Hook-and-Loop Sanding Discs | Raptor Supplies Singapore

Hook-and-Loop Sanding Discs


Hook-and-Loop Sanding Disc, Aluminium Oxide

StyleModelAbrasive MaterialAbrasive TypeBacking WeightColorDisc Dia.GradeGritItemPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A8296-035Aluminum OxideCoated/Non-Woven Blend-Brown2"Coarse MediumCoarseConditioning Disc SGD 74.9325
B8297-035Aluminum OxideCoated/Non-Woven Blend-Red2"Course MediumMediumConditioning Disc SGD 75.6725
C8298-035Aluminum OxideCoated/Non-Woven Blend-Brown3"Coarse MediumCoarseSurface Conditioning Disc SGD 128.9125
D8299-035Aluminum OxideCoated/Non-Woven Blend-Red3"Course MediumMediumSurface Conditioning Disc SGD 119.6625
E8507-035Aluminum Oxide, StearatedOpen CoatDGold6"Medium80Hook-and-Loop Sanding Disc SGD 50.9950
E8500-035Aluminum Oxide, StearatedOpen CoatCGold6"Fine120Hook-and-Loop Sanding Disc SGD 44.0450
E8501-035Aluminum Oxide, StearatedOpen CoatCGold6"Fine150Hook-and-Loop Sanding Disc SGD 42.4650
E8509-035Aluminum Oxide, StearatedOpen CoatCGold6"Extra Fine180Hook-and-Loop Sanding Disc SGD 40.0250
E8508-035Aluminum Oxide, StearatedOpen CoatCGold6"Extra Fine220Hook-and-Loop Sanding Disc SGD 41.5750
E8504-035Aluminum Oxide, StearatedOpen CoatCGold6"Very Fine320Hook-and-Loop Sanding Disc SGD 41.5750
E8505-035Aluminum Oxide, StearatedOpen CoatCGold6"Super Fine400Hook-and-Loop Sanding Disc SGD 41.5750


StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
ASR5R120 SGD 7.155
ASR5R180 SGD 7.145
BSR5R080 SGD 8.125
CSR6R320 SGD 9.465
DSR6R060 SGD 11.265
ESR6R080 SGD 9.795
FSR5R240 SGD 7.155

Conditioning Discs

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A07R455 SGD 9.20
B07R450 SGD 15.54
C07R503 SGD 11.90
D07R500 SGD 19.90
E07R602 SGD 16.89
F07R600 SGD 24.52
G07R702 SGD 21.38
H07R700 SGD 30.93
I07R704 SGD 18.40
J07R504 SGD 11.90
K07R604 SGD 14.44
L07R502 SGD 13.69
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A7660768419 SGD 22.443
A7660768238 SGD 22.843
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A66261159700 SGD 6.07
A66261159699 SGD 5.07
StyleModelGradeGritPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A07660703217Extra Fine320 SGD 34.1710
A07660703220Fine150 SGD 34.1710
A07660703218Very Fine220 SGD 34.1710
A07660703219Very Fine180 SGD 34.1710

A975 Dry Ice Multi-Air Cyclonic CA Coarse Grit Paper H&L Center Hole Vacuum Discs

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A77696007745 SGD 135.2650
B77696007770 SGD 171.9850

A290/A296 Hook & Sand AO Medium Grit Paper H&L Vacuum Discs

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A07660749221 SGD 1.961
B07660749157 SGD 10.394

Hook And Loop Surface Conditioning Discs

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A05539554559 SGD 4.63
B05539554562 SGD 4.63
C05539554560 SGD 4.63
D05539554418 SGD 6.09
E05539554428 SGD 12.31
F05539554420 SGD 6.31
G05539554417 SGD 7.00
H69957308111 SGD 4.54
I69957307907 SGD 3.49
J69957308113 SGD 2.39
J69957308114 SGD 3.49
StyleModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
A7000121099Disc SGD 12.11
A7100138343Surface Conditioning Disc SGD 13.78
StyleModelGradeGritPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A63642506215Extra Coarse36 SGD 106.1625
A63642506217Medium80 SGD 90.3925

A296/H290 Gold Reserve AO Coarse Grit Paper H&L Discs

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A66623377539 SGD 133.32100
B63642506236 SGD 49.9850

A975 ProSand Multi-Air Cyclonic CA Medium Grit Paper H&L Center Hole Vacuum Discs

StyleModelAbrasive MaterialAbrasive TypeBacking WeightDisc Dia.GradeGritVacuum Hole DesignPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A07660705488Ceramic AluminaCoatedC6"Medium1008 Hole SGD 3.181
B07660703221Ceramic Aluminum OxideOpen Coat, Water-Based Stearate, Latex ImpregnatedB5"Fine1205 Hole SGD 34.1710
C07660703222Ceramic Aluminum OxideOpen Coat, Water-Based Stearate, Latex ImpregnatedB5"Medium1005 Hole SGD 34.1710

R228 Metalite AO Medium Grit Large Diameter Cloth PSA Discs

StyleModelItemPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A66261136613PSA Sanding Disc SGD 15.581
B66261136600Sanding Disc SGD 15.011
C66261136614Sanding Disc SGD 522.0625

R228 Metalite AO Fine Grit Cloth PSA Discs

StyleModelDisc Dia.GradeGritPrice (inc. GST)
A66261136581--- SGD 2.63
B662611365825"Medium150 SGD 2.63
C662611365926"Fine180 SGD 4.18

A975 Dry Ice Multi-Air Cyclonic CA Fine Grit Paper H&L Center Hole Vacuum Discs

StyleModelGradeGritPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A77696007786-- SGD 157.721
B77696007760-- SGD 130.6050
B77696007784-- SGD 156.8850
B77696007793-- SGD 130.6050
B77696007788-- SGD 175.8050
B77696007778-- SGD 156.8850
C77696007785-- SGD 147.761
D77696007787-- SGD 156.8850
E77696007768-- SGD 134.801
B77696007777-- SGD 156.8850
B77696007791-- SGD 130.6050
B77696007762-- SGD 130.6050
B77696007781-- SGD 156.8850
B77696007795-- SGD 145.5850
F77696007756Fine180 SGD 130.6050
G77696007757Fine220 SGD 130.6050
H77696007755Medium150 SGD 130.6050
I77696007765Very Fine400 SGD 130.6050
J77696007763Very Fine320 SGD 130.6050

A975/A275 Dry Ice CA Medium Grit Paper H&L Discs

StyleModelGradeGritPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A66261140531-- SGD 164.501
B66261140520Fine120 SGD 109.4950
B66261140521Medium100 SGD 115.5750

A250/A296 Hook & Sand AO Coarse Grit Paper H&L Vacuum Discs

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A07660749158 SGD 10.394
B07660749225 SGD 49.7720

A296 Gold Reserve AO Medium Grit Paper H&L Vacuum Discs

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A66261183918 SGD 1.241
B66261183917 SGD 67.0250
StyleModelAbrasive TypeGritVacuum Hole DesignPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A7000119426Coated-Non-Vacuum SGD 322.39100
A7000119428Coated-Non-Vacuum SGD 322.39100
A7010361562CoatedP150Non-Vacuum SGD 64.7850
A7010308369CoatedP180Non-Vacuum SGD 63.6850
A7010361561CoatedP80Non-Vacuum SGD 97.5650
A7010326978CoatedP120Non-Vacuum SGD 65.2350
A7010361563CoatedP220Non-Vacuum SGD 65.2350
A7010299035CoatedP320Non-Vacuum SGD 65.2350
A7010308373Open Coat, Stearated1005 Hole SGD 893.92400

A296 Gold Reserve AO Fine Grit Paper H&L Discs

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A63642506232 SGD 73.0250
A63642506231 SGD 73.0250
B66623305637 SGD 98.87100
C66623305638 SGD 117.32100
D66261105390 SGD 142.90100
A63642506233 SGD 73.021
A63642506230 SGD 73.021
E63642506228 SGD 73.0250
E63642506227 SGD 73.0250
E63642506226 SGD 73.0250
F66623377542 SGD 119.13100
B66623377543 SGD 118.73100
G66623305639 SGD 0.811
H66623377544 SGD 123.171
E63642506225 SGD 50.6350
A63642506229 SGD 73.0250

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