Hydraulic Quick Couplers - Page 6 | Raptor Supplies Singapore

Hydraulic Quick Couplers


Hydraulic quick couplers are suitable to ensure a secure and leak-free connection even under demanding pressure variations. They offer a convenient solution for efficiently changing equipment in... Read More


Crimp Style Couplers

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AG100-C-ALCR SGD 29.35
BG200-C-BRCR SGD 116.91
AG300-C-SSCR SGD 216.38
AG400-C-SSCR SGD 243.09
BG300-C-BRCR SGD 211.31
AG600-C-SSCR SGD 623.45
AG600-C-ALCR SGD 214.55
AG200-C-SSCR SGD 119.57
AG150-C-SSCR SGD 85.67
AG200-C-ALCR SGD 47.84
BG150-C-BRCR SGD 91.32
AG150-C-ALCR SGD 40.53
BG100-C-BRCR SGD 70.85
AG100-C-SSCR SGD 66.91
AG400-C-ALCR SGD 91.03
AG300-C-ALCR SGD 65.94
BG400-C-BRCR SGD 290.08

Dry Disconnect Couplers

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
ADDC400AL SGD 4099.26
BDDC400SS SGD 9300.52
CDDC100BR SGD 1498.83
DDDC100SS SGD 2016.72
EDDC400AL164TTMA SGD 5504.76
FDDC300GM105 SGD 2462.49
GDDC300AL105 SGD 1736.07
HDDC400SSFL SGD 11831.14
IDDC300SSFL SGD 7508.83
GDDC300SS105 SGD 5370.29
JDDC200BR SGD 1860.70
ADDC400GM SGD 4997.43
KDDC600SSFL SGD 24247.44
LDDC600AL SGD 14400.61
MDDC600SS SGD 25459.84
KDDC800SSFL SGD 89948.60
NDDSC075SS SGD 3006.98
NDDSC150SS SGD 3360.77
NDDSC100SS SGD 3006.98
ODDC200SSFL SGD 4843.29
FDDC300GM SGD 2748.65
PDDC300SS SGD 5397.01
QDBC77-150-GL SGD 3279.09
GDDC300AL SGD 1976.33
RBA31-300 SGD 643.76

ISO Plugs

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AHT6F6 SGD 122.01
BHT4JB5 SGD 90.23
CHT3M4 SGD 76.83
CHT3M3 SGD 73.16
AHT4BF4 SGD 70.33
DHT3OM3 SGD 74.58
AHT4BF6 SGD 78.13
DHT3OM4 SGD 71.18
BHT4JB6 SGD 106.12
EHT4BF6-SS SGD 294.60
AHT3BF4 SGD 65.32
EHT5F6-SS SGD 353.54
CHT4M4 SGD 92.68
EHT4F6-SS SGD 294.60
AHT5BF6 SGD 114.78
EHT4F4-SS SGD 245.89
EHT5BF6-SS SGD 353.54
AHT6F8 SGD 122.01
EHT6BF8-SS SGD 545.01
AHT3OF3 SGD 73.65
EHT4BF4-SS SGD 265.17
AHT6BF8 SGD 122.01
FHT12OF12 SGD 663.47
GH8BF8-S SGD 230.91
HH8BF8-B SGD 81.27

Hydraulic Coupler Bodies

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A12VM12-SS SGD 1582.68
B8VF8-E SGD 78.55
C8AGF8 SGD 126.07
C8AGF8-PV SGD 126.07
D8STOF8 SGD 351.41
E8STF10-SS SGD 1487.39
F8STF10-V2 SGD 383.30
D8STF10 SGD 372.77
D8STOF10 SGD 326.40
E8STF8-SS SGD 1338.64
G8VBF8 SGD 149.72
F8STF8-V2 SGD 345.90
H8VBF8-B SGD 217.29
I8VEPF8-BOP SGD 337.71
B8VBF8-E SGD 78.55
J8VBF8-SS SGD 579.25
H8VF8-B SGD 201.52
K6HTBF6-SS SGD 778.96
L8VM8 SGD 171.95
M8VM8-B SGD 214.22
N8VJM8 SGD 176.12
A8VM8-SS SGD 624.65
O12KBF12 SGD 496.89
O12KF12 SGD 438.83
P12VBF12 SGD 413.39

Pipe Couplings

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A62194 SGD 29.80
A62239 SGD 12.07
B5000-8 SGD 7.66
B5000-16 SGD 16.61
B5000-16-12 SGD 18.16
B5000-2 SGD 3.30
B5000-4 SGD 4.21
A62238 SGD 11.04
A62241 SGD 28.56
B5000-20 SGD 34.44

Straight Thru Couplers

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A3EF3-B SGD 21.19
A6EBF6-B SGD 60.30
B3EM3-S SGD 81.83
C3ES3-B SGD 30.85
A4EBF4-B SGD 37.83
D4EM4-B SGD 30.54
B4EM4-S SGD 93.73
E6EF6-S SGD 163.57
A8EBF8-B SGD 76.96
D3EM3-B SGD 21.19
A8EF8-B SGD 68.04
E8EF8-S SGD 206.77
E3EF3-S SGD 81.83
A12EF12-B SGD 224.84
E12EF12-S SGD 532.88
D12EM12-B SGD 257.64
A3EBF3-B SGD 26.64
B2EM2-S SGD 73.06
A2EF2-B SGD 17.64
D10EM10-B SGD 172.24
A6EF6-B SGD 55.39
D2EM2-B SGD 17.64
C4ES4-B SGD 47.05
E4EF4-S SGD 93.73
A4EF4-B SGD 30.54

Enerpac Couplers

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A3TM3 SGD 54.34
B3TM3-PV SGD 70.23
B3TM3-SS-PV SGD 296.54
C3TM3-SS SGD 250.21
D3TF3 SGD 58.69

H Style Couplers

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A3VF3-SS SGD 222.37
B3VM3-SS SGD 213.58
C3VBF3 SGD 67.77
A3VBF3-SS SGD 228.62
D3VF3-B SGD 69.51
E3VJM3 SGD 72.73
C3VF4 SGD 78.19
C3VOF3 SGD 73.37
F3VM3-B SGD 76.65
D3VBF3-B SGD 75.00
C3VF3 SGD 57.29
G3VM3 SGD 66.82
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A3WF2-B-HN SGD 183.36
A3WF3-B-HN SGD 183.36
A6WBF4-B-HN SGD 137.82
A6WBF6-B-HN SGD 127.64
A6WF4-B-HN SGD 114.85
A6WF6-B-HN SGD 114.85


StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A4060-DD-AL SGD 481.78
B8TRBF8 SGD 248.37
CD-4HF4-SS-FSB SGD 398.28
CD-4HF4-S-FSB SGD 230.85
DD-4HF4-S-FNS SGD 233.74
DD-4HF4-SS-FNS SGD 380.33
EATCGF40 SGD 545.11
FADD400 SGD 503.28
FADD200 SGD 350.65
FADD3040 SGD 475.48
FADD2030 SGD 364.39
B8TRF8 SGD 248.37
G6HTF8 SGD 232.07
HDC1045LSE SGD 151.29
G6HTOF8 SGD 232.07
I6HTBF8-SS SGD 778.96
G6HTOF6 SGD 232.07
G6HTOF5 SGD 225.30
G6HTBF8 SGD 232.07
J6000-15C SGD 208.00
I5HTF6-SS SGD 594.85
G5HTBF6 SGD 193.74
I5HTBF6-SS SGD 594.85
K5354P1 SGD 520.06
L4STBF4-SS SGD 528.38
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A4AGF6-PV-PS SGD 74.56
A4AGF4-PV-PS SGD 70.54

Dual-Lock P-Series Couplers

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A4PS4-WF SGD 70.44
B4PM6-9 SGD 148.69
A4PS6-WF SGD 68.60

Air Chief Couplers

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
ADC2044L SGD 28.38
BDC244 SGD 30.44
CDC2644L SGD 49.16
DDC903 SGD 63.48
DDC504 SGD 56.13
EDC101 SGD 27.47
FDC1044 SGD 71.22
GDC242L SGD 29.41
BDC242 SGD 30.73
HDC3844L SGD 30.91
DDC906 SGD 72.50
IDC36 SGD 54.44
JDC3844 SGD 37.25
KDC7106 SGD 107.09
DDC9 SGD 56.77
EDC103 SGD 29.45
DDC5 SGD 45.03
LDC624 SGD 65.32
MDC27 SGD 39.21
NDC3823 SGD 34.40
ODC3703 SGD 33.12
PDC7048 SGD 118.81
HDC3842L SGD 30.91
QDC35 SGD 49.61
KDC7108 SGD 118.81

Garden Hose Couplers

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A500QCF SGD 17.29
B500QCFSS SGD 91.16
C500QCFV SGD 25.49
D500YC SGD 24.31

API Couplers

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A5300B SGD 2539.18
B4540F SGD 384.60
A5300G SGD 2539.18
C5300BC SGD 2596.73
A5400B SGD 2539.18
A5400G SGD 2539.18
A5300 SGD 2308.41
A5400 SGD 2308.41

Ws-Series Female Couplers

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A6WSF6 SGD 167.70
A8WSF8 SGD 218.03
A6WSF4 SGD 220.30
A6WSBF6 SGD 177.19
B6WSBF6-SS SGD 1584.31
A6WSOF6 SGD 185.01
A8WSBF8 SGD 230.37
A8WSOF8 SGD 245.81
B8WSBF8-SS SGD 1787.46
B8WSF8-SS SGD 1429.96
B6WSF6-SS SGD 1267.44

Industrial Safety Couplers

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A9415U0618 SGD 113.05
B9405U0614 SGD 79.70
B9405U0618 SGD 93.94
A9415U0614 SGD 99.06

Dry Disconnect Coupler x FNPT

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
ADBC62-200 SGD 1091.90
ADBC72-150 SGD 2242.80
BDBC79-300 SGD 5946.96
ADBC77-200 SGD 3179.94
BDBC74-300 SGD 5432.14
BDBC76-300 SGD 15085.91
BDBC77-300 SGD 6754.02
ADBC76-150 SGD 6725.50
BDBC72-300 SGD 5432.14
ADBC71-150 SGD 2159.94
ADBC73-200 SGD 3675.80
BDBC73-300 SGD 7286.92
ADBC74-150 SGD 2242.80
ADBC64-200 SGD 1603.42
BDBC71-300 SGD 5158.03
ADBC64-150 SGD 1444.59
ADBC76-200 SGD 7294.58
CDBC66-300 SGD 9912.85
ADBC72-200 SGD 2527.31
DDBC69-300 SGD 2734.38
DDBC64-300 SGD 2602.35
ADBC63-150 SGD 2279.87
ADBC71-200 SGD 2403.11
ADBC62-150 SGD 1004.60
ADBC66-200 SGD 6011.74
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
ADBCL-200 SGD 174.88
ADBCL-300 SGD 174.88
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
ADBS61-200 SGD 1181.76
ADBS63-200 SGD 2632.19
ADBS62-200 SGD 1362.99

Coupler Set Flush Face 3/8 Inch Npt

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
F-604AE7NAW SGD 456.60

Hydraulic Quick Couplers

Hydraulic quick couplers are designed to provide fluid tight seal under aggressive pressure variations and facilitate changing equipment in liquid and gas transfer, diagnostics, tool assembly or while frequent swapping of machinery. These couplings feature a plug (male end) and a socket (female end) for connecting / disconnecting hydraulic lines to any equipment. Raptor Supplies offers a wide range of these quick couplings from brands like Enerpac, Hansen, Lisle, Parker, Eaton, Snap-Tite and Safeway. Snap-Tite 71 Series hydraulic quick-connect couplings feature a flush face valve which shuts off automatically when the fluid lines are disconnected and reduce the risk of leaks and spills while minimising contamination and trapped air. These units have a sleeve-lock design for additional protection against accidental disconnections and provide superior performance under working pressures up to 10000 PSI. They come integrated with an autoclave cone and threaded fittings for onsite installation and larger size tubing. Eaton 5600 Series couplers are integrated with self-sealing poppet valves providing both high and low pressure sealing. These couplers are further equipped with a ball latching mechanism wherein a group of balls inside the socket (female half) locks into the plug (male half) allowing 360-degree swivel on the connected joint.


Snap Tite Push To Connect Couplings:

  • Snap Tite 71 Series hydraulic quick-connect couplings have a flush face valve mechanism that automatically shuts off when the fluid lines are disconnected, effectively preventing leaks, eliminating the presence of trapped air within the system and ensuring smooth & efficient hydraulic operations.
  • These high-flow hydraulic quick couplers further offer a sleeve-lock mechanism that provides an extra layer of protection against unintended disconnections, ensuring a secure and reliable connection between the couplings.

Eaton 5600 Series Coupling Plugs:

  • Eaton 5600 Series couplers are integrated with self-sealing poppet valves that allow both low and high-pressure sealing for leakproof connection.
  • These high flow hydraulic couplers are equipped with a ball latching mechanism wherein a group of balls inside the socket (female half) locks into the plug (male half), allowing a 360-degree swivel on the connected joint.
  • It has a ball-latching mechanism that enables a secure connection between the socket (female half) and the plug (male half).
  • They consist of a group of balls inside the socket that lock into the plug, ensuring a reliable connection for a full 360-degree swivel at the joint and providing flexibility & freedom of movement.

Enerpac Quick Male Couplers:

  • Enerpac quick couplers have durable steel construction to ensure strength, longevity and excellent resistance to wear & corrosion, making them suitable for demanding hydraulic applications.
  • They utilise a ball detent locking mechanism that ensures a secure connection between the male coupler and its corresponding female counterpart, providing a positive lock and preventing accidental disconnection during operation.
  • The brand's CH604 hydraulic quick couplers are equipped with provide twice the air delivery than standard couplers and plugs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the pressure rating of Snap-Tite 71 Series hydraulic quick-connect couplings?

These couplings are capable of handling high flow rates of up to 60 GPM while maintaining a maximum pressure of 10000 PSI.

What is the working temperature range of Eaton 5600 Series coupling plugs?

Eaton 5600 Series coupling plugs have an operating temperature range of -40 to 250 degrees F.

How do I select the correct coupling plug for my hydraulic system?

  • Ensure that the coupling plug and socket are compatible with each other. They should have matching sizes and types to create a secure and leak-free connection. Using incompatible couplings can result in improper sealing and reduced performance.
  • Consider the flow rate requirements of your application so that the chosen couplings can handle the desired flow rate without significant pressure drops or restrictions, ensuring efficient fluid transfer and preventing any limitations in system performance.
  • It is important to select couplings that can withstand the maximum pressure expected in the system. Choosing couplings with a higher pressure rating than the system requirements provides an added margin of safety.
  • Always check the temperature range of your application. Different materials and seal options are available to withstand specific temperature ranges. Ensure that the selected couplings are suitable for the operating temperatures encountered in your system to prevent damage or failure.
  • Consider the chemical compatibility of the coupling materials with the fluid being transferred. Different fluids may have varying effects on coupling materials, such as corrosion or degradation.

What is the flow rate of Enerpac quick male couplers?

Enerpac quick male couplers have a flow rate of 4 gallons per minute (gpm).

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