hand Truck------ SGD 336.41
DHMK111AA15-General Purpose Hand Truck------ SGD 542.09
EHMK15AUAC-General Purpose Hand Truck------ SGD 598.40
FNPKC5CG245-Cap------ SGD 1170.93
FNPK112G245C-Cap------ SGD 1162.12
GHMK111K11-General Purpose Hand Truck------ SGD 533.22
HHMK117G145-General Purpose Hand Truck------ SGD 700.40
IHMK119K2C5E-General Purpose Hand Truck------ SGD 809.74
JHMK1GBAA1-General Purpose Hand Truck------ SGD 628.23
KHMK122G145-General Purpose Hand Truck------ SGD 707.29
LHRK55AUA42-General Purpose Hand Truck------ SGD 1215.04
MNPK122G2C5H-Hand Truck------ SGD 1279.08
NNPK15CG245-Hand Truck------ SGD 1103.65
FPBAC16G2H5H-General Purpose Hand Truck------ SGD 1997.20
OHRK15AUAE3-General Purpose Hand Truck------ SGD 1312.60
FPBAC22G2E5H-General Purpose Hand Truck------ SGD 2044.27
FPBAC3CG2E5-General Purpose Hand Truck------ SGD 2084.85
PNPK13CG245-Hand Truck------ SGD 1046.19
QNPK122G2C5C-Hand Truck------ SGD 1181.21
LHRK55AUA43-General Purpose Hand Truck------ SGD 1277.14
RHMK1LBE115-General Purpose Hand Truck------ SGD 590.18
SHMK119UA4-General Purpose Hand Truck------ SGD 510.05
THMK116AA35-General Purpose Hand Truck------ SGD 561.89

General Purpose Hand Truck, 800 lb, Steel, Green

StyleModelHandle TypeWheel DiameterWheel TypeWheel WidthPrice (inc. GST)
AT-360-10Continuous Frame Flow-Back10"Hard Rubber2.75" SGD 310.23
AT-360-10PContinuous Frame Loop10"Pneumatic3.5" SGD 549.14
BT-240-8SContinuous Frame Loop8"Solid Rubber2.5" SGD 296.66
CT-364-10Continuous Frame Loop10"Solid Rubber2.75" SGD 277.52
DT-364-10PContinuous Frame Loop10"Pneumatic3.5" SGD 314.03
ET-362-10PDual Handle10"Pneumatic3.5" SGD 317.75
FT-362-8SDual Handle8"Hard Rubber2.5" SGD 279.74

Series 100 Hand Trucks

Wesco 100 Series hand trucks are employed to transport heavy or bulky loads, such as boxes, crates and equipment for reducing the strain on manual labour and increase productivity. They have zinc-plated Auto-Loc axles for ensuring smooth wheel rotation for easy manoeuvrability. These hand trucks are equipped with ribbed cross braces that further reinforce the frame for ensuring extra stability and resilience during heavy-duty usage. They are machined with bevelled edges and radiused corners for enhancing safety during material handling tasks. These hand trucks are available in 600, 700 and 800 lb load capacity variants.

StyleModelHandle TypeLoad CapacityMaterialOverall HeightOverall LengthWheel MaterialPrice (inc. GST)
A210027Dual Handle700 lb.Steel46"18.5"Solid Rubber SGD 408.69
A210026Dual Handle700 lb.Steel46"18.5"Solid Rubber SGD 405.48
A210372Dual Handle700 lb.Steel46"18.5"Pneumatic SGD 342.90
A210382Dual Handle800 lb.Steel46"18.5"Solid Rubber SGD 398.30
A210025Dual Handle600 lb.Steel46"16.5"Solid Rubber SGD 390.58
A210024Dual Handle800 lb.Steel46"16.5"Moldon Rubber SGD 446.19
B210374Single "D" Shape700 lb.Steel51"18.5"Pneumatic SGD 430.01
C210016Single "D" Shape800 lb.Steel46"16.5"Moldon Rubber SGD 475.88
B210039Single "D" Shape700 lb.Steel51"18.5"Semi-Pneumatic SGD 428.73
D270056Single "D" Shape600 lb.Steel51"16.5"Solid Rubber SGD 421.76
B210038Single "D" Shape800 lb.Steel51"16.5"Moldon Rubber SGD 469.13
C210371Single "D" Shape700 lb.Steel46"18.5"Pneumatic SGD 467.73
C210019Single "D" Shape700 lb.Steel46"18.5"Pneumatic SGD 505.13
C210381Single "D" Shape800 lb.Steel46"18.5"Solid Rubber SGD 521.63
C210018Single "D" Shape700 lb.Steel46"18.5"Semi-Pneumatic SGD 473.84
C210017Single "D" Shape600 lb.Steel46"16.5"Solid Rubber SGD 388.44
B210384Single "D" Shape800 lb.Steel51"18.5"Solid Rubber SGD 445.55
B210040Single "D" Shape700 lb.Steel51"18.5"Pneumatic SGD 436.34
E210010Single Pin600 lb.Steel46"16.5"Solid Rubber SGD 388.01
E210380Single Pin800 lb.Steel46"18.5"Solid Rubber SGD 351.26
E210370Single Pin700 lb.Steel46"18.5"Pneumatic SGD 369.15
E210011Single Pin700 lb.Steel46"18.5"Semi-Pneumatic SGD 413.62
E210012Single Pin700 lb.Steel46"18.5"Pneumatic SGD 390.05
E210009Single Pin800 lb.Steel46"16.5"Moldon Rubber SGD 344.29
F210047Swept back continuous700 lb.Steel48"18.5"Solid Rubber SGD 459.05

Standard Duty Steel Hand Trucks

Wesco Greenline steel hand trucks are designed with zinc-plated Auto-Loc axles that assure smooth wheel rotation. These weld-frame trucks can accommodate an 8 or 10 inch wheel and feature 7-inch-deep x 14-inch-wide beveled nose plate with radiused corners for safety. Choose from a wide range of these standard-duty hand trucks available in aluminium, solid rubber, moldon-rubber and pneumatic wheel variants.

StyleModelHandle TypeLoad CapacityOverall HeightOverall LengthWheel MaterialPrice (inc. GST)
A210395Continuous600 lb.49"19"Pneumatic SGD 379.76
B210470Continuous600 lb.49"19"Moldon Rubber SGD 351.79
B210365Continuous600 lb.49"19"Solid Rubber SGD 276.46
B210460Continuous600 lb.49"19"Pneumatic SGD 322.00
B210360Continuous600 lb.49"19"Pneumatic SGD 290.39
B210334Continuous500 lb.49"19"Solid Rubber SGD 314.07
C210332Dual Handle500 lb.48.5"17"Solid Rubber SGD 247.64
C210458Dual Handle600 lb.48.5"17"Pneumatic SGD 315.79
C210363Dual Handle600 lb.48.5"17"Solid Rubber SGD 278.60
C210468Dual Handle600 lb.48.5"17"Moldon Rubber SGD 274.10
A210393Dual Handle600 lb.48.5"17"Pneumatic SGD 286.43
C210358Dual Handle600 lb.48.5"17"Pneumatic SGD 271.21
D210364Dual pin600 lb.50.5"20"Solid Rubber SGD 275.71
D210359Dual pin600 lb.50.5"20"Pneumatic SGD 266.82
D210469Dual pin600 lb.50.5"20"Moldon Rubber SGD 394.33
A210394Dual pin600 lb.50.5"20"Pneumatic SGD 291.78
D210459Dual pin600 lb.50.5"20"Pneumatic SGD 444.48
D210333Dual pin500 lb.50.5"20"Solid Rubber SGD 255.24
E210467Single loop600 lb.50.5"17"Moldon Rubber SGD 283.96
A210392Single loop600 lb.50.5"17"Pneumatic SGD 286.43
E210457Single loop600 lb.50.5"17"Pneumatic SGD 331.54
E210362Single loop600 lb.50.5"17"Solid Rubber SGD 283.85
A210331Single loop500 lb.50.5"17"Solid Rubber SGD 268.21
E210357Single loop600 lb.50.5"17"Pneumatic SGD 287.50
A210391Single Pin600 lb.45.5"17"Pneumatic SGD 284.18

Heavy Duty Shovel Nose Trucks

Wesco shovel nose trucks feature Schedule 40 heavy duty pipe frames for transporting loads up to 900 lb and a continuous handle design for easy grip. They are integrated with wheel guards and mold-on rubber / pneumatic wheels for easy manoeuvrability. These units further come equipped with a tapered noseplate for easy load lifting and are available in lengths ranging between 22 and 24 inches.

StyleModelOverall LengthWheel MaterialPrice (inc. GST)
A21006422"Moldon Rubber SGD 592.78
B21006625.5"Pneumatic SGD 763.16

186 Series Heavy Duty Hand Trucks

Wesco 186 Series hand trucks are designed to transport cylinders or drums in industrial applications. These heavy-duty hand trucks feature steel construction capable of lifting loads up to 900 lb and a two-handle design with a utility bar & wheels for easily manoeuvring the trucks. The small rear & large front wheels and rear axle design allow efficient loading & unloading of pallets. Choose from a wide range of these hand trucks, available in lengths of 25 & 26 inches on Raptor Supplies.

StyleModelLoad CapacityOverall HeightOverall LengthOverall WidthWheel MaterialPrice (inc. GST)
A210125800 lb.48"25"20.5"Semi-Pneumatic SGD 601.78
B210051900 lb.51"26"22"Balloon Cushion-

Heavy Duty Hand Truck

Wesco heavy-duty hand trucks have a steel frame and are designed to lift and transport loads up to 800 lb. These hand trucks feature a steel nose plate reinforced on the underside for maximum support and are equipped with a single pin / double pin / dual / continuous loop / single loop handle for increased control. A huge range of Wesco heavy-duty hand trucks (with sturdy wheels for manoeuvrability) is available on Raptor Supplies.

StyleModelHandle TypePrice (inc. GST)
A210265Continuous SGD 386.19
B210134Dual Handle SGD 380.08
C210135Dual pin SGD 416.73
D210264Single loop SGD 481.34
E210263Single Pin SGD 466.23

SR Economy Hand Trucks

Wesco SR Economy hand trucks are integrated with two pneumatic / solid rubber wheels to transport loads up to 500 lb; ideal for industrial- and commercial-grade material handling applications. These hand trucks feature a single-loop handle for an excellent grip and control over the truck. They further come equipped with three horizontal cross straps and a full-height vertical centre strap to support and secure small packages.

StyleModelWheel MaterialPrice (inc. GST)
A210127Pneumatic SGD 277.96
A210215Solid Rubber SGD 286.21

General Purpose Hand Trucks

General purpose hand trucks are used to transporting items for manual handling requirements. Raptor Supplies offers a wide variety of hand trucks from brands like Dayton, Fairbanks, Harper, Little Giant, Magliner, Saftcart, Vestil, Valley Craft and Wesco. Vestil aluminium hand trucks have rugged construction with a bright finish to ensure high visibility and are ideal for transporting loads. These trucks come equipped with standard pneumatic tires to offer better manoeuvrability. Tray-less delivery hand trucks from Valley Craft come with an extra wide frame to allow secure handling of bulky, trayless beverage packs. They feature form-fitted joints to provide the maximum strength and durability. These general purpose hand trucks are available for a maximum load capacity of 1000 lb.

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