Quick Change Sanding Discs


Non Woven Quick Change Discs, TS Attachment System

Norton Abrasives non woven quick change discs are designed for dry sanding many surfaces where paint & other quality finishes are needed. They feature premium aluminium oxide grain coatings for high cut rates & good performance and provide smear free finishes with the proprietary clean bond resin technology. These discs are also used on vertical or right angle shaft grinders for eliminating surface defects, parting lines, light bursa, flashings, oxide, rust & corrosions and have paper or nylon scrim backing materials to enhance stretchability & durability. They come with TS turn on / off style fastener attaching systems for standard metal to metal attachments and are available in medium, extra coarse, fine, coarse & very fine grits for initial blending of welds & final finishing.

StyleModelColorDisc Dia.GradeGritMax. RpmPrice (inc. GST)
A66623325006Black1.5"Extra Coarse4030,000 SGD 3.22
A66623335325Black2"Extra Coarse4030,000 SGD 4.68
A66623325010Black3"Extra Coarse4020,000 SGD 9.42
B66623325017Brown1.5"Coarse5030,000 SGD 3.27
B66623335413Brown2"Coarse5030,000 SGD 4.83
B66623335416Brown3"Coarse5020,000 SGD 9.42
B66623335418Brown4"Coarse5015,000 SGD 11.75

D7212 Diamond Fine Grit TR Quick-Change Diamond Discs, Type III

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A66260311781 SGD 39.57
B66260311782 SGD 39.85
C66260311780 SGD 52.63

Bear-Tex Rapid Prep XHD CA Medium Grit Speed-Change Fastener Locking Discs, Non-Woven

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A66261170063 SGD 33.04
B66261170062 SGD 25.99
C66261170289 SGD 52.92

Bear-Tex Rapid Prep XHD CA Medium Grit TR Quick-Change Discs, Type III, Non-Woven

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A66261170287 SGD 20.59
B66261170286 SGD 18.49
C66261170285 SGD 9.53

Bear-Tex Vortex Rapid Blend AO Medium Grit TS Quick-Change Unified Wheels, Type II, Non-Woven

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A66254497070 SGD 13.62
B66254497069 SGD 21.53

Bear-Tex Vortex Rapid Prep AO Fine Grit TS Quick-Change Discs, Type II, Non-Woven

StyleModelColorDisc Dia.GradeGritItemMax. RpmPrice (inc. GST)
A66623325046----Disc- SGD 2.67
B66623325028----Disc- SGD 2.39
C66623325049Blue1.5"Very Fine150Locking Sanding Discs30,000 SGD 2.92
C66623325052Blue2"Very Fine150Locking Sanding Discs30,000 SGD 4.27
C66623335436Blue3"Very Fine150Locking Sanding Discs20,000 SGD 8.34
D66623325031Green1.5"Fine120Locking Sanding Discs30,000 SGD 2.92
D66623325034Green2"Fine120Locking Sanding Discs30,000 SGD 4.27
D66623325037Green3"Fine120Locking Sanding Discs20,000 SGD 8.34
StyleModelDisc Dia.Max. RpmPrice (inc. GST)
A666233354221"40,000 SGD 2.58
A666233354241.5"30,000 SGD 2.92
A666233354272"30,000 SGD 4.21
A666233354303"20,000 SGD 8.31
A666233354324"15,000 SGD 11.54

Bear-Tex Vortex Prep AO Medium Grit TS Quick-Change Discs, Type II, Non-Woven

StyleModelDisc Dia.ItemMax. RpmPrice (inc. GST)
A66623335421-Disc- SGD 2.56
B666233354231.5"Locking Sanding Discs30,000 SGD 2.92
B666233354262"Locking Sanding Discs30,000 SGD 4.27
B666233354293"Locking Sanding Discs20,000 SGD 8.34

F980 Blaze AVOS CA Coarse Grit Speed-Lok Fastener Fiber Locking See-Thru Discs

StyleModelDisc Dia.GradeGritItemMax. RpmPrice (inc. GST)
A66254468388---Fiber Disc- SGD 15.99
B66254468385---Fiber Disc- SGD 18.28
C662544683894.5"Extra Coarse24Locking Sanding Disc13,000 SGD 16.46
C662544683914.5"Coarse50Locking Sanding Disc13,000 SGD 14.84
C662544683924.5"Medium60Locking Sanding Disc13,000 SGD 13.60
C662544683934.5"Medium80Locking Sanding Disc13,000 SGD 13.50
C662544683817"Extra Coarse24Locking Sanding Disc8,600 SGD 24.97
C662544683837"Medium50Locking Sanding Disc8,600 SGD 24.61
D662544683847"Medium60Locking Sanding Disc8,600 SGD 23.61

R980P Blaze CA Coarse Grit TR Quick-Change Cloth Discs, Type III

StyleModelBacking WeightDisc Dia.GradeGritItemMax. RpmPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A66261162334----Quick Change Disc- SGD 116.7425
B66261162322----Quick Change Disc- SGD 94.4225
C63642595493----Disc- SGD 4.881
D66261162332----Quick Change Disc- SGD 113.8325
E66261162320----Quick Change Disc- SGD 94.9025
F66261162318----Quick Change Disc- SGD 103.2725
G66261162324----Quick Change Disc- SGD 94.4225
H66261162314----Quick Change Disc- SGD 275.35100
I66261162312----Quick Change Disc- SGD 274.84100
J66261162310----Quick Change Disc- SGD 265.67100
K66261162308----Quick Change Disc- SGD 279.07100
L66261162328----Quick Change Disc- SGD 126.5425
M63642595478----Sanding Disc- SGD 3.511
N63642595481----Sanding Disc- SGD 6.071
O63642595479X3"Extra Coarse36Quick Change Disc20,000 SGD 6.071
O63642595476X2"Medium60Quick Change Disc30,000 SGD 4.061
P66261162330Y3"Coarse50Quick Change Disc20,000 SGD 119.2725

R980P Blaze CA Coarse Grit TS Quick-Change Cloth Discs, Type II

StyleModelItemPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A63642595458Disc SGD 4.021
B63642595450Disc SGD 3.181
C63642595464Disc SGD 5.491
D66261162319Quick Change Disc SGD 94.5225
D66261162309Quick Change Disc SGD 264.18100
D66261162329Quick Change Disc SGD 114.9525
D66261162331Quick Change Disc SGD 116.2225
D66261162321Quick Change Disc SGD 94.5225
D66261162307Quick Change Disc SGD 280.05100
D66261162311Quick Change Disc SGD 280.05100
D66261162323Quick Change Disc SGD 93.7825
D66261162327Quick Change Disc SGD 122.4825
D66261162313Quick Change Disc SGD 264.18100
D66261162333Quick Change Disc SGD 116.3625

R980P Blaze CA Medium Grit TS Quick-Change Cloth Discs, Type II

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A66261043384 SGD 3.97
B66261043382 SGD 4.23
C66261043389 SGD 5.38
D66261043391 SGD 5.12

R860/R884 BlueFire ZA Coarse Grit TR Quick-Change Cloth Discs, Type III

StyleModelDisc Dia.GradeGritItemMax. RpmPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A66261138670---Quick Change Disc- SGD 71.7325
A66261138675---Quick Change Disc- SGD 116.1725
B66261121043---Quick Change Disc- SGD 186.75100
B66261121044---Quick Change Disc- SGD 186.75100
A66261138672---Quick Change Disc- SGD 85.7725
B66261121054---Quick Change Disc- SGD 92.9225
A66261138674---Quick Change Disc- SGD 96.6225
B66261121048---Quick Change Disc- SGD 68.6925
B66261121049---Quick Change Disc- SGD 68.6925
C66261121041---Disc- SGD 2.201
D662611386712"Extra Coarse36Quick Change Disc25,000 SGD 78.3425
E662611210533"Coarse60Quick Change Disc20,000 SGD 92.9225
D662611386733"Coarse50Quick Change Disc20,000 SGD 92.0925

R860/R884 BlueFire ZA Coarse Grit TS Quick-Change Cloth Discs, Type II

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A66261138664 SGD 99.0625
B66261138624 SGD 205.03100
B66261138620 SGD 190.00100
B66261138621 SGD 190.00100
B66261138607 SGD 163.38100
B66261138638 SGD 83.8425
B66261138660 SGD 99.2825
B66261138661 SGD 99.2825
B66261138635 SGD 77.0125
B66261138665 SGD 99.0625
B66261138637 SGD 77.0125
B66261138679 SGD 134.7625
B66261138681 SGD 141.7325
B66261138662 SGD 99.2825
B66261138683 SGD 154.2125

D7212 Diamond Coarse Grit TR Quick-Change Diamond Discs, Type III

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A66260311783 SGD 130.74
B66260311778 SGD 69.07

R228 Gemini AO Fine Grit TR Quick-Change Cloth Discs, Type III

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A66261121027 SGD 283.49100
A66261121026 SGD 245.36100
A66261121028 SGD 288.30100
B66261121038 SGD 199.6550
StyleModelAttachment TypeDisc Dia.GritItemMax. RpmPrice (inc. GST)
A66254428059Quick Change3/4"80Locking Sanding Discs40,000 SGD 2.12
A66254482328Quick Change1.5"80Locking Sanding Discs30,000 SGD 2.36
A66261055350Quick Change4"80Locking Sanding Discs15,000 SGD 9.75
A66261009182Turn-On/Off2"120Locking Sanding Disc25,000 SGD 3.78
A66261009185Turn-On/Off3"120Locking Sanding Disc20,000 SGD 7.10

R228 Gemini AO Fine Grit TS Quick-Change Cloth Discs, Type II

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A66261138099 SGD 191.12100
A66261138139 SGD 255.16100
A66261138137 SGD 255.78100
A66261138172 SGD 193.6050
A66261138138 SGD 255.16100
B66261137347 SGD 168.2550
A66261138173 SGD 193.6050

R228 Gemini AO Medium Grit TR Quick-Change Cloth Discs, Type III

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A66261121024 SGD 256.42100
B66261121035 SGD 199.6550
B66261121036 SGD 199.6550
B66261121025 SGD 265.69100

R228 Gemini AO Medium Grit TS Quick-Change Cloth Discs, Type II

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A66261138105 SGD 191.12100
A66261138145 SGD 268.34100
A66261138075 SGD 156.72100
A66261138180 SGD 157.2250
A66261138080 SGD 156.72100
B66261138140 SGD 248.11100
A66261138110 SGD 191.12100

R766/R228 Gemini AO Coarse Grit TR Quick-Change Cloth Discs, Type III

StyleModelBacking WeightColorDisc Dia.GradeGritMax. RpmPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A66261121019------ SGD 300.45100
B66261121029------ SGD 208.0950
B66261121022------ SGD 290.68100
C66261121013------ SGD 185.13100
B66261121021------ SGD 311.23100
C66261121018------ SGD 323.49100
B66261121020------ SGD 325.83100
B66261121030------ SGD 229.6450
B66261121023------ SGD 245.36100
B66261121033------ SGD 199.6550
B66261121032------ SGD 199.6550
D66261121009XMaroon1.5"Extra Coarse3630,000 SGD 206.49100
D66261121034XMaroon3"Coarse8020,000 SGD 208.8850
E66623319027YBlack3"Extra Coarse3620,000 SGD 169.4050

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