VESTIL Jib Cranes


Vestil jib cranes are used to lift and transport heavy objects. These jib cranes are available in various types, including mini overhead cantilever jibs, extra travel tri-post jibs, floor-mounted... Read More


DSJ Series Air Balance Jib Lifters

StyleModelBase LengthBase WidthDepthHeightMax. Arm LengthMounting LocationNozzle SizeWidthPrice (inc. GST)
ADSJ-300-C----93"--- SGD 22797.24
BDSJ-30020"20"95"117"92"Floor1/4"84.75" SGD 21808.89
CDSJ-300-P42.25"39.38"41.25"127.25"93"Portable3/8"111.69" SGD 21626.39

VAN Series Lifter Jibs

StyleModelExtended Min. Hook HeightGround ClearanceItemOverall Cable LengthPower TypeRetracted Min. Hook HeightVoltageWidthPrice (inc. GST)
AVAN-J0"31 9/16"Davit Crane10 ft.Manual Hand Winch0"-13.56" SGD 1260.10
BVAN-J-AC0"30 1/8"Jib Crane25 ft.AC Powered Winch0"115V AC9.94" SGD 2819.04
CVAN-J-DC36.13"31 3/8"Davit Crane46 ft.12V DC36.13"12V DC12.31" SGD 1852.19

CJIB Series Mini Overhead Cantilever Jibs

StyleModelBase HeightBeam LengthBeam SizeCapacityDepthFlange WidthGround ClearanceHeightPrice (inc. GST)
ACJIB-33"63.13"2 11/16" x 4"300 lbs.40.12"2.69"84"106.69" SGD 1754.29
BCJIB-63"63.13"2 11/16" x 4"600 lbs.40.12"2.69"84"106.69" SGD 1810.81
CCJIB-104"65.13"4" x 6"1000 lbs.40.12"4"78 1/2"103.69" SGD 2472.46
DCJIB-204"65.13"4" x 6"2000 lbs.40.12"4"78 1/2"103.69" SGD 2563.65

DSL Series Air Balance Jib Lifters

StyleModelBase LengthBase WidthMounting LocationNozzle SizePrice (inc. GST)
BDSL-30019.69"19.69"Floor1/4" SGD 41564.86
CDSL-300-P47.25"47.25"Portable3/8" SGD 39019.32

JIB-CBX Series Portable Offset Jib Cranes

StyleModelBase HeightBeam LengthCapacityDepthHeightOverall I-beam LengthUsable Beam LengthUsable I-beam LengthPrice (inc. GST)
AJIB-CBX-25-8-1018"96"250 lbs.181.3125"126.25"96"85 3/4"85 3/4" SGD 4848.99
BJIB-CBX-25-10-1018"120"250 lbs.205.3125"126.25"120"109 3/4"109 3/4" SGD 7364.55
CJIB-CBX-50-8-1018"96"500 lbs.181.3125"126.25"96"85 3/4"85 3/4" SGD 7279.99
DJIB-CBX-100-8-1036"96"1000 lbs.181.3125"130.31"96"85 3/4"85 3/4" SGD 9293.27
EJIB-CBX-50-10-1036"120"500 lbs.205.3125"130.31"120"109 3/4"109 3/4" SGD 9561.86

JIB Series Floor Mounted Jibs

StyleModelBase LengthBase WidthBeam LengthBeam SizeCapacityDepthFlange WidthGround ClearancePrice (inc. GST)
AJIB-FM-314.5"14.5"80"2 11/16" x 4"300 lbs.82.25"2.69"99 1/4" SGD 1991.44
BJIB-FM-614.5"14.5"80"4" x 6"600 lbs.82.25"4"99 1/4" SGD 2346.41
CJIB-FM-1017"17"80"4" x 6"1000 lbs.82.5"4"99 1/2" SGD 2651.55
DJIB-FM-2017"17"80"4" x 10 1/8"2000 lbs.82.5"4"99 1/2" SGD 2868.81
EJIB-FM-4024"24"80.38"6 1/2" x 12 1/4"4000 lbs.40.12"6.5"99 1/4" SGD 7134.17

JIB-P Series Multi-Station Transportable Jib Cranes

StyleModelBoom ReachDepthExtended LengthHeightMax. ClearanceOverall I-beam SpanRetracted LengthUsable Boom HeightPrice (inc. GST)
AJIB-P-10-6-1067 3/4"40.12"67.75"132.69"119.8125"72"67.75"119 13/16" SGD 5908.66
BJIB-P-10-6-667 3/4"40.12"67.75"84.69"71.8125"72"67.75"71 13/16" SGD 3628.37
CJIB-P-10-6-867 3/4"40.12"67.75"108.69"95.9125"72"67.75"95 13/16" SGD 3817.29
DJIB-P-10-8-1091 3/4"111.375"91.75"132.69"119.8125"96"91.75"119 13/16" SGD 5857.15
EJIB-P-10-8-691 3/4"111.375"91.75"84.69"71.8125"96"91.75"71 13/16" SGD 3724.64
FJIB-P-10-8-891 3/4"111.375"91.75"108.69"95.9125"96"91.75"95 13/16" SGD 4744.36
GJIB-P-10-10-10115 3/4"135.375"115.75"132.69"119.8125"120"115.75"119 13/16" SGD 6216.98
HJIB-P-10-10-6115 3/4"135.375"115.75"84.69"71.8125"120"115.75"71 13/16" SGD 4092.74
IJIB-P-10-10-8115 3/4"135.375"115.75"108.69"95.9125"120"115.75"95 13/16" SGD 4294.91

TJIB Series Extra Travel Tri-Post Jibs

StyleModelBeam LengthCapacityDepthGround ClearanceHeightWidthPrice (inc. GST)
ATJIB-1085.5"1000 lbs.85.5"76"83"48" SGD 2041.31
BTJIB-385.25"300 lbs.85.25"76 1/2"83"48" SGD 1545.52
CTJIB-685.25"600 lbs.85.25"76 1/2"83"48" SGD 1631.69
DTJIB-2085.75"2000 lbs.85.75"76"83.5"47.75" SGD 2170.72

EPFC Series Electric Powered Floor Cranes

StyleModelBattery TypeCapacityDepthHeightItemLift RangeLoad CapacityMax. Boom Height At Full ExtensionPrice (inc. GST)
AEPFC-2512V600 lbs.79.5"66.38"Electric Floor Crane44 1/4" to 94"2500 Lbs.110" SGD 17381.08
BEPFC-25-AA12V600 lbs.79.125"67"Electric Floor Crane44 1/4" to 97"2500 lbs.110" SGD 18371.15
CEPFC-CB-1524V/ 12A1500 lbs.-68.38"Floor Cranes--105" SGD 19432.43

WTJ Series Winch Operated Truck Jib Cranes

StyleModelBase HeightBase LengthBase WidthCapacityColorDepthExtended CapacityExtended LengthPrice (inc. GST)
AWTJ-2-G11 1/2"11"11"-Gray11"500 lbs.52" SGD 1451.03
BWTJ-4-G11 1/2"11"11"-Gray11"1000 lbs.52" SGD 1709.65
CWTJ-2-G-DC11 1/2"11"11"-Gray11"500 lbs.52" SGD 2386.23
DWTJ-4-G-DC11 1/2"11"11"-Gray11"1000 lbs.52" SGD 2331.57
EWTJ-2-DC11 1/2"11"11"-Yellow11"500 lbs.54" SGD 1961.80
FWTJ-2-SS11 1/2"11"11"-Silver11"500 lbs.52" SGD 5450.99
GWTJ-4-SS11 1/2"11"11"-Silver11"1000 lbs.52" SGD 4996.38
HWTJ-211 3/4"10.63"10.63"500 lbs.Yellow10.625"-54" SGD 971.55
IWTJ-412 1/4"11"11"-Yellow10.625"1000 lbs.44" SGD 1058.00
JWTJ-4-DC12 1/4"11"11"1000 lbs.Yellow20"1000 lbs.44" SGD 2304.90

WTJ Series Power Lift Jib Cranes

StyleModelBoom HeightBoom ReachCable Dia.Cable LengthCapacityColorDepthExtended CapacityPrice (inc. GST)
BWTJ-E-15-3-AC47 1/8" to 73 5/16"43 1/16" to 66 3/4"7/32"25 ft.1500 lbs.Blue51.0625"200 lbs. SGD 5271.87
CWTJ-E-15-3-DC47 1/8" to 73 5/16"43 1/16" to 66 3/4"--1500 lbs.Blue51.0625"1100 lbs. SGD 4142.33
DWTJ-E-15-3-AC-CSA47 1/8" to 73 5/16"43 1/16" to 66 3/4"7/32"25 ft.1500 lbs.Blue66.75"200 lbs. SGD 5572.03
EWTJ-E-15-3-AC-GAL47 1/8" to 73 5/16"43 1/16" to 66 3/4"7/32"25 ft.1500 lbs.Gray51.0625"200 lbs. SGD 5727.78
FWTJ-E-15-3-DC-GAL47 1/8" to 73 5/16"43 1/16" to 66 3/4"--1500 lbs.Gray51.0625"1100 lbs. SGD 4550.30
GWTJ-20-4-AC-CSA-GAL59 1/2" to 106 1/2"51 1/4" to 87 1/4"7/32"25 ft.2000 lbs.Gray87.5"600 lbs. SGD 7542.08
HWTJ-20-4-AC-CSA59 1/2" to 106 1/2"51 1/4" to 87 1/4"7/32"25 ft.2000 lbs.Blue87.5"600 lbs. SGD 6996.36
IWTJ-20-4-AC-GAL59 1/2" to 106 1/2"51 1/4" to 87 1/4"7/32"25 ft.2000 lbs.Gray40.12"600 lbs. SGD 7100.94
JWTJ-20-4-AC59 1/2" to 106 1/2"51 1/4" to 87 1/4"7/32"25 ft.2000 lbs.Blue40.12"600 lbs. SGD 6646.63
KWTJ-20-4-DC-GAL59 1/2" to 106 1/2"51 1/4" to 87 1/4"3/16"46 ft.2000 lbs.Gray63.8125"600 lbs. SGD 6104.30
LWTJ-20-4-DC59 1/2" to 106 1/2"51 1/4" to 87 1/4"3/16"46 ft.2000 lbs.Blue63.8125"600 lbs. SGD 5391.07
MWTJ-20-3-AC59 9/16" to 96 1/8"39 1/4" to 63 1/4"7/32"25 ft.2000 lbs.Blue40.12"- SGD 6424.39
NWTJ-20-3-AC-CSA-GAL59 9/16" to 96 1/8"39 1/4" to 63 1/4"7/32"25 ft.2000 lbs.Gray63.5"250 lbs. SGD 7283.31
OWTJ-20-3-AC-CSA59 9/16" to 96 1/8"39 1/4" to 63 1/4"7/32"25 ft.2000 lbs.Blue63.5"250 lbs. SGD 6765.85
PWTJ-20-3-DC-GAL59 9/16" to 96 1/8"39 1/4" to 63 1/4"3/16"46 ft.2000 lbs.Gray51.8125"250 lbs. SGD 5853.95
QWTJ-20-3-DC59 9/16" to 96 1/8"39 1/4" to 63 1/4"3/16"46 ft.2000 lbs.Blue51.8125"250 lbs. SGD 5175.65
RWTJ-20-3-AC-GAL59 9/16" to 96 1/8"39 1/4" to 63 1/4"7/32"25 ft.2000 lbs.Gray40.12"250 lbs. SGD 6850.56

JIB-CB Series Portable Jib Cranes

Vestil JIB-CB Series jib cranes are uniquely designed to hoist heavy loads with a fork truck. They feature steel construction with a blue painted finish to reduce oxidation reactions on the exposed surfaces and a fixed length I-beam that can pivot up to 360 degrees for complete access.

StyleModelBase HeightBase LengthBase WidthBeam LengthCapacityDepthFork Tube HeightFork Tube WidthPrice (inc. GST)
AJIB-CBx-18-BC-------- SGD 1892.07
BJIB-CBx-36-BC-------- SGD 2429.38
CJIB-CB-25-10-1018"42 3/16"42 3/16"120"250 lbs.136.125"2 5/8"7 5/8" SGD 6953.38
DJIB-CB-25-8-1018"42 3/16"42 3/16"96"250 lbs.112.125"2 5/8"7 5/8" SGD 4543.85
EJIB-CBx-25-10-10-BC18"42.19"42.19"120"250 lbs.-2 1/2"7 1/2" SGD 7873.78
FJIB-CB-25-8-10-BC18"42.19"42.19"96"250 lbs.-2 5/8"7 5/8" SGD 4863.73
GJIB-CB-18-BC18"------- SGD 1771.04
HJIB-CB-50-8-1018"42 3/16"42 3/16"96"500 lbs.112.125"2 5/8"7 5/8" SGD 6886.91
IJIB-CBx-50-8-10-BC18"42.19"42.19"96"500 lbs.-2 1/2"7 1/2" SGD 7726.05
JJIB-CBx-25-8-10-BC18"42.19"42.19"96"250 lbs.-2 1/2"7 1/2" SGD 5331.39
KJIB-CB-50-8-10-BC18"42.19"42.19"96"500 lbs.-2 5/8"7 5/8" SGD 7356.44
LJIB-CB-25-10-10-BC18"42.19"42.19"120"250 lbs.-2 5/8"7 5/8" SGD 7429.24
MJIB-CB-50-10-1036"42 3/16"42 3/16"120"500 lbs.135.125"2 5/8"7 5/8" SGD 9362.94
NJIB-CBx-50-10-10-BC36"42.19"42.19"120"500 lbs.-2 1/2"7 1/2" SGD 10421.00
OJIB-CB-36-BC36"------- SGD 2273.36
PJIB-CB-50-10-10-BC36"42.19"42.19"120"500 lbs.-2 5/8"7 5/8" SGD 9882.05
QJIB-CBx-100-8-10-BC36"42.19"42.19"96"1000 lbs.-2 1/2"7 1/2" SGD 10130.77
RJIB-CB-100-8-10-BC36"42.19"42.19"96"1000 lbs.-2 5/8"7 5/8" SGD 9619.93
SJIB-CB-100-8-1036"42 3/16"42 3/16"96"1000 lbs.111.125"2 5/8"7 5/8" SGD 9110.88

Steel Hitch Mounted Truck Jib Crane, 47-1/2 Inch Reach 600 Lb. Capacity, Black

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)


  • Mini overhead cantilever jibs feature a fixed-height design that allows 39-3/4 inch long outriggers to be mounted underneath a workbench. They can easily lift loads up to 2000 lb from the cart to the workbench.
  • Extra travel tri-post jibs feature a fixed-height I-beam that overhangs the workbench to allow the lifting of products from the cart to the bench.
  • Floor-mounted jibs feature a fixed-height design with a 360-degree rotation mechanism to allow personnel to completely utilise their workstation. They have a reinforced concrete pad for easy installation.
  • Portable jib cranes can be easily transported using a fork truck. They have a fixed-length I-beam that can pivot 360 degrees for complete access.
  • Portable offset jib cranes feature an offset base that offers a large usable work area beneath the I-beam. These jib cranes are similar in design to portable jib cranes.
  • Multi-station transportable jib cranes feature a friction brake design that allows positive locking and controlled rotation of heavy loads.
  • Tie rod jibs can rotate 180 degrees and mount to walls / columns to increase hook coverage over workstations. They allow maximum floor & wasted air space utilisation.

Standards and Approvals

  • OSHA
  • ASME B30.17

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a boom and a jib?

Jibs are secondary arms that are attached to the end of a boom. They provide the crane more reach but reduce the amount of weight that a crane can hoist.

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