Machine Screws


Raptor Supplies offers a wide range of machine screws from brands like APM Hexseal, Disco, Fabory, Grainger, Lisle, Micro Plastics, Texas... Read More


18-8 Stainless Steel Machine Screw, Slotted, Binding Head

StyleModelLengthPrice (inc. GST)
AU51140.025.00501/2" SGD 16.53
BU51140.025.00625/8" SGD 18.16

Carbon Steel Machine Screw, Phillips, Pan Head

StyleModelHead Dia.Head HeightLengthThread SizePrice (inc. GST)
AU24522.008.00370.155"0.053"3/8"2-56 SGD 11.87
BU24522.011.00180.205"0.07"3/16"4-40 SGD 6.69

Carbon Steel Machine Screw, Slotted, Pan Head

StyleModelLengthPrice (inc. GST)
AU24522.011.00753/4" SGD 3.49
BU24522.011.00315/16" SGD 1.14

Property Class 4.8 Steel Machine Screw, Phillips, Flat Head

StyleModelLengthPrice (inc. GST)
AM24670.060.004040mm SGD 19.73
BM24670.060.005050ft. SGD 29.18

Brass Machine Screw, Slotted, Pan Head

StyleModelDia./Thread SizeDriver SizeHead Dia.Head HeightLengthPrice (inc. GST)
AM48040.030.0006M3 x 0.50.8mm6mm1.8mm6" SGD 22.48
BM48040.040.0025M4 x 0.71mm8mm2.4mm25ft. SGD 29.56
CM48040.050.0008M5 x 0.81.2mm1mm3mm8" SGD 23.61
DM48040.050.0016M5 x 0.81.2mm1mm3mm16 SGD 39.93
EM48040.050.0012M5 x 0.81.2mm1mm3mm12" SGD 32.52
FM48040.050.0020M5 x 0.81.2mm1mm3mm20ft. SGD 33.98

A2 Stainless Steel (Comparable to 18-8 Stainless Steel) Machine Screw, Slotted, Flat Head

StyleModelDia./Thread SizeDriver SizeHead Dia.LengthPrice (inc. GST)
AM51110.016.0004M1.6-0.350.40mm3mm4" SGD 9.30
BM51110.050.0025M5 x 0.81.20mm9.2mm25ft. SGD 50.48
CM51110.060.0025M6 x 11.60mm11mm25ft. SGD 22.60
DM51110.080.0020M8 x 1.252mm14.5mm20ft. SGD 24.89
CM51110.080.0040M8 x 1.252mm14.5mm40mm SGD 32.21

A2 Stainless Steel (Comparable to 18-8 Stainless Steel) Machine Screw, Slotted, Cheese Head

StyleModelDia./Thread SizeDriver SizeHead Dia.Head HeightLengthPrice (inc. GST)
AM51120.016.0003M1.6-0.350.40mm3mm1mm3" SGD 8.91
BM51120.016.0004M1.6-0.350.40mm3mm1mm4" SGD 8.10
CM51120.016.0008M1.6-0.350.40mm3mm1mm8" SGD 8.08
DM51120.016.0010M1.6-0.350.40mm3mm1mm10" SGD 10.27
EM51120.025.0003M2.5-0.450.60mm4.50mm1.6mm3" SGD 18.42
FM51120.030.0050M3 x 0.50.80mm5.50mm2mm50ft. SGD 34.10
GM51120.030.0005M3 x 0.50.80mm5.50mm2mm5" SGD 14.36
HM51120.040.0045M4 x 0.71mm7mm2.6mm45mm SGD 46.04
IM51120.050.0045M5 x 0.81.20mm8.50mm3.3mm45mm SGD 26.16
JM51120.050.0040M5 x 0.81.20mm8.50mm3.3mm40mm SGD 24.46
KM51120.050.0035M5 x 0.81.20mm8.50mm3.3mm35mm SGD 57.10
LM51120.050.0030M5 x 0.81.20mm8.50mm3.3mm30" SGD 29.99
MM51120.050.0025M5 x 0.81.20mm8.50mm3.3mm25ft. SGD 30.10
NM51120.050.0006M5 x 0.81.20mm8.50mm3.3mm6" SGD 20.17
OM51120.060.0008M6 x 11.60mm10mm3.9mm8" SGD 30.01
PM51120.060.0012M6 x 11.60mm10mm3.9mm12" SGD 46.09
QM51120.060.0016M6 x 11.60mm10mm3.9mm16 SGD 29.77
RM51120.060.0020M6 x 11.60mm10mm3.9mm20ft. SGD 36.70
SM51120.060.0040M6 x 11.60mm10mm3.9mm40mm SGD 43.30
TM51120.060.0045M6 x 11.60mm10mm3.9mm45mm SGD 45.30
UM51120.060.0050M6 x 11.60mm10mm3.9mm50ft. SGD 20.17

A2 Stainless Steel (Comparable to 18-8 Stainless Steel) Machine Screw, Slotted, Pan Head

StyleModelDia./Thread SizeDriver SizeHead Dia.Head HeightLengthPrice (inc. GST)
AM51140.050.0016M5 x 0.81.2mm1mm3mm16 SGD 32.37
BM51140.060.0016M6 x 11.6mm12mm3.6mm16 SGD 52.75
CM51140.060.0025M6 x 11.6mm12mm3.6mm25ft. SGD 29.68

A2 Stainless Steel (Comparable to 18-8 Stainless Steel) Machine Screw, Phillips, Oval Head

StyleModelDia./Thread SizeDriver SizeHead Dia.Head HeightLengthPrice (inc. GST)
AM51320.040.0025M4 x 0.7#27.50mm1mm25ft. SGD 21.34
BM51320.040.0030M4 x 0.7#27.50mm1mm30" SGD 32.90
CM51320.050.0012M5 x 0.8#29.20mm1.25mm12" SGD 17.63
DM51320.050.0016M5 x 0.8#29.20mm1.25mm16 SGD 30.30
EM51320.050.0020M5 x 0.8#29.20mm1.25mm20ft. SGD 24.16
FM51320.050.0025M5 x 0.8#29.20mm1.25mm25ft. SGD 23.99
GM51320.060.0035M6 x 1#311mm1.5mm35mm SGD 35.05
HM51320.060.0010M6 x 1#311mm1.5mm10" SGD 23.42
IM51320.060.0012M6 x 1#311mm1.5mm12" SGD 29.94
JM51320.060.0016M6 x 1#311mm1.5mm16 SGD 41.07
KM51320.080.0030M8 x 1.25#314.50mm2mm30" SGD 26.57

A4 Stainless Steel (Comparable to 316 Stainless Steel) Machine Screw, Slotted, Cheese Head

StyleModelDia./Thread SizeDriver SizeHead Dia.Head HeightLengthPrice (inc. GST)
AM55120.020.0006M2-0.40.50mm3.80mm1.3mm6" SGD 7.15
BM55120.030.0005M3 x 0.50.80mm5.50mm2mm5" SGD 7.46
CM55120.030.0006M3 x 0.50.80mm5.50mm2mm6" SGD 7.79
DM55120.030.0008M3 x 0.50.80mm5.50mm2mm8" SGD 11.11
EM55120.030.0010M3 x 0.50.80mm5.50mm2mm10" SGD 10.99
FM55120.050.0010M5 x 0.81.20mm8.50mm3.3mm10" SGD 19.69

18-8 Stainless Steel Machine Screw, Slotted, Flat Head

StyleModelDia./Thread SizeDriver SizeHead Dia.LengthPrice (inc. GST)
AU51110.019.0350#10-240.056 to 0.067"0.333 to 0.362"3.5" SGD 57.94
BU51110.019.0400#10-240.056 to 0.067"0.333 to 0.362"4" SGD 19.23
CU51110.021.0150#12-240.056 to 0.067"0.380 to 0.412"1.5" SGD 35.03
DU51110.025.00371/4"-200.064 to 0.075"0.442 to 0.477"3/8" SGD 12.83
EU51110.025.00621/4"-200.064 to 0.075"0.442 to 0.477"5/8" SGD 15.36
FU51110.025.00871/4"-200.064 to 0.075"0.442 to 0.477"7/8" SGD 20.41
GU51110.025.01251/4"-200.064 to 0.075"0.442 to 0.477"1.25" SGD 21.14
HU51110.031.02005/16"-180.072 to 0.084"0.556 to 0.597"2" SGD 11.51
IU51110.031.05005/16"-180.072 to 0.084"0.556 to 0.597"5" SGD 23.80

18-8 Stainless Steel Machine Screw, Slotted, Pan Head

StyleModelDia./Thread SizeDriver SizeHead Dia.Head HeightLengthPrice (inc. GST)
AU51120.016.0225#8-320.045 to 0.054"0.306 to 0.322"0.085 to 0.096"2.25" SGD 34.28
BU51120.025.00371/4"-200.064 to 0.075"0.473 to 0.492"0.13 to 0.144"3/8" SGD 11.23
CU51120.025.00621/4"-200.064 to 0.075"0.473 to 0.492"0.13 to 0.144"5/8" SGD 14.36
DU51120.025.00751/4"-200.064 to 0.075"0.473 to 0.492"0.13 to 0.144"3/4" SGD 25.64
AU51120.025.02251/4"-200.064 to 0.075"0.473 to 0.492"0.13 to 0.144"2.25" SGD 30.37
AU51120.025.02001/4"-200.064 to 0.075"0.473 to 0.492"0.13 to 0.144"2" SGD 35.38

18-8 Stainless Steel Machine Screw, Phillips, Pan Head

StyleModelDia./Thread SizeDriver SizeHead Dia.Head HeightLengthPrice (inc. GST)
AU51122.025.00871/4"-20#30.473 to 0.492"0.162 to 0.175"7/8" SGD 26.67
BU51122.025.03501/4"-20#30.473 to 0.492"0.162 to 0.175"3.5" SGD 37.51
CU51122.037.01003/8"-16#40.716 to 0.740"0.244 to 0.261"1" SGD 42.31
DU51122.037.01503/8"-16#40.716 to 0.740"0.244 to 0.261"1.5" SGD 44.77
EU51122.037.03003/8"-16#40.716 to 0.740"0.244 to 0.261"3" SGD 27.50
FU51122.031.01255/16"-18#30.594 to 0.615"0.203 to 0.218"1.25" SGD 27.50

18-8 Stainless Steel Machine Screw, Slotted, Round Head

StyleModelDia./Thread SizeDriver SizeHead Dia.Head HeightLengthPrice (inc. GST)
AU51213.013.0300#6-320.039 to 0.048"0.240 to 0.260"0.091" to 0.1033" SGD 16.75
BU51213.016.0400#8-320.045 to 0.054"0.287 to 0.309"0.107 to 0.12"4" SGD 34.40
CU51213.019.0400#10-240.056 to 0.067"0.334 to 0.359"0.123 to 0.137"4" SGD 19.67
DU51213.021.0150#12-240.056 to 0.067"0.382 to 0.408"0.139" to 0.1531.5" SGD 31.97
EU51213.025.00371/4"-200.064 to 0.075"0.443 to 0.472"0.16 to 0.175"3/8" SGD 13.45
FU51213.025.00501/4"-200.064" to 0.075"0.443 to 0.472"0.16 to 0.175"1/2" SGD 14.60
GU51213.025.00751/4"-200.064 to 0.075"0.443 to 0.472"0.16 to 0.175"3/4" SGD 21.69
HU51213.025.00871/4"-200.064 to 0.075"0.443 to 0.472"0.16 to 0.175"7/8" SGD 19.23
IU51213.025.01251/4"-200.064 to 0.075"0.443 to 0.472"0.16 to 0.175"1.25" SGD 23.84
DU51213.025.02751/4"-200.064 to 0.075"0.443 to 0.472"0.16 to 0.175"2.75" SGD 40.72
JU51213.037.01753/8"-160.081 to 0.094"0.670 to 0.708"0.237 to 0.256"1.75" SGD 34.91

Steel Machine Screw, Phillips, Pan Head

StyleModelLengthThread LengthPrice (inc. GST)
A0806MPPB3/8"3/8" SGD 11.53
B0810MPPB5/8"5/8" SGD 10.29

18-8 Stainless Steel Machine Screw, Slotted, Truss Head

StyleModelDia./Thread SizeDriver SizeHead Dia.Head HeightLengthPrice (inc. GST)
AU51215.019.0200#10-240.056 to 0.067"0.425 to 0.448"0.103 to 0.118"2" SGD 21.31
BU51215.025.00371/4"-200.064 to 0.075"0.546 to 0.573"0.133 to 0.15"3/8" SGD 10.82
CU51215.025.00501/4"-200.064 to 0.075"0.546 to 0.573"0.133 to 0.15"1/2" SGD 11.47
DU51215.025.00621/4"-200.064 to 0.075"0.546 to 0.573"0.133 to 0.15"5/8" SGD 18.80
EU51215.025.00751/4"-200.064 to 0.075"0.546 to 0.573"0.133 to 0.15"3/4" SGD 14.19

18-8 Stainless Steel Machine Screw, Phillips, Oval Head

StyleModelLengthPrice (inc. GST)
AU51320.025.00501/2" SGD 18.42
BU51320.025.00753/4" SGD 25.13
CU51320.025.00625/8" SGD 20.34

18-8 Stainless Steel Machine Screw, Slotted, Fillister Head

StyleModelHead HeightLengthPrice (inc. GST)
AU51341.025.00620.155 to 0.17"5/8" SGD 24.66
BU51341.025.00500.155 to 0.17"1/2" SGD 20.64
CU51341.025.02000.155" to 0.1702" SGD 39.55

18-8 Stainless Steel Machine Screw, Phillips, Flat Head

StyleModelDia./Thread SizeHead Dia.LengthPrice (inc. GST)
AU51300.013.0300#6-320.238 to 0.262"3" SGD 17.58
BU51300.016.0275#8-320.285 to 0.312"2.75" SGD 33.97
CU51300.019.0200#10-240.333 to 0.362"2" SGD 21.50

A2 Stainless Steel (Comparable to 18-8 Stainless Steel) Machine Screw, Phillips, Flat Head

StyleModelDia./Thread SizeDriver SizeHead Dia.LengthPrice (inc. GST)
AM51300.030.0035M3 x 0.5#15.6mm35mm SGD 14.39
BM51300.040.0045M4 x 0.7#27.5mm45mm SGD 18.59
CM51300.050.0025M5 x 0.8#29.2mm25ft. SGD 19.19
DM51300.060.0030M6 x 1#311mm30" SGD 54.31
EM51300.060.0035M6 x 1#311mm35mm SGD 35.72
FM51300.060.0045M6 x 1#311mm45mm SGD 22.55
GM51300.080.0025M8 x 1.25#414.5mm25ft. SGD 44.63
HM51300.080.0030M8 x 1.25#414.5mm30" SGD 45.90
IM51300.080.0050M8 x 1.25#414.5mm50ft. SGD 39.66

A4 Stainless Steel (Comparable to 316 Stainless Steel) Machine Screw, Phillips, Flat Head

StyleModelDriver SizeHead Dia.Head HeightLengthThread SizePrice (inc. GST)
AM55300.050.0025#29.2mm2.5mm25ft.M5 x 0.8 SGD 11.97
BM55300.040.0020#27.5mm2.2mm20ft.M4 x 0.7 SGD 13.67
CM55300.050.0010#29.2mm2.5mm10"M5 x 0.8 SGD 13.59
DM55300.050.0040#29.2mm2.5mm40mmM5 x 0.8 SGD 12.14
EM55300.060.0030#311.0mm3mm30"M6 x 1 SGD 8.19
FM55300.060.0035#311.0mm3mm35mmM6 x 1 SGD 11.35
GM55300.060.0040#311.0mm3mm40mmM6 x 1 SGD 15.27

Machine Screws

Raptor Supplies offers a wide range of machine screws from brands like APM Hexseal, Disco, Fabory, Grainger, Lisle, Micro Plastics, Texas Pneumatic Tools & Temper-Pruf Screws. They are designed to secure panels and parts through existing tapped holes on electronic equipment, engines and large machines.


  • These machine screws consist of a head and a fully threaded shank.
  • The shank features exterior threading for allowing the screw to be driven into tapped holes with interior threading.
  • Grainger machine screws provide tensile strength up to 101526 psi and are available in head diameters ranging from 1 mm to 0.717 inches.
  • Micro-Plastics machine screws are available in polycarbonate, nylon & 18-8 stainless steel variants to ensure corrosion and impact resistance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between machine screws and bolts?

  • Machine screws have a slotted head, whereas bolts have a hex head.
  • To install a machine screw, place a flat-heat or Philips head screwdriver into the slotted head and turn it. The screw can be removed by turning the screwdriver in the opposite direction (anti-clockwise).
  • Bolts feature a hex head instead of a slotted head. For installing a bolt, place a hex socket over the head and turn it.
  • Machine screws are generally smaller than bolts. Machine screws are less than 1 inch long, whereas bolts come in a variety of sizes, with some of them being over 2 inches long.

What standards do these machine screws comply with?

These machine screws adhere to AN, ASME, ASTM, CSA, DIN, EHEDG, FDA, Federal Specifications, IFI, ISO, JIS, Military Specifications, MS90728-10, NAS, SAE and UL standards.

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