Relief Valves - Page 8 | Raptor Supplies Singapore

Relief Valves


13-500 Series Low Pressure Steam Safety Valves

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A13511B08 SGD 137.82
A13512B05 SGD 137.77
A13511B05 SGD 137.82
B13511A3 SGD 146.30
B13511A2 SGD 112.03
A13511B15 SGD 131.63
A13512B09 SGD 136.12
A13512B15 SGD 69.53
A13512B10 SGD 101.82
B13511S15 SGD 142.60
A13511B06 SGD 137.77
A13511S08 SGD 178.64
B13511P10 SGD 199.60
B13511P15 SGD 199.60
B13511P05 SGD 235.98
A13511B12 SGD 137.77
B13511B6 SGD 146.30
A13511B10 SGD 101.82
B13511B07 SGD 137.77
StyleModelInlet SizeOutlet SizeOverall HeightPrice (inc. GST)
A14205082"2"7.13" SGD 427.93
A14206082.5"2.5"8.25" SGD 1175.81
A14207083"3"9.375" SGD 1453.59
StyleModelInlet SizeInlet TypeMax. PressureNon Wetted MaterialWetted MaterialsPrice (inc. GST)
APR-100-PP-T-BSP1"BSP150 psiPVCPolypropylene SGD 903.35
APR-100-PVDF-T1"Fnpt150 psiPVCPVDF SGD 1656.85
APR-150-SS-T1-1/2"Fnpt150 psiPVCStainless Steel SGD 4048.20
APR-050-PVDF-T1/2"Fnpt150 psiPVCPVDF SGD 1281.16
APR-050-SS-T1/2"Fnpt150 psiPVCStainless Steel SGD 1289.59
APR-049-PVC-T1/2"Fnpt150 psiPVCPVC SGD 358.80
APR2P-049-PVDF-T1/2"Fnpt150 psiPVCPVDF SGD 983.56
APR-025-PVC-T-SW1/4"Socket Weld150 psiPVCPVC SGD 354.59
APR-025-SS-T1/4"Fnpt150 psiPVCStainless Steel SGD 958.23
APR-200-PVC-T-L2"Fnpt50 psiPVCPVC SGD 2064.21
APR-075-SS-T3/4"Fnpt150 psiPVCStainless Steel SGD 1338.15
APR-075-SS-T-H3/4"Fnpt350 psiStainless SteelStainless Steel SGD 1935.45

14-400 Series Low Pressure Air Relief Valves

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A1440710 SGD 2379.84
A1440613 SGD 1937.13
A1440522 SGD 1152.02
A1440605 SGD 1033.81
A1440606 SGD 1919.99
A1440604 SGD 1937.13
A1440607 SGD 1937.13
A1440607Q SGD 2015.39
A1440608 SGD 1919.99
B1440610P5 SGD 1937.13
A1440609 SGD 1919.99
A1440610 SGD 1919.99
A1440611 SGD 1937.13
C1440612 SGD 1656.06
B1440517 SGD 1162.27
A1440615 SGD 1919.99
A1440616 SGD 1919.99
A1440617 SGD 1919.99
A1440614 SGD 1919.99
A1440618 SGD 1919.99
A1440622 SGD 1919.99
A1440619 SGD 1919.99
B144069P5 SGD 1937.13
A1440706 SGD 2358.81
A1440707 SGD 2358.81

14-500 Series Low Pressure Air Relief Valves

StyleModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
A1450504Air Relief Valve SGD 1184.93
A1450513Air Relief Valve SGD 1184.93
A1450505Air Relief Valve SGD 647.41
A1450512Air Relief Valve SGD 1184.93
A1450520Air Relief Valve SGD 1184.93
A1450510Air Relief Valve SGD 1184.93
A1450508Air Relief Valve SGD 1184.93
A1450507Air Relief Valve SGD 1184.93
B1450510XAir Relief Valve SGD 1500.50
A1450612Relief Valve SGD 1974.91
A1450715Relief Valve SGD 2441.19
A1450717Relief Valve SGD 2441.19
A1450710Relief Valve SGD 1305.17
A1450713Relief Valve SGD 2441.19
A1450615Relief Valve SGD 1974.91
A1450607Relief Valve SGD 1974.91
A1450609Relief Valve SGD 1974.91
C1450605Relief Valve SGD 919.54
A1450521Relief Valve SGD 1195.52
A1450515Relief Valve SGD 1184.93
A1450516Relief Valve SGD 1184.93
A1450514P7Relief Valve SGD 1184.93
A1450714Relief Valve SGD 2441.19

14-600 Series Vacuum Relief Valves

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A14605V30 SGD 1245.33
A14606V20 SGD 2029.66
A14606V08 SGD 2029.66
A14606V09 SGD 2029.66
A14606V12 SGD 2047.74
A14606V11 SGD 2029.66
A14606V13 SGD 2029.66
A14606V15 SGD 2029.66
A14606V16 SGD 2029.66
A14606V17 SGD 2047.74
A14607V08 SGD 2523.43
B14605V20 SGD 1234.34
A14607V09 SGD 2523.43
A14607V10 SGD 1397.21
A14605V28 SGD 1245.33
A14605V21 SGD 1234.34
A14605V18 SGD 1234.34
A14605V29 SGD 1234.34
A14605V23 SGD 1234.34
A14605V26 SGD 1234.34
A14605V25 SGD 1234.34
A14605V17 SGD 1245.33
A14605V15 SGD 1234.34
A14606V12Q SGD 2107.15
B14605V16 SGD 1117.88

15 Series ASME Air Relief Valves

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A15112B35CE SGD 173.87
A15118B55 SGD 331.11
A15118B15 SGD 331.11
A15115B50CEQ SGD 326.44
B15118B25CE SGD 364.04
A15115B70 SGD 286.10
A15118B29 SGD 331.11
A15115B65 SGD 286.10
A15118B30CE SGD 364.04
A15115B80Q SGD 359.77
B15118B45 SGD 331.11
A15115B80 SGD 286.10
A15118B54 SGD 331.11
A15115B85 SGD 286.10
A15117B110 SGD 289.67
A15119B72 SGD 383.59
A15117B115 SGD 284.95
A15117B120 SGD 289.67
A15117B120Q SGD 371.86
A15117B125 SGD 289.67
A15117B125CE SGD 322.54
A15117B125Q SGD 371.86
A15117B135 SGD 289.67
B15117B128 SGD 289.67
B15117B130Q SGD 371.86
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A1620202 SGD 64.78
A1620305 SGD 63.71

16-501 Series Cast Bronze Adjustable Relief Valves

StyleModelBody MaterialDisc MaterialFactory Set PressureInlet TypeOutlet TypePressure RangeSeat MaterialTemp. RangePrice (inc. GST)
A1650102BronzeNitrile250 psiMNPTFNPT250 to 600 psiNitrile0° to 200° F SGD 90.31
B1650101Cast BronzeNitrile60 psiFnptMnpt50 to 250 psiNitrile0 Degrees to 200 Degrees F SGD 90.13
B1650125Cast BronzePTFE60 psiFnptMnpt50 to 250 psiPTFE0 Degrees to 200 Degrees F SGD 90.01
B1650160Cast BronzePTFE250 psiFnptMnpt250 to 600 psiPTFE0 Degrees to 200 Degrees F SGD 90.31
StyleModelBtuhFactory Set PressurePrice (inc. GST)
A1740203791,000125 psi SGD 50.48
A1740204934,000150 psi SGD 50.48

19 Series Safety Valves

StyleModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
A19KEDA200Relief Valve SGD 752.58
A19KDCA200Relief Valve SGD 673.89
A19KHGK30Relief Valve SGD 1278.07
A19KHGK285QRelief Valve SGD 1354.10
A19KHGK285Relief Valve SGD 1278.07
A19KHGK28Relief Valve SGD 1278.07
A19KHGK275ARelief Valve SGD 1402.51
B19KHGK25Relief Valve SGD 1278.07
A19MHGA30BHRelief Valve SGD 1278.07
A19MHGA300Relief Valve SGD 1314.45
A19MHGA28Relief Valve SGD 1314.45
C19MHGA250Relief Valve SGD 1314.45
A19MHGA30Relief Valve SGD 1278.07
A19KDCA240Relief Valve SGD 673.89
A19KDCA165Relief Valve SGD 702.39
A19KDCA185Relief Valve SGD 673.89
A19KHGK42Relief Valve SGD 1278.07
A19KDCA20Relief Valve SGD 702.39
A19KDCA175Relief Valve SGD 702.39
A19KEEA225CEQRelief Valve SGD 921.23
A19KEEA190Relief Valve SGD 807.83
A19KEEA200Relief Valve SGD 807.83
B19KEEA175Relief Valve SGD 807.83
A19KGGK140QRelief Valve SGD 1243.28
C19MDDL30Relief Valve SGD 712.98

29 Series Safety Valves

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A29102A105 SGD 688.26
B29402A90 SGD 820.27
B29402A46 SGD 820.27
A29402A50 SGD 820.27
B29402A48 SGD 820.27
B29402A60 SGD 820.27
B29402A70 SGD 820.27
B29402A80 SGD 820.27
A29402A75 SGD 820.27
B29402A85 SGD 820.27
A29402A40 SGD 820.27
B29402A95 SGD 820.27
B29402K100 SGD 820.27
B29402A92 SGD 820.27
B29402K105 SGD 820.27
B29402K110 SGD 827.58
B29402K110Q SGD 820.27
A29402K140 SGD 820.29
B29402A45 SGD 827.58
B29402A39 SGD 820.27
B29402K135 SGD 827.58
B29402A195 SGD 820.27
B29402A145 SGD 820.27
A29402A160 SGD 820.27
B29402A168 SGD 820.27
StyleModelBody MaterialDisc MaterialFactory Set PressureInlet SizeInlet TypeItemOutlet SizeOutlet TypePrice (inc. GST)
A531FFBJMAA0217-----Relief Valve-- SGD 2999.64
A521HGBKVAA0200-----Relief Valve-- SGD 4612.72
A521HHBKMAA0060-----Relief Valve-- SGD 4157.82
A521HHBKMAA0055-----Relief Valve-- SGD 4276.39
A521HHBKKAA0150-----Relief Valve-- SGD 4708.84
A521HHBKMAA0055Q-----Relief Valve-- SGD 4227.54
A521HHBJVAA0425Q-----Relief Valve-- SGD 4654.38
A521HHBJMAA0300Q-----Relief Valve-- SGD 4232.43
A521HHBJMAA0300-----Relief Valve-- SGD 4157.82
A521HHBJVAA0085-----Relief Valve-- SGD 4578.27
A521HHBJMAA0200-----Relief Valve-- SGD 4157.82
A521HHBJMAA0150-----Relief Valve-- SGD 4276.39
A521HHBJMAA0090-----Relief Valve-- SGD 4157.82
A521HHBJBAA0080-----Relief Valve-- SGD 4578.27
A521HHBJMAA0138-----Relief Valve-- SGD 4157.82
A521HHBKMAA0090-----Relief Valve-- SGD 4276.39
A521HHBJMAA0065-----Relief Valve-- SGD 4157.82
A521HHBJMAA0135-----Relief Valve-- SGD 4157.82
A521HGBMBAA0100-----Relief Valve-- SGD 4484.84
A521HGBKVAA0350-----Relief Valve-- SGD 4484.80
A521HGBKMAA0350-----Relief Valve-- SGD 4180.24
A521HGBKMAA0200-----Relief Valve-- SGD 4064.36
A521DDDMEAA0150-----Relief Valve-- SGD 1331.50
A521DDDKBAA0479-----Relief Valve-- SGD 1378.72
A521DDDKBAA0128-----Relief Valve-- SGD 1331.50
StyleModelInlet SizeInlet TypeWetted MaterialsPrice (inc. GST)
ABP-100-PVC-T1"FnptPVC SGD 831.59
ABP-100-SS-T1"FnptStainless Steel SGD 1599.86
ABP-100-PVDF-T1"FnptPVDF SGD 1591.43
ABP-150-SS-T1-1/2"FnptStainless Steel SGD 4048.20
ABP-049-PVC-T1/2"FnptPVC SGD 341.92
ABP-049-SS-T1/2"FnptStainless Steel SGD 1023.65
ABP-050-PVC-T1/2"FnptPVC SGD 578.31
ABP-050-SS-T1/2"FnptStainless Steel SGD 1198.84
ABP-200-PVC-T-F2"150# Class FlangePVC SGD 2163.39
ABP-075-SS-T3/4"FnptStainless Steel SGD 1238.95
StyleModelFactory Set PressureInlet SizePressure RangePrice (inc. GST)
A0140-C02-ME--- SGD 725.69
A0140-B02-ME--- SGD 725.69
A0140-B01-ME--- SGD 725.69
A0140-C01-ME--- SGD 725.69
A0140-B01-ME002525 psi3/8"0 to 25 psi SGD 1296.25
A1133405525 psi1/2"0 to 25 psi SGD 725.69
A0140-B01-ME005050 psi3/8"0 to 50 psi SGD 1296.25
A1133405650 psi1/2"0 to 50 psi SGD 725.69
A11334052100 psi3/8"0 to 100 psi SGD 725.69
A11334057100 psi1/2"0 to 100 psi SGD 725.69
A11334058200 psi1/2"0 to 200 psi SGD 725.69
A11334053200 psi3/8"0 to 200 psi SGD 725.69
A11334054300 psi3/8"0 to 300 psi SGD 725.69
A11334059300 psi1/2"0 to 300 psi SGD 725.69

Isolator Valve Kit, Brass, 3.75 Inch Length, 8.75 Inch Wd, 150 psi Max. Op Pressure

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
RTG20220ABBQ3MJV SGD 279.81

Temperature and Pressure Relief Valve, Brass, 7.25 Inch Length, 3.9 Inch Wd

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
SP12575BBP8VWA SGD 72.19

Relief Valve and Tee, Brass, 3 Inch Length, 3.05 Inch Wd, 150 psi Max. Op Pressure

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
SP623335BP9QBX SGD 79.51

Stone Flange, PVC, 8 Inch, Schedule 80, Gray

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
854-080CV4PHK SGD 136.72

Relief Valve, Aluminium Body, 2 Inch Valve Size

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
P612A225- 200CE2KEU SGD 1535.92

Magnetic Drain Valve

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)

Relief Valves

Pressure relief valves are designed to control or release built-up pressure in the system which may otherwise damage pipelines and equipment. Raptor Supplies offers a wide range of relief valves including shut off, safety, drain & pressure valves from Apollo, Watts, Parker, Milton Industries, Hayward, Oil Safe, Campbell & more. Apollo safety relief valves are designed according to ASME Section IV standards for the protection of steam boilers. These bronze constructed valves feature metal to metal, PCTFE or elastomer O-ring seating, thereby having a wide pressure and temperature range. They are capable of withstanding a maximum pressure of 1200 PSI and are available in inlet sizes ranging from 1/2 to 3 inches. Watts adjustable relief valves are designed to release pressure (up to 200 PSI) when the set internal pressure is encountered in systems containing air, oil or water. Watts 1450F Series combination fill and relief valves feature a silicone disc to provide positive seating and leakproof operation. These valves are available in bronze, brass, iron, lead free bronze and lead free brass variants.

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