Rivet Nuts


Rivet nuts are ideal for installing strong load-bearing threads on thin or weak gauge housings, castings, tubes, panels and extrusions. Raptor Supplies offers a wide variety of Read More


Rivet Nut Hex 8-32 Thread

StyleModelGrip RangeLengthPrice (inc. GST)
ACAH2-0832-080-1000.020 to 0.080"0.385" SGD 43.25
BCAH2-0832-130-500.080 to 0.130"0.435" SGD 29.37

Rivet Nuts

StyleModelBasic MaterialBody Dia.Dia./Thread SizeDrill SizeEndFastener FinishFinishFlange Dia.Price (inc. GST)
AALA1-420-260Aluminum0.39"1/4"-2025/64"Open EndPlainPlain0.5" SGD 18.20
AALA1-616-312Aluminum0.53"3/8"-1617/32"Open EndPlainPlain0.685" SGD 36.18
AALA1-1015-7.9Aluminum13.46 mmM10x1.513.5 mmOpen EndPlainPlain17.4mm SGD 37.65
AALA1-1024-130Aluminum0.296"#10-2419/64"Open EndPlainPlain17.4mm SGD 26.07
AALA1-1024-225Aluminum0.296"#10-2419/64"Open EndPlainPlain0.415" SGD 32.33
AALA1-1032-130Aluminum0.296"#10-3219/64"Open EndPlainPlain0.415" SGD 25.33
AALA1-1032-225Aluminum0.296"#10-3219/64"Open EndPlainPlain0.415" SGD 36.68
AALA1-420-165Aluminum0.39"1/4"-2025/64"Open EndPlainPlain0.5" SGD 35.74
AALA1-470-2.0Aluminum6.73 mmM4x76.75 mmOpen EndPlainPlain9.91mm SGD 23.01
AALA1-518-150Aluminum0.53"5/16"-1817/32"Open EndPlainPlain0.685" SGD 20.41
AALA1-580-3.3Aluminum7.52 mmM5x0.87.6 mmOpen EndPlainPlain10.54mm SGD 25.33
AALA1-580-5.7Aluminum7.52 mmM5x0.810.54 mmOpen EndPlainPlain10.54mm SGD 31.99
AALA1-610-6.6Aluminum9.91 mmM6x110 mmOpen EndPlainPlain12.7mm SGD 18.44
AALA1-632-130Aluminum0.265"#6-3217/64"Open EndPlainPlain0.39" SGD 26.88
AALA1-470-3.3Aluminum6.73 mmM4x76.75 mmOpen EndPlainPlain9.91mm SGD 28.32
AALA1-8125-3.8Aluminum13.46 mmM8x1.2513.5 mmOpen EndPlainPlain17.4mm SGD 21.05
AALA1-8125-7.9Aluminum13.46 mmM8x1.2513.5 mmOpen EndPlainPlain17.4mm SGD 25.87
AALA1-832-130Aluminum0.265"#8-3217/64"Open EndPlainPlain0.39" SGD 28.24
AALA1-832-80Aluminum0.265"#8-3217/64"Open EndPlainPlain0.39" SGD 22.58
BATA2-428Aluminum0.374"1/4"-281/4 in, 25/64 in, 3/8 in, W"Open EndCadmiumCadmium0.34" SGD 35.19
AALA1-632-80Aluminum0.265"#6-3217/64"Open EndPlainPlain0.39" SGD 21.63
AALA1-616-150Aluminum0.53"3/8"-1617/32"Open EndPlainPlain0.685" SGD 31.02
AALA1-610-4.2Aluminum9.91 mmM6x110 mmOpen EndPlainPlain12.7mm SGD 36.49
AALA1-518-312Aluminum0.53"5/16"-1817/32"Open EndPlainPlain0.685" SGD 25.80
AALA1-1015-3.8Aluminum13.46 mmM10x1.513.5 mmOpen EndPlainPlain17.4mm SGD 29.92

Rivet Nut, Swaged Thread

StyleModelBody Dia.Drill SizeFlange Dia.Head Dia.Hole SizeLengthThread SizePrice (inc. GST)
ACAT2-0632-1000.218"7/32" to #10.240"0.240"0.2188 to 0.2280"0.37"6-32 SGD 67.07
BCAT2-0832-1000.249"1/4" to 17/64"0.269"0.269"0.250 to 0.2656"0.37"8-32 SGD 64.96
CCAT2-1024-1000.280"9/32" to 19/64"0.306"0.306"0.2812 to 0.2969"0.37"10-24 SGD 68.95
DCAT2-1032-1000.280"9/32" to 19/64"0.306"0.306"0.2812 to 0.2969"0.37"10-32 SGD 68.95
ECAT2-2520-500.374"3/8" to 25/64"0.400"0.400"0.375 to 0.3906"0.515"1/4-20 SGD 51.82
FCAT2-3716-250.561"9/16" to 37/64"0.588"0.588"0.5625 to 0.5781"0.745"3/8-16 SGD 56.89

Rivet Nut, Flush, Aluminium

StyleModelBody Dia.Drill SizeFlange Dia.Grip RangeHead Dia.Head HeightHole SizeLengthPrice (inc. GST)
AU69335.013.00800.249"1/4"0.295"0.020 to 0.080"0.295"0.018"0.250"0.423" SGD 47.45
BU69335.016.00800.249"1/4"0.295"0.020 to 0.080"0.295"0.018"0.250"0.425" SGD 36.01
CU69335.019.01300.280"9/32"0.320"0.020 to 0.130"0.320"0.02"0.281"0.48" SGD 39.33
DU69335.019.01310.280"9/32"0.320"0.020 to 0.130"0.320"0.02"0.281"0.43" SGD 38.30
EU69335.025.01650.374"3/8"0.415"0.030 to 0.165"0.415"0.022"0.375"0.564" SGD 28.27
FU69335.037.01650.499"1/2"0.560"0.030 to 0.165"0.560"0.022"0.500"0.712" SGD 34.07
GU69335.031.01650.499"1/2"0.560"0.030 to 0.165"0.560"0.022"0.500"0.712" SGD 33.93

Rivet Nut, Flush Zinc

StyleModelBody Dia.Drill SizeFlange Dia.Grip RangeHead Dia.Head HeightHole SizeLengthPrice (inc. GST)
AU69155.013.00800.249"1/4"0.295"0.020 to 0.080"0.295"0.018"0.250"0.423" SGD 28.24
BU69155.016.00790.249"1/4"0.287"0.019 to 0.079"0.287"0.019"0.250"0.394" SGD 21.29
CM69155.040.00790.249"1/4"0.287"0.019 to 0.079"0.287"0.019"0.250"0.39" SGD 16.89
DU69155.019.01300.280"9/32"0.320"0.020 to 0.130"0.320"0.02"0.281"0.433" SGD 27.40
EU69155.019.01310.280"9/32"0.320"0.020 to 0.130"0.320"0.02"0.281"0.44" SGD 24.80
FM69155.050.01300.280"9/32"0.315"0.020 to 0.130"0.315"0.024"0.283"0.455" SGD 29.49
GU69155.025.01650.374"3/8"0.415"0.030 to 0.165"0.415"0.022"0.375"0.576" SGD 25.13
HM69155.060.01650.374"3/8"0.413"0.030 to 0.165"0.413"0.024"0.375"0.61" SGD 21.20
IU69155.037.01650.499"1/2"0.560"0.030 to 0.165"0.560"0.022"0.500"0.674" SGD 27.33
JM69155.080.02000.499"1/2"0.560"0.040 to 0.200"0.560"0.045"0.500"0.647" SGD 22.53
KU69155.031.01650.499"1/2"0.560"0.030 to 0.165"0.560"0.022"0.500"0.67" SGD 29.65

Rivet Nut, Flanged

StyleModelBody Dia.Drill SizeFinishFlange Dia.Grip RangeHead Dia.Head HeightHole SizePrice (inc. GST)
AU69316.013.00750.189"#12Plain0.325"0.010 to 0.075"0.325"0.032"0.189" SGD 46.31
BU69136.013.00750.189"#12Zinc0.325"0.010 to 0.075"0.325"0.032"0.189" SGD 73.12
CU69316.016.01200.221"#2Plain0.357"0.075 to 0.120"0.357"0.032"0.221" SGD 26.11
DU69136.016.01200.221"#2Zinc0.357"0.075 to 0.120"0.357"0.032"0.221" SGD 39.37
EU69316.016.00750.221"#2Plain0.357"0.010 to 0.075"0.357"0.032"0.221" SGD 33.42
FU69136.016.00750.221"#2Zinc0.357"0.010 to 0.075"0.357"0.032"0.221" SGD 29.01
GU69136.019.01300.250"1/4"Zinc0.406"0.079 to 0.130"0.406"0.04"0.250" SGD 18.57
HU69316.019.00810.250"1/4"Plain0.406"0.010 to 0.080"0.406"0.04"0.250" SGD 29.70
IU69316.019.01310.250"1/4"Plain0.406"0.080 to 0.130"0.406"0.038"0.250" SGD 18.61
JU69316.019.00800.250"1/4"Plain0.406"0.010 to 0.080"0.406"0.038"0.250" SGD 31.94
KU69136.019.00810.250"1/4"Zinc0.406"0.010 to 0.080"0.406"0.04"0.250" SGD 32.74
LU69136.019.00800.250"1/4"Zinc0.406"0.010 to 0.080"0.406"0.038"0.250" SGD 28.07
MU69316.019.01300.250"1/4"Plain0.406"0.080 to 0.130"0.406"0.038"0.250" SGD 22.13
NU69136.019.01310.250"1/4"Zinc0.406"0.079 to 0.130"0.390"0.04"0.250" SGD 25.23
OU69135.019.02250.295"19/64"Zinc0.417"0.130 to 0.225"0.400"0.037"0.296" SGD 21.33
PU69136.025.01380.332"QZinc0.475"0.079 to 0.138"0.475"0.06"0.332" SGD 22.10
QU69316.025.02000.332"QPlain0.475"0.140 to 0.200"0.475"0.058"0.322" SGD 21.38
RU69316.025.00800.332"QPlain0.475"0.020 to 0.080"0.475"0.06"0.332" SGD 13.69
SU69316.025.01380.332"QPlain0.475"0.079 to 0.138"0.475"0.06"0.350" SGD 16.39
TU69136.025.02000.332"QZinc0.475"0.140 to 0.200"0.475"0.058"0.332" SGD 24.99
UU69136.025.00800.332"QZinc0.475"0.020 to 0.080"0.475"0.06"0.332" SGD 23.78
VU69315.025.02600.390"25/64"Plain0.500"0.165 to 0.260"0.500"0.028"0.391" SGD 27.28
WU69136.031.01970.413"ZZinc0.665"0.118 to 0.197"0.665"0.06"0.413" SGD 26.40
XU69136.031.01250.413"ZZinc0.665"0.030 to 0.125"0.665"0.062"0.413" SGD 20.12
YU69316.031.01250.413"ZPlain0.665"0.030 to 0.125"0.665"0.062"0.413" SGD 24.30

Rivet Nut M6 x 1.0 Thread

StyleModelBody Dia.Drill SizeFlange Dia.Grip RangeHead Dia.Head HeightHole SizeLengthPrice (inc. GST)
ACPB2-610-7.1-109.700"X16.380"0.50 to 7.10"16.380"1.5"10.000"25.4" SGD 22.34
BRFL2-610-3.8-1013.460"17/32"17.400"0.70 to 3.80"17.400"0.89"13.500"20.8" SGD 28.93

Rivet Nut M5 x 0.8 Thread

StyleModelBody Dia.Drill SizeFlange Dia.Grip RangeHead Dia.Head HeightHole SizeLengthPrice (inc. GST)
ARFL2-580-3.8-109.910"X12.700"0.70 to 3.30"12.700"0.76"10.000"18.28" SGD 44.34
BRFSL2-580-2.5-510.950"7/16"14.100"0.50 to 2.50"14.100"0.85"11.000"10.3" SGD 15.20

Rivet Nut M4 x 0.7 Thread

StyleModelBody Dia.Drill SizeFlange Dia.Grip RangeHead Dia.Head HeightHole SizeLengthPrice (inc. GST)
ARFL2-470-3.3-109.910"X12.700"0.70 to 3.30"12.700"0.76"10.000"18.28" SGD 43.06
BRFSL2-470-2.5-510.950"7/16"14.100"0.50 to 2.50"14.100"0.85"11.000"10.3" SGD 12.31

Rivet Nut Knurled

StyleModelBody Dia.Drill SizeFinishFlange Dia.Grip RangeHead Dia.Head HeightHole SizePrice (inc. GST)
AM69135.040.00790.260"17/64"Zinc0.390"0.019 to 0.079"0.390"0.03"0.260" SGD 42.19
BU69135.013.00800.264"17/64"Zinc0.392"0.020 to 0.080"0.392"0.032"0.265" SGD 43.46
CU69135.013.01300.264"17/64"Zinc0.392"0.080 to 0.130"0.392"0.032"0.265" SGD 29.55
DM69135.040.01300.264"17/64"Zinc0.392"0.080 to 0.130"0.392"0.03"0.265" SGD 30.99
EU69135.016.00800.264"17/64"Zinc0.392"0.020 to 0.080"0.392"0.032"0.265" SGD 32.06
FU69315.013.01300.264"17/64"Plain0.392"0.080 to 0.130"0.392"0.032"0.265" SGD 33.04
GU69315.016.01300.264"17/64"Plain0.392"0.080 to 0.130"0.392"0.032"0.265" SGD 26.71
HU69135.016.01300.264"17/64"Zinc0.392"0.080 to 0.130"0.392"0.032"0.265" SGD 22.36
IU69315.013.00800.264"17/64"Plain0.392"0.020 to 0.080"0.392"0.032"0.265" SGD 45.64
JU69315.016.00800.264"17/64"Plain0.392"0.020 to 0.080"0.392"0.032"0.265" SGD 56.49
KM69135.050.01300.290"19/64"Zinc0.413"0.019 to 0.130"0.413"0.034"0.290" SGD 45.20
LU69315.019.01300.295"19/64"Plain0.417"0.020 to 0.130"0.417"0.037"0.296" SGD 51.35
MU69315.019.01310.295"19/64"Plain0.417"0.020 to 0.130"0.417"0.037"0.296" SGD 53.18
NU69315.019.02260.295"19/64"Plain0.417"0.130 to 0.225"0.417"0.037"0.296" SGD 31.64
OU69315.019.02250.295"19/64"Plain0.417"0.130 to 0.225"0.417"0.037"0.296" SGD 36.55
PM69135.050.02250.295"19/64"Zinc0.417"0.130 to 0.225"0.417"0.03"0.296" SGD 32.28
QU69135.019.01310.295"19/64"Zinc0.413"0.020 to 0.130"0.413"0.04"0.295" SGD 34.84
RU69135.019.01300.295"19/64"Zinc0.413"0.020 to 0.130"0.413"0.04"0.295" SGD 31.94
SU69135.019.02260.295"19/64"Zinc0.417"0.130 to 0.225"0.400"0.037"0.296" SGD 15.00
TM69315.060.01650.390"25/64"Plain0.500"0.027 to 0.165"0.500"0.04"0.390" SGD 60.18
UM69135.060.01650.390"25/64"Zinc0.500"0.027 to 0.165"0.500"0.03"0.390" SGD 24.82
VU69315.025.01650.390"25/64"Plain0.500"0.027 to 0.165"0.500'0.04"0.390" SGD 28.39
WU69135.025.01650.390"25/64"Zinc0.500"0.027 to 0.165"0.500"0.06"0.391" SGD 27.40
XM69135.060.02600.390"25/64"Zinc0.500"0.165 t0 0.260"0.500"0.04"0.390" SGD 23.54
YU69135.025.02600.390"25/64"Zinc0.492"0.165 to 0.260"0.490"0.04"0.390" SGD 24.33

Rivet Nut Hex Thread

StyleModelBody Dia.Drill SizeFinishFlange Dia.Grip RangeHead Dia.Head HeightHole SizePrice (inc. GST)
ACFH2-1024-085T-250.223"2"Clear Trivalent0.359"0.010 to 0.085"0.359"0.043"0.224" SGD 16.27
BCFH2-1024-135T-250.223"2"Clear Trivalent0.359"0.085 to 0.135"0.359"0.043"0.224" SGD 16.70
CCFH2-1032-085T-250.223"2"Clear Trivalent0.359"0.010 to 0.085"0.359"0.043"0.224" SGD 16.66
DCFH2-1032-135T-250.223"2"Clear Trivalent0.359"0.085 to 0.135"0.359"0.043"0.224" SGD 16.70
ECAH2-1024-130-1000.280"9/32"Zinc Yellow0.390"0.020 to 0.130"0.390"0.027"0.281" SGD 45.20
FCAH2-1024-225-500.280"9/32"Zinc Yellow0.390"0.130 to 0.225"0.390"0.027"0.281" SGD 33.14
GCAH2-1032-130-1000.280"9/32"Zinc Yellow0.390"0.020 to 0.130"0.390"0.027"0.281" SGD 46.81
HCAH2-1032-225-500.280"9/32"Zinc Yellow0.390"0.130 to 0.225"0.390"0.027"0.281" SGD 33.43

Rivet Nut Hex 6-32 Thread

StyleModelGrip RangeLengthPrice (inc. GST)
ACAH2-0632-080-1000.020 to 0.080"0.385" SGD 41.84
BCAH2-0632-130-500.080 to 0.130"0.435" SGD 28.48

Rivet Nut Hex 5/16-18 inch Thread

StyleModelBody Dia.Drill SizeFinishFlange Dia.Grip RangeHead Dia.Head HeightHole SizePrice (inc. GST)
ACFH2-3118-105T-100.296"UClear Trivalent0.577"0.030 to 0.105"0.577"0.048"0.369" SGD 12.45
BCFH2-3118-245T-100.368"UClear Trivalent0.577"0.175 to 0.245"0.577"0.048"0.369" SGD 14.57
CCFH2-3118-175T-100.368"UClear Trivalent0.577"0.105 to 0.175"0.577"0.048"0.369" SGD 15.22
DCAH2-3118-312-250.499"1/2"Zinc Yellow0.655"0.150 to 0.312"0.655"0.035"0.500" SGD 34.48
ECAH2-3118-150-250.499"1/2"Zinc Yellow0.655"0.027 to 0.150"0.655"0.035"0.500" SGD 27.09

Rivet Nut Hex 3/8-16 Thread

StyleModelBody Dia.Drill SizeFinishFlange Dia.Grip RangeHead Dia.Head HeightHole SizePrice (inc. GST)
ACFH2-3716-239T-100.437"7/16"Clear Trivalent0.671"0.104 to 0.239"0.671"0.058"0.437" SGD 18.59
BCAH2-3716-150-250.499"1/2"Zinc Yellow0.655"0.027 to 0.150"0.655"0.035"0.500" SGD 37.13
CCAH2-3716-312-200.499"1/2"Zinc Yellow0.655"0.150 to 0.312"0.655"0.035"0.500" SGD 37.56

Rivet Nut Hex 1/4-20 Thread

StyleModelBody Dia.Drill SizeFinishFlange Dia.Grip RangeHead Dia.Head HeightHole SizePrice (inc. GST)
ACFH2-2520-085T-250.296"19/64"Clear Trivalent0.452"0.020 to 0.085"0.452"0.043"0.297" SGD 20.98
BCFH2-2520-145T-100.296"19/64"Clear Trivalent0.452"0.085 to 0.145"0.452"0.043"0.297" SGD 10.08
CCAH2-2520-165-500.374"3/8"Zinc Yellow0.510"0.027 to 0.165"0.510"0.03"0.375" SGD 38.04
DCAH2-2520-260-400.374"3/8"Zinc Yellow0.510"0.165 to 0.260"0.510"0.03"0.375" SGD 35.96

Rivet Nut 8-32 Thread

StyleModelBody Dia.Drill SizeFlange Dia.Grip RangeHead Dia.Head HeightHole SizeLengthPrice (inc. GST)
ACAK2-0832-080-1000.265"H0.310"0.020 to 0.080"0.310"0.019"0.266"0.42" SGD 37.34
BCAK2-0832-130-500.265"H0.310"0.080 to 0.130"0.310"0.019"0.266"0.47" SGD 23.44
CRFL2-0832-130-100.390"25/64"0.500"0.027 to 0.150"0.500"0.03"0.391"0.719" SGD 21.20
DRFSL2-0832-100-50.431"7/16"0.555"0.020 to 0.100"0.555"0.033"0.433"0.406" SGD 14.48

Rivet Nut 6-32 Thread

StyleModelGrip RangeLengthPrice (inc. GST)
ACAK2-0632-080-1000.020 to 0.080"0.42" SGD 36.15
BCAK2-0632-130-500.080 to 0.130"0.47" SGD 22.65

Rivet Nut 5/16-18 Thread

StyleModelBody Dia.Drill SizeFlange Dia.Grip RangeHead Dia.Head HeightHole SizeLengthPrice (inc. GST)
ACPB2-3118-280-50.495"1/2"0.770"0.020 to 0.280"0.770"0.062"0.500"1.141" SGD 16.54
BCAT2-3118-250.499"1/2" to 33/64"0.528"0.030 to 0.187"0.528"-0.500 to 0.5156"0.615" SGD 43.53
CCAK2-3118-312-250.530"17/32"0.595"0.150 to 0.312"0.595"0.022"0.531"0.805" SGD 27.53
DCAK2-3118-150-250.530"17/32"0.595"0.027 to 0.150"0.595"0.022"0.531"0.69" SGD 21.76

Rivet Nut 3/8-16 Thread

StyleModelGrip RangeLengthPrice (inc. GST)
ACAK2-3716-150-250.027 to 0.150"0.69" SGD 29.73
BCAK2-3716-312-200.150 to 0.312"0.805" SGD 30.04

Rivet Nut 10-32 inch Thread

StyleModelBody Dia.Drill SizeFlange Dia.Grip RangeHead Dia.Head HeightHole SizeLengthPrice (inc. GST)
ACAK2-1032-130-1000.296"19/64"0.340"0.020 to 0.130"0.340"0.019"0.297"0.475" SGD 40.00
BCPB2-1032-175-100.329"Q0.510"0.020 to 0.175"0.510"0.038"0.336"0.828" SGD 19.02
CCPB2-1032-320-100.329"Q0.510"0.175 to 0.320"0.510"0.038"0.336"0.921" SGD 39.68
DRFL2-1032-150-250.390"25/64"0.500"0.027 to 0.150"0.500"0.03"0.391"0.719" SGD 24.92
ERFSL2-1032-100-50.431"7/16"0.555"0.020 to 0.100"0.555"0.033"0.433"0.406" SGD 13.91

Rivet Nut 10-24 Thread

StyleModelBody Dia.Drill SizeFlange Dia.Grip RangeHead Dia.Head HeightHole SizeLengthPrice (inc. GST)
ACAK2-1024-225-500.296"19/64"0.340"0.130 to 0.225"0.340"0.019"0.297"0.585" SGD 26.64
BCAK2-1024-130-1000.296"19/64"0.340"0.020 to 0.130"0.340"0.019"0.297"0.475" SGD 40.00
CRFSL2-1024-100-50.431"7/16"0.555"0.020 to 0.100"0.555"0.033"0.433"0.406" SGD 15.20

Rivet Nuts

Rivet nuts are ideal for installing strong load-bearing threads on thin or weak gauge housings, castings, tubes, panels and extrusions. Raptor Supplies offers a wide variety of AVK and Grainger rivet nuts available in flange diameters ranging from 0.24 to 19.65 inches.


AVK AK Series:

    They feature a minimal head profile that provides virtually flush installations without any special hole preparation. The internal rolled thread manufacturing process promotes superior thread strength. They also deliver exceptional torque strength as the insert's knurled body expands while filling the hole. Inventory reduction is possible because of the AK Series wide grip range capacity. It is 2.5 times greater than conventional rivet nuts.

AVK AT Series:

    Reduced overall length of the installed AT Series Insert allows it to be used in limited clearance applications. Quality installations even in variable thickness materials are assured by our spin/spin torque stall tools. Inventory reduction is possible because one AT Series Insert will work in any thickness material above .030/,76mm. Can be used with Grade 8 / Metric Class 12.9 Screws due to the AT Series high shear load capability.

AVK A-L Series:

    The A-L Series knurled threaded inserts feature a large diameter-low profile head making them ideal for use in punched or drilled holes. They are compatible with Grade 5 or Metric 8.8/9.8 mating screws.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to install AVK inserts?

  • Quarter turn the AVK fastener on the tool mandrel and place it into the hole. Then, press the top trigger on the tool.
  • Once the hole fill is complete, the AVK fastener forms its backside flange behind the parent material and then the tool stalls.
  • Finally, reverse the tool and proceed to attach the mating component using the appropriate hardware. The entire installation sequence of the AVK fastener takes 3 seconds or less.

How to choose a tool that offers faster assembly and lower installation costs?

  • Spin-Spin Tool - The rivet nut is threaded onto the mandrel of the pneumatic power tool and then inserted into the hole. When the tool is activated, the mandrel spins to pull the threaded portion of the shank towards the blind side of the workpiece. This forms a bulge around the unthreaded portion which then pushes against the back of the panel to create a clamping force and grip the sheet. Once the rivet nut is securely clinched in place, the mandrel spins in the opposite direction to unthread itself from the nut, leaving the rivet nut's internal threading intact.
  • Spin-Pull Tool - Similar to the Spin-Spin tool, an air motor is used here to thread the nut onto the mandrel. These tools are great for plastic workpieces.
  • Pull-to-Pressure Tool - This tool is almost similar to the above two except that instead of pulling at a specific distance, it pulls at a set pressure. If you are fastening metal or a hard plastic surface, a pull-to-pressure tool is ideal.

What end types are available on rivet nuts?

Open-end rivet nuts are ideal for load-bearing applications due to their large diameter head. The open end feature offers increased resistance to pull-out when reinforcing the hole. Whereas, in closed-end nuts, the thread area is enclosed eliminating leakage past the threads from either side of the application.

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