Quick Change Sanding Discs


Quick Change Sanding Discs

Norton Abrasives quick change sanding discs are designed for general purpose stock removal, deburring and grinding applications and have polyester cloth backing materials for additional strength & tear resistance. They feature aluminium oxide abrasive construction to provide extreme tensile strength, hardness & anti-slip surfaces and also offer non-woven abrasives to resist loading. These discs come in TP attaching styles having snap on / off fastening hubs for quick changes of discs at speedy quarter turns and have a thick layer of grains to extend the product's life. Choose from a wide range of these sanding discs, available in blue, brown, green, black and maroon colours.

StyleModelAbrasive MaterialAttachment TypeColorDisc Dia.GradeGritItemMax. RpmPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A08834165254------Quick Change Disc- SGD 302.35100
B66261043423------Disc- SGD 5.381
C63642595463------Disc- SGD 5.491
D63642595460------Disc- SGD 6.281
E66261043424------Disc- SGD 5.491
F63642595452------Disc- SGD 4.451
G66261043420------Disc- SGD 3.971
H63642595447------Disc- SGD 3.181
I66261043392------Disc- SGD 4.951
J66261043425------Disc- SGD 4.991
K66261043390------Disc- SGD 99.561
L66261043421------Disc- SGD 4.081
M66261043383------Disc- SGD 4.271
N63642595468------Disc- SGD 3.061
A66261043380------Disc- SGD 2.721
O66261013403------Quick Change Disc- SGD 23.511
P66623340033Aluminum OxideSnap-On/OffMaroon1"Medium150Locking Sanding Disc40,000 SGD 101.2950
Q66623325036Aluminum OxideSnap-On/OffGreen3"Fine220Locking Sanding Disc20,000 SGD 204.1425
Q66623325033Aluminum OxideSnap-On/OffGreen2"Fine220Locking Sanding Disc30,000 SGD 211.3650
Q66623325008Aluminum OxideSnap-On/OffBlack2"Extra Coarse36Locking Sanding Disc30,000 SGD 229.2650
R66623340080Aluminum OxideSnap-On/OffGreen3"Fine220Locking Sanding Disc20,000 SGD 167.3225
S66254498593Aluminum OxideSnap-On/OffBrown2"Coarse80Locking Sanding Disc30,000 SGD 156.1950
T66623374823Aluminum OxideSnap-On/OffBrown4.5"Very Fine-Locking Sanding Disc12,000 SGD 11.711
U66261013402Silicon CarbideType 3Black2"Extra Coarse-Quick Change Disc15,500 SGD 11.681

Roloc Surface Conditioning Discs

StyleModelItemPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A7010364513Disc SGD 8.191
B7100014112Disc SGD 3.131
C7000021279Disc SGD 2.701
D7100086057Disc SGD 9.321
E7100064283Disc SGD 11.441
F7000035847Disc SGD 2.611
B7000035846Disc SGD 2.631
G7000035851Disc SGD 2.611
F7010309343Disc SGD 2.921
B7010365996Disc SGD 2.911
F7010309655Disc SGD 2.911
H7000046122Disc SGD 3.131
B7010364509Disc SGD 2.911
G7010328579Disc SGD 2.911
G7000120997Disc SGD 3.161
A7100007040Disc SGD 10.471
I7100007032Disc SGD 10.771
B7000120983Disc SGD 2.601
J7100086055Disc SGD 4.251
A7000045951Disc SGD 2.821
K7000021280Disc SGD 2.701
G7000000704Disc SGD 2.681
A7100106753Disc SGD 2.961
L7000120595Disc SGD 2.801
M7010310003Discs SGD 988.15100

R228 Gemini AO Fine Grit TR Quick-Change Cloth Discs, Type III

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A66261121038 SGD 199.6550
B66261121027 SGD 283.49100
B66261121026 SGD 245.36100
B66261121028 SGD 288.30100

R228 Gemini AO Fine Grit TS Quick-Change Cloth Discs, Type II

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A66261138099 SGD 191.12100
A66261138139 SGD 255.16100
A66261138137 SGD 255.78100
A66261138172 SGD 193.6050
A66261138138 SGD 255.16100
B66261137347 SGD 168.2550
A66261138173 SGD 193.6050

R228 Gemini AO Medium Grit TR Quick-Change Cloth Discs, Type III

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A66261121024 SGD 256.42100
B66261121035 SGD 199.6550
B66261121036 SGD 199.6550
B66261121025 SGD 265.69100

R228 Gemini AO Medium Grit TS Quick-Change Cloth Discs, Type II

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A66261138105 SGD 191.12100
A66261138145 SGD 268.34100
A66261138075 SGD 156.72100
A66261138180 SGD 157.2250
A66261138080 SGD 156.72100
B66261138140 SGD 248.11100
A66261138110 SGD 191.12100

R766/R228 Gemini AO Coarse Grit TR Quick-Change Cloth Discs, Type III

StyleModelBacking WeightColorDisc Dia.GradeGritMax. RpmPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A66261121019------ SGD 300.45100
B66261121029------ SGD 208.0950
B66261121022------ SGD 290.68100
C66261121013------ SGD 185.13100
B66261121021------ SGD 311.23100
C66261121018------ SGD 323.49100
B66261121020------ SGD 325.83100
B66261121030------ SGD 229.6450
B66261121023------ SGD 245.36100
B66261121033------ SGD 199.6550
B66261121032------ SGD 199.6550
D66261121009XMaroon1.5"Extra Coarse3630,000 SGD 206.49100
D66261121034XMaroon3"Coarse8020,000 SGD 208.8850
E66623319027YBlack3"Extra Coarse3620,000 SGD 169.4050

R766/R228 Gemini AO Coarse Grit TS Quick-Change Cloth Discs, Type II

StyleModelColorGradeGritPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A66261138115--- SGD 191.12100
A66261138130--- SGD 191.12100
B66261138160--- SGD 285.02100
A66261138200--- SGD 264.8350
A66261138190--- SGD 214.9250
A66261138085--- SGD 156.72100
C66261138170--- SGD 300.45100
D66261138205--- SGD 264.8350
A66261138206--- SGD 220.7350
A66261138165--- SGD 285.02100
E66261138195--- SGD 231.4150
A66261138155--- SGD 255.34100
F66261138150--- SGD 255.16100
A66261138171--- SGD 334.15100
A66261138095--- SGD 169.67100
F66261138185--- SGD 209.6150
A66261138090--- SGD 156.72100
G66261138135BrownExtra Coarse36 SGD 2.371
H66261138120MaroonCoarse60 SGD 191.12100

R766 AO Coarse Grit TR Quick-Change Cloth Discs, Metal, Type III

StyleModelBacking MaterialColorDisc Dia.GritMax. RpmPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A66623319029----- SGD 172.0550
A66623319028----- SGD 169.4050
B66623319009ClothBlack2"8030,000 SGD 266.69100
B66623319030ClothBlack3"6020,000 SGD 171.3150
B66623319031ClothBlack3"8020,000 SGD 171.3150
C66623319008PolyesterGreen2"6030,000 SGD 2.511

R766 AO Coarse Grit TS Quick-Change Cloth Discs, Metal, Type II

StyleModelItemPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A66623319004Quick Change Disc SGD 261.99100
B66623319003Quick Change Disc SGD 280.32100
B66623319024Quick Change Disc SGD 171.7550
B66623318976Quick Change Disc SGD 197.07100
C66623319000Sanding Disc SGD 307.74100

Roloc Coating Removal Discs

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A7000046010 SGD 12.981
B7000046009 SGD 986.2140
C7100021755 SGD 31.641

Roloc HS Blend and Finish Discs

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A7100075586 SGD 5.88
A7000046262 SGD 10.71
B7000046260 SGD 5.59
C7000046261 SGD 9.60

Roloc Light Grinding and Blending Discs

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A7100023496 SGD 14.02
B7000121111 SGD 15.86
A7000000778 SGD 5.21
B7000000779 SGD 6.36
B7000000781 SGD 9.75
A7000000780 SGD 12.21

Roloc SE Surface Conditioning Discs

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A7000046111 SGD 4.73
B7000046110 SGD 4.73
C7000046149 SGD 9.05
D7000046112 SGD 9.06
E7000120829 SGD 11.88

Roloc SL Surface Conditioning Discs

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A7000121083 SGD 4.73
B7000046221 SGD 5.62
B7100029968 SGD 8.58
C7000046218 SGD 7.55
D7000121082 SGD 8.58
B7000046220 SGD 7.55
B7010329293 SGD 13.24
B7000121086 SGD 10.85
B7000046219 SGD 5.62
B7000046217 SGD 4.73

Roloc+ Cut and Polish Discs, D5

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A7000120704 SGD 44.49
B7000120703 SGD 62.14

D7212 Diamond Coarse Grit TR Quick-Change Diamond Discs, Type III

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A66260311778 SGD 69.07
B66260311783 SGD 130.74

Quick Change Disc

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A66261170274 SGD 20.591
B66261138633 SGD 71.2225
C66623319005 SGD 321.94100
D66261170273 SGD 18.491
E66261162317 SGD 101.7925
B66261138634 SGD 71.2225
B66261138608 SGD 163.38100
F66623303921 SGD 35.101
G66261170271 SGD 9.531

Non Woven Quick Change Discs, TS Attachment System

Norton Abrasives non woven quick change discs are designed for dry sanding many surfaces where paint & other quality finishes are needed. They feature premium aluminium oxide grain coatings for high cut rates & good performance and provide smear free finishes with the proprietary clean bond resin technology. These discs are also used on vertical or right angle shaft grinders for eliminating surface defects, parting lines, light bursa, flashings, oxide, rust & corrosions and have paper or nylon scrim backing materials to enhance stretchability & durability. They come with TS turn on / off style fastener attaching systems for standard metal to metal attachments and are available in medium, extra coarse, fine, coarse & very fine grits for initial blending of welds & final finishing.

StyleModelColorDisc Dia.GradeGritMax. RpmPrice (inc. GST)
A66623325006Black1.5"Extra Coarse4030,000 SGD 3.22
A66623325010Black3"Extra Coarse4020,000 SGD 9.42
A66623335325Black2"Extra Coarse4030,000 SGD 4.68
B66623325017Brown1.5"Coarse5030,000 SGD 3.27
B66623335413Brown2"Coarse5030,000 SGD 4.83
B66623335416Brown3"Coarse5020,000 SGD 9.42
B66623335418Brown4"Coarse5015,000 SGD 11.75

Non Woven Abrasive Quick Change Discs, TR Attachment System

Norton abrasives non-woven abrasive quick change discs provide exceptional deburring, grinding and blending flexibility to prepare surfaces for paint & other quality finishes. They feature aluminium oxide or silicon carbide construction for high tensile strength, cut rates & improved performance and the proprietary clean bond resin technology guarantees smear-free finishes. These discs have paper or nylon scrim backing material to enhance stretchability & durability and the TR roll on / off style fastener attaching systems are interchangeable with Roloc discs. They are equipped with B-weight backing material for light weight mechanical operations and have coarse, fine, medium, super fine, very fine & extra coarse grits producing initial, moderate or final blending & finishes. Choose from a wide range of these discs, available in maroon, green, brown, black, blue and gray colours.

StyleModelAbrasive MaterialColorDisc Dia.GradeGritMax. RpmPrice (inc. GST)
A66623325056Aluminum OxideBlue4"Very Fine15015,000 SGD 12.18
B66623325035Aluminum OxideGreen2"Fine12030,000 SGD 4.21
B66623325041Aluminum OxideGreen4"Fine12015,000 SGD 11.32
C66623335419Aluminum OxideBrown4"Coarse5015,000 SGD 13.74
D66623335329Aluminum OxideBlack4"Extra Coarse4015,000 SGD 13.74
A66623335437Aluminum OxideBlue3"Very Fine15020,000 SGD 8.31
B66623325038Aluminum OxideGreen3"Fine12020,000 SGD 8.31
C66623335417Aluminum OxideBrown3"Coarse5020,000 SGD 9.51
D66623335327Aluminum OxideBlack3"Extra Coarse4020,000 SGD 9.22
A66623335433Aluminum OxideBlue2"Very Fine15030,000 SGD 4.21
C66623335414Aluminum OxideBrown2"Coarse5030,000 SGD 4.82
D66623335326Aluminum OxideBlack2"Extra Coarse4030,000 SGD 4.76
A66623325050Aluminum OxideBlue1.5"Very Fine15030,000 SGD 2.92
C66623335411Aluminum OxideBrown1.5"Coarse5030,000 SGD 3.27
A66623325047Aluminum OxideBlue1"Very Fine15040,000 SGD 2.58
B66623325029Aluminum OxideGreen1"Fine12040,000 SGD 2.58
C66623325015Aluminum OxideBrown1"Coarse5040,000 SGD 3.04
D66623325004Aluminum OxideBlack1"Extra Coarse4040,000 SGD 3.04
A66623325044Aluminum OxideBlue3/4"Very Fine15040,000 SGD 2.63
E66261091460Silicon CarbideGray3"Super Fine22020,000 SGD 6.54
E66261091459Silicon CarbideGray2"Super Fine22030,000 SGD 3.35

Type 3, Locking Sanding Disc

StyleModelAbrasive MaterialAbrasive TypeBacking MaterialColorDisc Dia.GradeGritMax. RpmPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A66261014792Aluminum OxideNon-WovenFiberMaroon2"Medium-30,000 SGD 977.28160
B66261014793Aluminum OxideNon-WovenFiberMaroon3"Medium-20,000 SGD 906.6080
C63642595470CeramicCoated-Orange2"Extra Coarse3630,000 SGD 4.211
D66261043386CeramicCoatedClothOrange2"Fine12030,000 SGD 3.841
E66261058708CeramicCoatedFiberOrange3"Extra Coarse3620,000 SGD 7.091
F66260311779DiamondCoatedClothBlack2"Fine12030,000 SGD 58.091

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