Jaw Coupling Spiders | Raptor Supplies Singapore

LOVEJOY Jaw Coupling Spiders

Lovejoy jaw coupling spiders are engineered to transfer torque and rotation from one shaft to another. These Lovejoy couplings can accommodate misaligned shafts, and secure them from damage due to damping & vibrations. Lovejoy spider couplings are available in L, AL and LC types, as well as bronze, Hytrel, polyurethane, SOX (NBR), rubber and stainless steel construction variants.


Lovejoy coupling spiders are ideal for transferring and absorbing load from coupling hubs connected to shafts for power transmission applications. These spiders are ideal for blowers, compressors, gear boxes, pumps, conveyors, and mixers.


L Type Spiders, Open Center

StyleModelCoupling SizeMaterialBore SizeColorNominal TorqueNormal Temperature RangePrice (inc. GST)
A68514410198L050-0.625"-50 in.-lbs.-40° to 450° F SGD 41.08
B68514425308L070Hytrel0.75"Tan114 in.-lbs.-60° to 250° F SGD 34.36
C68514410411L070Urethane0.75"Blue65 in.-lbs.-30° to 160° F SGD 20.36
A68514410409L070-0.75"-114 in.-lbs.-40° to 450° F SGD 47.65
D68514410393L070SOX (NBR) Rubber0.75"Black43.2 in.-lbs.-40° to 212° F SGD 9.07
C68514410626L075, AL075Urethane0.875"Blue135 in.-lbs.-30° to 160° F SGD 24.00
A68514410624L075, AL075-0.875"-227 in.-lbs.-40° to 450° F SGD 70.06
B68514425309L075, AL075Hytrel0.875"Tan227 in.-lbs.-60° to 250° F SGD 49.30
E68514410620L075, AL075SOX (NBR) Rubber0.875"Black90 in.-lbs.-40° to 212° F SGD 16.56
E68514410968L090, L095, AL090, AL095SOX (NBR) Rubber-Black144 in.-lbs. to 194 in.-lbs.-40° to 212° F SGD 22.75
A68514411073L090, L095, AL090, AL095---401 in.-lbs. to 561 in.-lbs.-40° to 450° F SGD 73.57
B68514425310L090, L095, AL090, AL095Hytrel-Tan401 in.-lbs. to 561 in.-lbs.-60° to 250° F SGD 65.75
C68514411075L090, L095, AL090, AL095Urethane-Blue216 in.-lbs. to 291 in.-lbs.-30° to 160° F SGD 36.26
C68514411499L099, L100, AL099, AL100Urethane-Blue477 in.-lbs. to 626 in.-lbs.-30° to 160° F SGD 87.45
B68514411486L099, L100, AL099, AL100Hytrel-Tan792 in.-lbs. to 1134 in.-lbs.-60° to 250° F SGD 164.27
E68514411492L099, L100, AL099, AL100SOX (NBR) Rubber-Black318 in.-lbs. to 417 in.-lbs.-40° to 212° F SGD 45.67
A68514411497L099, L100, AL099, AL100---792 in.-lbs. to 1134 in.-lbs.-40° to 450° F SGD 130.48
C68514411729L110, AL110Urethane1.625"Blue1188 in.-lbs.-30° to 160° F SGD 180.83
A68514411727L110, AL110-1.625"-2268 in.-lbs.-40° to 450° F SGD 156.68
B68514438097L110, AL110Hytrel1.625"Tan2268 in.-lbs.-60° to 250° F SGD 189.33
E68514411711L110, AL110SOX (NBR) Rubber1.625"Black792 in.-lbs.-40° to 212° F SGD 52.56
A68514412004L150-1.875"-3706 in.-lbs.-40° to 450° F SGD 503.92
E68514437880L150SOX (NBR) Rubber1.875"Black1240 in.-lbs.-40° to 212° F SGD 75.59
C68514412006L150Urethane1.875"Blue1860 in.-lbs.-30° to 160° F SGD 218.81
F68514438098L150Hytrel1.875"Tan3708 in.-lbs.-60° to 250° F SGD 227.44

L Type Spiders, Solid Centers

StyleModelCoupling SizeMaterialColorNominal TorqueNormal Temperature RANGEPrice (inc. GST)
A68514410118L035SOX (NBR) RubberBlack3.5 in.-lbs.-40° to 212° F SGD 4.93
A68514410119L035SOX (NBR) RubberBlack3.5 in.-lbs.-40° to 212° F SGD 5.17
B68514425307L050HytrelTan50 in.-lbs.-60° to 250° F SGD 23.32
A68514410194L050SOX (NBR) RubberBlack26.3 in.-lbs.-40° to 212° F SGD 7.16
A68514410199L050SOX (NBR) RubberBlack26.3 in.-lbs.-40° to 212° F SGD 7.23
A68514410197L050SOX (NBR) RubberBlack26.3 in.-lbs.-40° to 212° F SGD 7.23
C68514437786L050UrethaneBlue39 in.-lbs.-30° to 160° F SGD 27.92
A68514410406L070SOX (NBR) RubberBlack43.2 in.-lbs.-40° to 212° F SGD 10.28
A68514410391L070SOX (NBR) RubberBlack43.2 in.-lbs.-40° to 212° F SGD 10.37
C68514410395L070UrethaneBlue65 in.-lbs.-30° to 160° F SGD 19.40
A68514410622L075, AL075SOX (NBR) RubberBlack90 in.-lbs.-40° to 212° F SGD 17.62
A68514410621L075, AL075SOX (NBR) RubberBlack90 in.-lbs.-40° to 212° F SGD 17.62
A68514411070L090, L095, AL090, AL095SOX (NBR) RubberBlack144 in.-lbs. to 194 in.-lbs.-40° to 212° F SGD 21.34
A68514411494L099, L100, AL099, AL100SOX (NBR) RubberBlack318 in.-lbs. to 417 in.-lbs.-40° to 212° F SGD 46.86
A68514411724L110, AL110SOX (NBR) RubberBlack792 in.-lbs.-40° to 212° F SGD 50.48
B68514411717L110, AL110HytrelTan2268 in.-lbs.-60° to 250° F SGD 173.95
B68514411993L150HytrelTan3708 in.-lbs.-60° to 250° F SGD 239.02
A68514412001L150SOX (NBR) RubberBlack1240 in.-lbs.-40° to 212° F SGD 101.03
A68514412274L190SOX (NBR) RubberBlack1728 in.-lbs.-40° to 212° F SGD 84.55
B68514412265L190HytrelTan4680 in.-lbs.-60° to 250° F SGD 281.70
A68514412409L225SOX (NBR) RubberBlack2340 in.-lbs.-40° to 212° F SGD 103.37
B68514412401L225HytrelTan6228 in.-lbs.-60° to 250° F SGD 330.79

CJ Series Spiders

StyleModelSpider SizeMaterialColorNominal TorqueSpider TYPECoupling TYPEStyleTemp. RANGEPrice (inc. GST)
A68514461454-------- SGD 180.78
A68514472260-------- SGD 165.68
A6851446146014PolyurethaneBlue35 in.-lbs.80 Shore AElastomeric InsertOpen Center-40° to 248° F-
B6851446206714PolyurethaneRed111 in.-lbs.CJElastomeric InsertOpen-40 to 248°F SGD 12.07
C6851446144614PolyurethaneYellow66 in.-lbs.CJElastomeric InsertOpen-50 to 248°F SGD 14.37
A6851447225619PolyurethaneGreen185 in.-lbs.64 Shore DElastomeric InsertOpen Center-30° to 266° F SGD 39.42
A6851446206819PolyurethaneRed150 in.-lbs.98 Shore AElastomeric InsertOpen Center-40° to 248° F SGD 16.78
D6851446146119PolyurethaneBlue43 in.-lbs.CJElastomeric InsertOpen-40 to 248°F SGD 17.62
C6851446144719PolyurethaneYellow88 in.-lbs.CJElastomeric InsertOpen-50 to 248°F SGD 14.60
B6851446206924PolyurethaneRed530 in.-lbs.CJElastomeric InsertOpen-40 to 248°F SGD 19.44
D6851446146224PolyurethaneBlue530 in.-lbs.CJElastomeric InsertOpen-40 to 248°F SGD 19.73
A6851447225724PolyurethaneGreen660 in.-lbs.64 Shore DElastomeric InsertOpen Center-30° to 266° F SGD 48.31
C6851446144824PolyurethaneYellow310 in.-lbs.CJElastomeric InsertOpen-50 to 248°F SGD 20.72
D6851446146328PolyurethaneBlue407 in.-lbs.CJElastomeric InsertOpen-40 to 248°F SGD 23.10
C6851446144928PolyurethaneYellow840 in.-lbs.CJElastomeric InsertOpen-50 to 248°F SGD 25.47
B6851446207028PolyurethaneRed1415 in.-lbs.CJElastomeric InsertOpen-40 to 248°F SGD 24.32
E6851447225828PolyurethaneGreen1770 in.-lbs.CJElastomeric InsertOpen-30 to 266°F SGD 65.56
B6851446207138PolyurethaneRed2875 in.-lbs.CJElastomeric InsertOpen-40 to 248°F SGD 50.04
C6851446145038PolyurethaneYellow1680 in.-lbs.CJElastomeric InsertOpen-50 to 248°F SGD 42.41
E6851447225938PolyurethaneGreen3585 in.-lbs.CJElastomeric InsertOpen-30 to 266°F SGD 120.77
C6851446145142PolyurethaneYellow2345 in.-lbs.CJElastomeric InsertOpen-50 to 248°F SGD 69.03
B6851446207242PolyurethaneRed3980 in.-lbs.CJElastomeric InsertOpen-40 to 248°F SGD 69.03
D6851446146542PolyurethaneBlue823 in.-lbs.CJElastomeric InsertOpen-40 to 248°F SGD 65.75
B6851446207348PolyurethaneRed4645 in.-lbs.CJElastomeric InsertOpen-40 to 248°F SGD 81.04
C6851446145248PolyurethaneYellow2740 in.-lbs.CJElastomeric InsertOpen-50 to 248°F SGD 86.28

GS Series Elastomeric Spiders

StyleModelSpider SizeMaterialColorNominal TorqueSpider TYPEStyleRadial StiffnessCoupling Bolt SizePrice (inc. GST)
A68514472250-------- SGD 210.38
B6851447224214UrethaneGreen141.6 in.-lbs.GSSolid4892 in.-lbs.M3 SGD 75.59
C6851446724914UrethaneRed110.6 in.-lbs.GSSolid3452 in.-lbs.M3 SGD 27.78
D6851446724814UrethaneYellow66.40 in.-lbs.92 Shore ASolid Center Type1920.0000 in.-lbs.M3 SGD 31.22
C6851446725119UrethaneRed150.5 in.-lbs.GSSolid11487 in.-lbs.M6 SGD 50.27
D6851446725019UrethaneYellow88.50 in.-lbs.92 Shore ASolid Center Type6401.0000 in.-lbs.M6 SGD 50.27
D6851447224419UrethaneGreen185.90 in.-lbs.64 Shore DSolid Center Type16745.0000 in.-lbs.M6 SGD 127.72
C6851446725324UrethaneRed531 in.-lbs.GSSolid14630 in.-lbs.M6 SGD 59.15
E6851446725224UrethaneYellow309.8 in.-lbs.GSSolid8458 in.-lbs.M6 SGD 59.15
B6851447224524UrethaneGreen663.8 in.-lbs.GSSolid21123 in.-lbs.M6 SGD 141.32
C6851446725528UrethaneRed1416 in.-lbs.GSSolid18288 in.-lbs.M8 SGD 65.75
F6851446725428UrethaneYellow840.8 in.-lbs.GSSolid10173 in.-lbs.M8 SGD 65.75
B6851447224628UrethaneGreen1770 in.-lbs.GSSolid24849 in.-lbs.M8 SGD 165.68
F6851446725638UrethaneYellow1681 in.-lbs.GSSolid12430 in.-lbs.M8 SGD 95.32
C6851446725738UrethaneRed2876 in.-lbs.GSSolid25146 in.-lbs.M8 SGD 95.32
B6851447224738UrethaneGreen3584 in.-lbs.GSSolid36999 in.-lbs.M8 SGD 230.06
D6851446725942UrethaneRed3982 in.-lbs.98 Shore ASolid Center Type31833.0000 in.-lbs.M8 SGD 131.48
E6851446725842UrethaneYellow2345 in.-lbs.GSSolid13887 in.-lbs.M8 SGD 131.48
B6851447224842UrethaneGreen4956 in.-lbs.GSSolid41548 in.-lbs.M8 SGD 331.45
E6851446726048UrethaneYellow2743 in.-lbs.GSSolid14745 in.-lbs.M10 SGD 164.36
C6851446726148UrethaneRed4646 in.-lbs.GSSolid33890 in.-lbs.M10 SGD 164.36
D6851447224948UrethaneGreen5798 in.-lbs.64 Shore DSolid Center Type47286.0000 in.-lbs.M10 SGD 414.15
D6851447225155UrethaneRed6062 in.-lbs.98 Shore ASolid Center Type38210.0000 in.-lbs.M12 SGD 210.38
D6851447225255UrethaneGreen7301 in.-lbs.64 Shore DSolid Center Type58852.0000 in.-lbs.M12 SGD 531.56
StyleModelHub StyleMaterialCoupling SizeCoupling Nominal TorqueStyleCoupling TYPEColorCubic inchesPrice (inc. GST)
A685144717061UrethaneLS090, LS095335 in.-lbs.WrapJaw In-ShearBlue1.8944 Cu.In. SGD 104.36
A685144717081UrethaneLS1101090 in.-lbs.WrapJaw In-ShearBlue8.41 Cu.In. SGD 191.10
A685144717091UrethaneLS1501810 in.-lbs.WrapJaw In-ShearBlue13.714 Cu.In. SGD 251.15
A685144717141UrethaneCS28518760 in.-lbs.WrapJaw In-ShearBlue88.209 Cu.In. SGD 1447.59
A685144717102UrethaneLS1902920 in.-lbs.WrapJaw In-ShearBlue16.0825 Cu.In. SGD 382.31

Snap Wrap, Flexible Spiders

Lovejoy snap wrap spider couplings provide shaft-to-shaft connection for power transmission and accommodating parallel & angular misalignment in industrial machinery, electric motors & compressors. These jaw couplings feature radially removable elastomeric cushions for ease-of-maintenance and no metal to metal contact for wear minimisation. SOX (NBR) rubber / urethane construction provides resistance against oil, sand, dirt, grease & moisture while ensuring fail-safe operation, even upon elastomeric cushion failure. These snap wrap spidersare capable of delivering torque up to 3510 inch-lb and the collar configuration of these snap wrap spiders can achieve the same speed as standard couplings since the collar is attached to one hub. Raptor Supplies, a trusted distributor of Lovejoy snap wrap spiders, also offers coupling spacers, jaw couplings, sleeve gear couplings, gaskets, hydraulic tanks and related accessories.

StyleModelCoupling SizeMaterialTorqueCoupling TYPEStyleColorAngular MisalignmentShore HardnessPrice (inc. GST)
A68514428284L190Urethane2592 in.-lbs.JawSolid RingBlue55D, L050 - L110, 90 - 95A, L150 - L233 SGD 251.56
A68514426093L225Urethane3510 in.-lbs.JawSolid RingBlue55D, L050 - L110, 90 - 95A, L150 - L235 SGD 262.59
A68514412413LT225Urethane3510 in.-lbs.JawSolidBlue55D, L050 - L110, 90 - 95A, L150 - L236 SGD 288.55
B68514411071SW090, SW095SOX (NBR) Rubber144 in.-lbs.JawSnap Wrap without RingBlack80A SGD 43.47
B68514424669SW090, SW095SOX (NBR) Rubber144 in.-lbs.JawSnap Wrap with RingBlack80A SGD 70.35
B68514424670SW099, SW100SOX (NBR) Rubber318 in.-lbs.JawSnap Wrap with RingBlack80A SGD 96.62
B68514411495SW099, SW100SOX (NBR) Rubber318 in.-lbs.JawSnap Wrap without RingBlack80A SGD 71.11
A68514441170SW099, SW100Urethane477 in.-lbs.JawSolid RingBlue55D, L050 - L110, 90 - 95A, L150 - L237 SGD 164.36
B68514424671SW110SOX (NBR) Rubber792 in.-lbs.JawSnap Wrap with RingBlack80A SGD 118.31
B68514411725SW110SOX (NBR) Rubber792 in.-lbs.JawSnap Wrap without RingBlack80A SGD 86.28
C68514424672SW150SOX (NBR) Rubber1240 in.-lbs.JawSnap Wrap with RingBlack80A SGD 192.63
C68514412002SW150SOX (NBR) Rubber1240 in.-lbs.JawSnap Wrap without RingBlack80A SGD 102.13
B68514424673SW190SOX (NBR) Rubber1728 in.-lbs.JawSnap Wrap with RingBlack80A SGD 288.59
B68514412275SW190SOX (NBR) Rubber1728 in.-lbs.JawSnap Wrap without RingBlack80A SGD 120.77

In-Shear Spider, 5 Inch Outside Dia., 8400 in-lbs Torque, LS225 Size

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
68514478393AJ2XHD SGD 1101.13

Spider, SOX NBR, Solid, AL150 Size, 80A Shore Hardness, Jaw Coupling Type

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
68514418027AJ2XBT SGD 98.04


  • They have bronze / Hytrel / SOX rubber / urethane / polyurethane construction for absorbing the torque and pressure generated by shafts with ease while minimising the wear of coupling hubs.
  • Selected models have a solid centre design for keeping the shafts of driven and driver equipment separate by a safe gap.

Working Mechanism

  • These spiders have multiple teeth like sections that fit in between two coupling hubs.
  • The coupling hubs are connected to two shafts that are misaligned (parallel / angular).
  • These spiders absorb the pressure generated by the driver shaft through one coupling and transfer the pressure to the coupling hub connected to the driven shaft.
  • Their design also prevents the coupling hubs from making metal to metal contact.

Standards and Approvals

  • ISO 9001:2008

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a spider in a coupling?

Lovejoy jaw couplings are composed of three parts, i.e. an elastomer insert known as a spider and two metallic hubs on both the sides. These three separate parts are pressed together with the help of a jaw from each hub, both of which are fitted alternately with the lobes of the spider to form a Lovejoy spider coupling.

How do you install a spider coupling?

  • Before installing the hubs on the shaft, slide the retaining collar onto either shaft.
  • Insert the key into the keyway. Make sure that the key fits snugly in the keyway, with minimal side to side movement.
  • Slide a hub on each of the shafts over the keys and align the face of the hub with the end of the shaft.
  • Using a calibrated torque wrench, tighten the set screws.
  • Check alignment using either straight edge method or a dial indicator taking measurements at four locations 90 degrees apart.
  • Wrap the spider (in case of jaw in-shear units) around the hubs and insert a leg of the spider into each space between the coupling jaws.
  • Align the pins on the side of the collar with the grooves in the spider.
  • Recheck set screws for tightness and recheck the axial & angular alignment for accuracy.
  • Remove any material and tooling away from the coupling and shafts. Install the appropriate coupling guard as per OSHA requirements.
For a clear Lovejoy spider coupling installation manual, check out the following link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0D0nrwzzm0

Why is a spider used in a coupling?

The spider determines the torque rating of a coupling. It also affects the coupling's response to temperature, vibration, misalignment, chemicals and high speed. Lovejoy coupling spiders provide ease of installation of the coupling.

What is the significance of the colours of Lovejoy spiders?

  • Black - Lovejoy spiders with 80 Shore A hardness ensuring excellent damping properties.
  • Yellow - Spiders with 92 Shore A hardness used in hydraulic applications.
  • Red - Lovejoy coupling spiders with 95 / 98 Shore A hardness suitable in high torque applications.
  • Green - Lovejoy spiders with 64 Shore D hardness for humid environments.
  • Blue - Lovejoy spiders with 92 & 95 Shore A hardness for chemical resistance and high torque capabilities.
  • Tan / Bronze - Lovejoy coupling spiders with 55 Shore D hardness to ensure excellent chemical resistance.

What is the difference between open center & solid center Lovejoy spider designs?

The open center design of Lovejoy coupling spiders is suitable in close BE situations (distance between ends of driven and driving shafts), where units must be positioned as closely together as possible. However, this design has no full-diameter support, as the spider's legs are joined only by a thin segment of material. It has speed limitations up to 1750 rpm for NBR and 3600 rpm for Urethane / Hytrel.
The solid center design of Lovejoy spiders is suitable for general power transmission applications where the BE dimension will remain fairly constant and will be capable of affording a suitable gap.

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