Solenoid Air Control Valves | Raptor Supplies Singapore

Solenoid Air Control Valves

StyleModelCoefficient Of VolumeOverall LengthPressure RangeVoltagePrice (inc. GST)
AAV-SOL-24VDC-"37 to 150 psi24 VDC SGD 628.68
AAV-SOL-120VAC-1.81.655/1/0235 to 150 psi120 VAC SGD 644.35

CAT Series Miniature 3 & 4-Way Valves

StyleModelAir Valve TypeOverall HeightVoltagePrice (inc. GST)
AP221SC-120-A--- SGD 462.67
BP261SS-120-A--- SGD 301.20
CP221SS-120-A--- SGD 382.07
DP211SC-012-D--- SGD 410.29
EP261SS-024-D--- SGD 272.71
FP211SS-024-D--- SGD 319.90
GP221SS-024-D--- SGD 354.46
DP251SS-024-D--- SGD 212.67
HP211SC-024-D--- SGD 408.48
IP221SC-024-D--- SGD 437.58
JP251SS-012-D3-Way, 2-Position2.5"12 VDC SGD 206.94
KP251SS-120-A3-Way, 2-Position2.5"120 VAC SGD 274.18
LP211SC-120-A4-Way, 2-Position2.75"120 VAC SGD 413.31
MP211SS-012-D4-Way, 2-Position2.75"12 VDC SGD 320.21
NP211SS-120-A4-Way, 2-Position2.75"120 VAC SGD 336.80

Sierra 15 Base-Mounted Valves

StyleModelActuator/returnElectrical ConnectionsOverall LengthVoltagePrice (inc. GST)
AS5DS9A-1---- SGD 459.13
BS5SS9B-1---- SGD 260.91
CS5DS9B-1-GSolenoid/SolenoidLead Wire4.75"24 VDC SGD 396.63
DS5DS9C-1-GSolenoid/SolenoidDIN Connectors4 31/32"120 VAC SGD 497.05
ES5DS9D-1-GSolenoid/SolenoidDIN Connectors4 31/32"24 VDC SGD 442.10
FS5SS9A-1Solenoid/SpringLead Wire3 23/64"120 VAC SGD 262.94
GS5SS9C-1Solenoid/SpringDIN Connectors3.5"120 VAC SGD 288.39
HS5SS9D-1Solenoid/SpringDIN Connectors3.5"24 VDC SGD 287.22

Sierra 15 Body-Ported Valves

StyleModelElectrical ConnectionsOverall LengthVoltagePrice (inc. GST)
AS5SSMB-1--- SGD 259.12
BS5SSMD-1DIN Connectors3.5"24 VDC SGD 299.98
BS5SSMC-1-GDIN Connectors3.5"120 VAC SGD 334.29
CS5SSMA-1-GLead Wire3 25/64"120 VAC SGD 291.55

E Series Pneumatic Valves

StyleModelActuator/returnAir Valve TypeOverall HeightOverall LengthOverall WidthPrice (inc. GST)
AE252TM----- SGD 403.34
BE712LS----- SGD 478.61
CE252RS----- SGD 366.62
DE212RS----- SGD 453.90
EE252FS----- SGD 456.77
FE252HMButton/Manual3-Way, 2-Position1.75"4 15/32"1.75" SGD 368.48
GE212HMButton/Manual4-Way, 2-Position1.75"5-15/32"1.75" SGD 363.68
HE212HSButton/Spring4-Way, 2-Position1.75"6.5"1.75" SGD 399.90
HE252HSButton/Spring3-Way, 2-Position1.75"5.5"1.75" SGD 438.51
IE212FSFoot Pedal/Spring4-Way, 2-Position2"10 9/32"4" SGD 526.89
JE212TMFoot Treadle/Manual4-Way, 2-Position4.625"9 11/32"2.75" SGD 473.45
KE212LMLever/Manual4-Way, 2-Position3.875"5.187"1.75" SGD 435.84
LE252LMLever/Manual3-Way, 2-Position3.875"4.187"1.75" SGD 382.65
ME512LMLever/Manual4-Way, 3-Position3.875"5.187"1.75" SGD 429.82
NE212LSLever/Spring4-Way, 2-Position3.875"6 7/32"1.75" SGD 388.45
OE252LSLever/Spring3-Way, 2-Position3.875"5 7/32"1.75" SGD 337.20
PE312LSLever/Spring4-Way, 3-Position3.875"6 5/16"1.75" SGD 633.24

MaxAir Series Pneumatic Valves

StyleModelActuator/returnAir Valve TypeAmbient Temp. RangeCfmCoefficient Of VolumeItemOverall HeightOverall LengthPrice (inc. GST)
AM252HS-10Button/Spring3-Way, 2-Position-260.7Manual Air Control Valve4.88"1 35/64" SGD 178.05
BM251HSButton/Spring3-Way, 2-Position-70.2Manual Air Control Valve1 49/64"1.25" SGD 114.00
CM291HS-10Button/Spring3-Way, 2-Position-80.2Manual Air Control Valve2 13/16"1 49/64" SGD 163.24
AM212HS-10Button/Spring4-Way, 2-Position-260.7Manual Air Control Valve4 23/32"1 35/64" SGD 152.63
DM211HSButton/Spring4-Way, 2-Position-90.2Manual Air Control Valve2 51/64"1.25" SGD 131.58
EM291HS-15Button/Spring with Detent3-Way, 2-Position-80.2Manual Air Control Valve3.437"1 49/64" SGD 164.20
FM252HS-15Button/Spring with Detent3-Way, 2-Position-260.7Manual Air Control Valve5 1/64"1 35/64" SGD 156.79
GM252HS-11Button/Spring with Guard3-Way, 2-Position-260.7Manual Air Control Valve4.375"1 35/64" SGD 149.96
HM291HS-11Button/Spring without Guard3-Way, 2-Position-80.2Manual Air Control Valve2 13/16"1 49/64" SGD 141.74
IM212HS-11Extended Push Button/Spring4-Way, 2-Position-260.7Manual Air Control Valve4 23/32"1 35/64" SGD 298.00
JM212LS-11Long Knob Selector/Manual4-Way, 2-Position-260.7Manual Air Control Valve5 13/32"1 35/64" SGD 157.69
KM291LS-11Long Knob Selector/Manual3-Way, 2-Position-80.2Manual Air Control Valve3 33/64"1 49/64" SGD 164.14
LM252LS-11Long Knob Selector/Manual3-Way, 2-Position-260.7Manual Air Control Valve5 5/64"1 35/64" SGD 174.51
MM211RSRoller/Spring4-Way, 2-Position-90.2Manual Air Control Valve2 33/64"1.25" SGD 128.52
NM251RSRoller/Spring3-Way, 2-Position-70.2Manual Air Control Valve2.187"1.25" SGD 112.08
OM213SD-120-ASolenoid/Solenoid4-Way, 2-Position0 Degrees to 122 Degrees F611.65Solenoid Air Control Valve13/16"7.75" SGD 485.10
PM214SD-000-NSolenoid/Solenoid4-Way, 2-Position0 Degrees to 122 Degrees F1504.32Solenoid Air Control Valve2"9.75" SGD 899.13
OM214SD-024-DSolenoid/Solenoid4-Way, 2-Position0 Degrees to 122 Degrees F1504.32Solenoid Air Control Valve2"9.75" SGD 839.60
OM214SD-120-ASolenoid/Solenoid4-Way, 2-Position0 Degrees to 122 Degrees F1504.32Solenoid Air Control Valve2"9.75" SGD 790.99
PM213SD-000-NSolenoid/Solenoid4-Way, 2-Position0 Degrees to 122 Degrees F611.65Solenoid Air Control Valve13/16"7.75" SGD 467.93
OM213SD-024-DSolenoid/Solenoid4-Way, 2-Position0 Degrees to 122 Degrees F611.65Solenoid Air Control Valve13/16"7.75" SGD 500.92
PM212SD-000-NSolenoid/Solenoid4-Way, 2-Position15 Degrees to 122 Degrees F260.7Solenoid Air Control Valve1.375"6 11/16" SGD 364.08
QM212SD-024-DSolenoid/Solenoid4-Way, 2-Position15 Degrees to 122 Degrees F260.7Solenoid Air Control Valve1.375"6 11/16" SGD 474.37
OM212SD-120-ASolenoid/Solenoid4-Way, 2-Position15 Degrees to 122 Degrees F260.7Solenoid Air Control Valve1.375"6 11/16" SGD 503.79
RM213SS-000-NSolenoid/Spring4-Way, 2-Position0 Degrees to 122 Degrees F611.65Solenoid Air Control Valve13/16"5 11/16" SGD 269.95

MaxAir Series Hand Lever Valves

StyleModelActuator/returnOverall HeightOverall LengthOverall WidthPrice (inc. GST)
AM212LM-RLever/Manual1.375"3.437"1 1/64" SGD 228.33
BM212LMLever/Manual4"3.5"1 13/16" SGD 339.28
CM212LSLever/Spring4"3.5"1 13/16" SGD 241.39
DM212LS-RLever/Spring2"4.75"4" SGD 216.28

50 Series Pneumatic Valves

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A5040-10 SGD 311.28
B5040-06 SGD 478.17
C5030-01 SGD 296.83
C5040-01 SGD 319.71
D5030-05 SGD 297.52
E5030-02 SGD 412.01
F5030-12 SGD 271.21
D5040-05 SGD 308.06
G5040-02 SGD 318.55
B5030-06 SGD 322.08
C5030-10 SGD 289.78

K Series Pneumatic Valves

StyleModelActuator/returnCfmCoefficient Of VolumeItemOverall HeightOverall LengthOverall WidthPipe SizePrice (inc. GST)
AK513TM---Manual Air Control Valve---- SGD 1176.28
BK513LM---Manual Air Control Valve---- SGD 1099.45
BK213LS---Manual Air Control Valve---- SGD 772.01
CK313LS---Manual Air Control Valve---- SGD 1023.49
DK213LM---Manual Air Control Valve---- SGD 913.92
EK314SD-120-A---Solenoid Air Control Valve---- SGD 1936.66
FK214SD-120-A---Solenoid Air Control Valve---- SGD 1632.89
GK214SS-120-A---Solenoid Air Control Valve---- SGD 1274.03
EK313SD-120-A---Solenoid Air Control Valve---- SGD 2082.89
HK213FSFoot Pedal/Spring832.3Manual Air Control Valve4"13"5.25"3/8" SGD 825.67
IK213TMFoot Treadle/Manual832.3Manual Air Control Valve4"13"5.25"3/8" SGD 850.65
JK216SS-120-ASolenoid/Spring2707.5Solenoid Air Control Valve3.5"10.625"4.5"3/4" SGD 1873.97

Sierra 18 Pneumatic Valves

StyleModelActuator/returnAir Valve TypeBody StyleCfmCoefficient Of VolumeElectrical ConnectionsOverall LengthPipe SizePrice (inc. GST)
AM812SD-120-A-------- SGD 435.98
BM819SD-120-ASolenoid/Solenoid4-Way, 2-PositionManifold300.3DIN Connectors5.75"- SGD 508.57
BM819SD-024-DSolenoid/Solenoid4-Way, 2-PositionManifold300.3Lead Wire5.75"- SGD 506.44
CM812SD-012-DSolenoid/Solenoid4-Way, 2-PositionManifold300.7DIN Connectors6"1/8" SGD 530.96
CM812SD-024-DSolenoid/Solenoid4-Way, 2-PositionManifold300.7DIN Connectors6"1/8" SGD 428.05
CM813SD-012-DSolenoid/Solenoid4-Way, 3-PositionBody Ported210.5DIN Connectors6.25"1/8" SGD 483.79
CM813SD-024-DSolenoid/Solenoid4-Way, 3-PositionBody Ported210.5DIN Connectors6.25"1/8" SGD 491.98
CM813SD-120-ASolenoid/Solenoid4-Way, 3-PositionBody Ported210.5DIN Connectors6.25"1/8" SGD 499.18
CM817SD-012-DSolenoid/Solenoid4-Way, 3-PositionBody Ported210.5DIN Connectors6.25"1/8" SGD 616.14
CM817SD-024-DSolenoid/Solenoid4-Way, 3-PositionBody Ported210.5DIN Connectors6.25"1/8" SGD 604.90
CM817SD-120-ASolenoid/Solenoid4-Way, 3-PositionBody Ported210.5DIN Connectors6.25"1/8" SGD 512.53
DM819SS-120-ASolenoid/Spring4-Way, 2-PositionManifold300.3DIN Connectors4"18mm SGD 291.42
DM819SS-024-DSolenoid/Spring4-Way, 2-PositionManifold300.3DIN Connectors4"- SGD 324.04
EM812SS-012-DSolenoid/Spring4-Way, 2-PositionBody Ported300.7DIN Connectors4.25"1/8" SGD 260.00
EM812SS-024-DSolenoid/Spring4-Way, 2-PositionBody Ported300.7DIN Connectors4.25"1/8" SGD 273.96
EM812SS-120-ASolenoid/Spring4-Way, 2-PositionBody Ported300.7DIN Connectors4.25"1/8" SGD 259.51

H Series Pneumatic Valves

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AH254SS-120-A SGD 1410.08
BH253SS-120-A SGD 1286.31
CH254SS-000-N SGD 1577.00
CH253SS-000-N SGD 1418.70

Solenoid Air Control Valves, 4-Way, 3-Position

SPEEDAIRE solenoid air control valves are used for controlling the air inlet supply. These air control valves feeature NEMA 4 rated enclosures for superior protection against outside elements. They are base mounted, providing secure installation and are used in different pneumatic systems for conserving energy and lowering fuel costs. Choose from a wide range of these 3-position, solenoid air control valves, available in 120VAC and 240VDC voltage ratings on Raptor Supplies.

StyleModelAmbient Temp. RangeCoefficient Of VolumeElectrical ConnectionsIso ClassOverall HeightOverall LengthOverall WidthPipe SizePrice (inc. GST)
A3FFD55 Degrees to 120 Degrees F0.5Plug-In15407-21.75"5"1"- SGD 533.82
B3FFR55 Degrees to 120 Degrees F1.2Plug-In5599-13.5"6.5"1.5"- SGD 745.54
C3FFJ15 Degrees to 120 Degrees F2.830mm, 3-Pin DIN 43650 A5599-14"8.25"2"- SGD 732.06
C3FFJ25 Degrees to 120 Degrees F530mm, 3-Pin DIN 43650 A5599-14.75"9.5"2.75"- SGD 917.00
C3FFJ35 Degrees to 120 Degrees F530mm, 3-Pin DIN 43650 A5599-14.75"9.5"2.75"- SGD 908.06
D3FFP85 Degrees to 120 Degrees F1.2Plug-In5599-23.5"6.5"1.5"- SGD 745.54
D3FFP95 Degrees to 120 Degrees F1.2Plug-In5599-23.5"6.5"1.5"- SGD 729.74
E3FFD65 Degrees to 120 Degrees F0.5Plug-In15407-21.75"5"1"- SGD 518.67
D3FFR25 Degrees to 120 Degrees F2.8Plug-In5599-24"8.25"2"- SGD 804.41
B3FFR35 Degrees to 120 Degrees F5Plug-In5599-24"9.5"2.75"- SGD 1012.76
B3FFR45 Degrees to 120 Degrees F5Plug-In5599-24"9.5"2.75"- SGD 979.57
D3FFR65 Degrees to 120 Degrees F1.2Plug-In5599-23.5"6.5"1.5"- SGD 743.44
F3FFH85 Degrees to 120 Degrees F1.230mm, 3-Pin DIN 43650 A5599-14.25"7.25"1.5"- SGD 653.40
D3FFR75 Degrees to 120 Degrees F2.8Plug-In5599-24"8.25"2"- SGD 814.74
D3FFR85 Degrees to 120 Degrees F2.8Plug-In5599-24"8.25"2"- SGD 804.41
D3FFR95 Degrees to 120 Degrees F5Plug-In5599-24"9.5"2.75"- SGD 989.75
D3FFT15 Degrees to 120 Degrees F5Plug-In5599-24"9.5"2.75"- SGD 979.57
B3FFT35 Degrees to 120 Degrees F1.2Plug-In5599-23.5"6.5"1.5"- SGD 763.10
D3FFT45 Degrees to 120 Degrees F1.2Plug-In5599-23.5"6.5"1.5"- SGD 752.75
B3FFT55 Degrees to 120 Degrees F2.8Plug-In5599-24"8.25"2"- SGD 845.79
D3FFT65 Degrees to 120 Degrees F2.8Plug-In5599-24"8.25"2"- SGD 835.40
D3FFT75 Degrees to 120 Degrees F5Plug-In5599-24"9.5"2.75"- SGD 1025.40
G3FFT85 Degrees to 120 Degrees F5Plug-In5599-24"9.5"2.75"- SGD 1015.18
C3FFH95 Degrees to 120 Degrees F2.830mm, 3-Pin DIN 43650 A5599-14"8.25"2"- SGD 741.12
D3FFR15 Degrees to 120 Degrees F2.8Plug-In5599-24"8.25"2"- SGD 814.74

Solenoid Air Control Valve 4-Way, 3-Position, 5-Port

StyleModelActuator/returnCfmCoefficient Of VolumeElectrical ConnectionsItemOverall HeightOverall LengthOverall WidthPrice (inc. GST)
A081SS500K000030Solenoid/Solenoid461AC Plug-In w/LightSolenoid Air Control Valve1.5"6.875"1.375" SGD 858.29
B554SS500K000030Solenoid/Solenoid2535.5AC Plug-In w/LightSolenoid Air Control Valve2.187"11"2 9/16" SGD 1525.46
A081SS600K000030Solenoid/Solenoid461AC Plug-In w/LightSolenoid Air Control Valve1.5"6.875"1.375" SGD 863.57
C031SS600B000061Solenoid/Solenoid160.35DC Hardwired w/15" LeadsSolenoid Air Control Valve2.125"4.625"7/8" SGD 626.43
D031SS6004060T61Solenoid/Solenoid160.35DIN DC Plug-In SolenoidSolenoid Air Control Valve2.125"4.625"7/8" SGD 666.38
D031SS5004060T61Solenoid/Solenoid160.35DIN DC Plug-In SolenoidSolenoid Air Control Valve2.125"4.625"7/8" SGD 703.37
D031SS5002060T30Solenoid/Solenoid160.35DIN AC Plug-In SolenoidSolenoid Air Control Valve2.125"4.625"7/8" SGD 666.38
B554SS600K000030Solenoid/Solenoid2535.5AC Plug-In w/LightSolenoid Air Control Valve2.187"11"2 9/16" SGD 1531.81
C031SS500B000061Solenoid/Solenoid160.35DC Hardwired w/15" LeadsSolenoid Air Control Valve2.125"4.625"7/8" SGD 626.43
E152SS600M000061Solenoid/Solenoid691.5DC Plug-In w/LightSolenoid Air Control Valve1.5"9.88"1.375" SGD 1010.16
A081SS400M000061Solenoid/Solenoid461DC Plug-In w/LightSolenoid Air Control Valve1.5"8.25"1.375" SGD 791.41
F152SS600K000030Solenoid/Solenoid691.5DC Plug-In w/LightSolenoid Air Control Valve1.5"8.875"1.375" SGD 1026.02
F152SS500K000030Solenoid/Solenoid691.5DC Plug-In w/LightSolenoid Air Control Valve1.5"8.875"1.375" SGD 1021.53
A081SS600M000061Solenoid/Solenoid461DC Plug-In w/LightSolenoid Air Control Valve1.5"8.25"1.375" SGD 855.13
A081SS500M000061Solenoid/Solenoid461DC Plug-In w/LightSolenoid Air Control Valve1.5"8.25"1.375" SGD 855.43
E152SS500M000061Solenoid/Solenoid691.5DC Plug-In w/LightSolenoid Air Control Valve1.5"9.88"1.375" SGD 1007.17
GL11XX552OP00030Solenoid Air Pilot461HardwiredHazardous Location Solenoid Air Control Valve3.5"8"1.5" SGD 1353.91
GL11XX652OP00030Solenoid Air Pilot461HardwiredHazardous Location Solenoid Air Control Valve3.5"8"1.5" SGD 1353.91
GL12XX552BP00061Solenoid Air Pilot461HardwiredHazardous Location Solenoid Air Control Valve3.5"8"1.5" SGD 1353.91
GL12XX552OP00030Solenoid Air Pilot461HardwiredHazardous Location Solenoid Air Control Valve3.5"8"1.5" SGD 1353.91
GL12XX652BP00061Solenoid Air Pilot461HardwiredHazardous Location Solenoid Air Control Valve3.5"8"1.5" SGD 1353.91
GL22XX552OP00030Solenoid Air Pilot791.7HardwiredHazardous Location Solenoid Air Control Valve4"8.25"1.5" SGD 1487.32
GL12XX652OP00030Solenoid Air Pilot461HardwiredHazardous Location Solenoid Air Control Valve3.5"8"1.5" SGD 1353.91
GL22XX552BP00061Solenoid Air Pilot791.7HardwiredHazardous Location Solenoid Air Control Valve4"8.25"1.5" SGD 1487.32
GL22XX652BP00061Solenoid Air Pilot791.7HardwiredHazardous Location Solenoid Air Control Valve4"8.25"1.5" SGD 1580.96

Solenoid Air Control Valve 4-Way, 2-Position, 5-Port

StyleModelActuator/returnCoefficient Of VolumeOverall HeightOverall LengthOverall WidthPipe SizeVoltagePrice (inc. GST)
AL6558910249Solenoid/Solenoid11.36.65"9.5"4.5"1"24 VDC SGD 3130.03
BL6859910253Solenoid/Solenoid126.5"9.5"4.5"1.25"120 VAC SGD 3371.06
BL6859910249Solenoid/Solenoid126.5"9.5"4.5"1.25"24 VDC SGD 3404.23
AL6553910253Solenoid/Solenoid55.25"7.5"3"3/8"120 VAC SGD 2060.16
AL6553910249Solenoid/Solenoid55.25"7.5"3"3/8"24 VDC SGD 2090.56
AL6558910253Solenoid/Solenoid11.36.65"9.5"4.5"1"120 VAC SGD 3127.52
BL6858910253Solenoid/Solenoid11.36.5"9.5"4.5"1"120 VAC SGD 3487.23
BL6858910249Solenoid/Solenoid11.36.5"9.5"4.5"1"24 VDC SGD 3484.58
CL6753910253Solenoid/Spring55.25"7.5"3"3/8"120 VAC SGD 1431.72
CL6753910249Solenoid/Spring55.25"7.5"3"3/8"24 VDC SGD 1415.72
CL6758910253Solenoid/Spring11.36.65"10.5"3"1"120 VAC SGD 2609.88
CL6758910249Solenoid/Spring11.36.65"10.5"3"1"24 VDC SGD 2653.10
DL7058910253Solenoid/Spring126.5"10.5"4.5"1"120 VAC SGD 2948.83
DL7059910253Solenoid/Spring126.5"10.5"4.5"1.25"120 VAC SGD 2990.30
DL7058910249Solenoid/Spring126.5"10.5"4.5"1"24 VDC SGD 2909.67
DL7059910249Solenoid/Spring126.5"10.5"4.5"1.25"24 VDC SGD 2909.67
StyleModelCoefficient Of VolumeOverall HeightOverall LengthOverall WidthPipe SizePressure RangeVoltagePrice (inc. GST)
AN31539045493.68"3"3.5"3/8"20 to 140 psi24 VDC SGD 1020.38
AN31549045493.88"3"3.5"3/8"20 to 140 psi24 VDC SGD 820.71
AN31549045533.88"3"3.5"3/8"20 to 140 psi120 VAC SGD 1037.80
AN31569045498.28.75"4"4.5"3/4"20 to 140 psi24 VDC SGD 1295.66
AN31569045538.28.75"4"4.5"3/4"20 to 140 psi120 VAC SGD 1303.06
AN31539045539.38.75"4"4.5"3/8"20 to 140 psi24 VDC SGD 1307.63
AN31579045539.38.75"4"4.5"3/4"20 to 140 psi120 VAC SGD 1278.57
AN325950474923.311.5"5.25"6"1.25"25 to 140 psi24 VDC SGD 2254.30
AN325890475323.311.5"5.25"6"1.25"25 to 140 psi120 VAC SGD 2271.07
AN325850474923.311.5"5.25"6"1.25"25 to 140 psi24 VDC SGD 2301.41
AN325990475323.311.5"5.25"6"1.25"25 to 140 psi120 VAC SGD 2271.07
StyleModelCoefficient Of VolumeOverall HeightOverall LengthOverall WidthPipe SizePressure RangeVoltagePrice (inc. GST)
AB360BB553C0.61.5"6.5"1"1/8"20 to 145 psi120 VAC SGD 640.14
AB360BB549C0.61.5"6.5"1"1/8"20 to 145 psi24 VDC SGD 652.38
AB370BB553C0.61.5"6.5"1"1/8"20 to 145 psi120 VAC SGD 669.05
AB350BB553C0.61.5"6.5"1"1/8"20 to 145 psi120 VAC SGD 665.18
AB350BB549C0.61.5"6.5"1"1/8"20 to 145 psi24 VDC SGD 657.01
AB370BB549C0.61.5"6.5"1"1/8"20 to 145 psi24 VDC SGD 662.99
AB561BB549C1.12.5"8.5"1.5"1/4"30 to 145 psi24 VDC SGD 670.56
AB571BB553C1.12.5"8.5"1.5"1/4"30 to 145 psi120 VAC SGD 746.88
AB571BB549C1.12.5"8.5"1.5"1/4"30 to 145 psi24 VDC SGD 752.92
AB551BB553C1.12.5"8.5"1.5"1/4"30 to 145 psi120 VAC SGD 741.52
AB551BB549C1.12.5"8.5"1.5"1/4"30 to 145 psi24 VDC SGD 745.13
AB561BB553C1.12.5"8.5"1.5"1/4"30 to 145 psi120 VAC SGD 738.78
AB652BB553A2.12.5"9.5"1.5"3/8"30 to 145 psi120 VAC SGD 979.98
AB652BB549A2.12.5"9.5"1.5"3/8"30 to 145 psi24 VDC SGD 977.62
AB662BB549A2.12.5"9.5"1.5"3/8"30 to 145 psi24 VDC SGD 944.19
AB662BB553A2.12.5"9.5"1.5"3/8"30 to 145 psi120 VAC SGD 944.19
AB672BB549A2.12.5"9.5"1.5"3/8"30 to 145 psi24 VDC SGD 1105.59
AB672BB553A2.12.5"9.5"1.5"3/8"30 to 145 psi120 VAC SGD 1079.19
AB753BB549A5.73"11"1.5"1/2"45 to 145 psi24 VDC SGD 1411.22
AB763BB549A5.73"11"1.5"1/2"45 to 145 psi24 VDC SGD 1426.69
AB763BB553A5.73"11"1.5"1/2"45 to 145 psi120 VAC SGD 1426.69
AB753BB553A5.73"11"1.5"1/2"45 to 145 psi120 VAC SGD 1450.84
AB773BB549A5.73"11"1.5"1/2"45 to 145 psi24 VDC SGD 1651.14
AB773BB553A5.73"11"1.5"1/2"45 to 145 psi120 VAC SGD 1636.83
AB864BB553A6.63"11"1.5"3/4"45 to 145 psi120 VAC SGD 1376.30

Solenoid Air Control Valve 3-Way, 2-Position

StyleModelAmbient Temp. RangeCoefficient Of VolumeElectrical ConnectionsOverall HeightOverall LengthOverall WidthPipe SizePower ConsumptionPrice (inc. GST)
AN37579045490 Degrees to 125 Degrees F9.3Plug-In8.75"4"4.5"3/4"- SGD 1340.26
AN37539045490 Degrees to 125 Degrees F3.6Plug-In8"3"3.5"3/8"- SGD 1047.60
AN37549045490 Degrees to 125 Degrees F3.8Plug-In8"3"3.5"3/8"- SGD 1047.60
AN38599047530 Degrees to 125 Degrees F23.3Plug-In11.5"5.25"6"1.25"- SGD 2332.52
AN37549045530 Degrees to 125 Degrees F3.8Plug-In8"3"3.5"3/8"- SGD 1072.06
AN35579045490 Degrees to 125 Degrees F9.3Plug-In8.75"4"4.5"3/4"9W SGD 1304.95
AN35549045490 Degrees to 125 Degrees F3.8Plug-In8"3"3.5"3/8"- SGD 1020.96
AN36599047530 Degrees to 125 Degrees F23.3Plug-In11.5"5.25"6"1.25"- SGD 2271.07
AN35579045530 Degrees to 125 Degrees F9.3Plug-In8.75"4"4.5"3/4"12W SGD 1284.07
AN38585047490 Degrees to 125 Degrees F23.3Plug-In11.5"5.25"6"1.25"- SGD 2363.68
AN37569045490 Degrees to 125 Degrees F8.2Plug-In8.75"4"4.5"3/4"- SGD 1309.95
AN36585047490 Degrees to 125 Degrees F23.3Plug-In11.5"5.25"6"1.25"- SGD 2254.30
AN38589047530 Degrees to 125 Degrees F23.3Plug-In11.5"5.25"6"1.25"- SGD 2380.88
AN35569045490 Degrees to 125 Degrees F8.2Plug-In8.75"4"4.5"3/4"- SGD 1266.34
AN37569045530 Degrees to 125 Degrees F8.2Plug-In8.75"4"4.5"3/4"- SGD 1309.95
AN37539045530 Degrees to 125 Degrees F3.6Plug-In8"3"3.5"3/8"- SGD 1047.60
AN35539045530 Degrees to 125 Degrees F3.6Plug-In8"3"3.5"3/8"12W SGD 1047.72
AN35549045530 Degrees to 125 Degrees F3.8Plug-In8"3"3.5"3/8"- SGD 1033.09
AN35569045530 Degrees to 125 Degrees F8.2Plug-In8.75"4"4.5"3/4"- SGD 1292.45
AN36589047530 Degrees to 125 Degrees F23.3Plug-In11.5"5.25"6"1.25"- SGD 2283.56
AN35539045490 Degrees to 125 Degrees F3.6Plug-In8"3"3.5"3/8"9W SGD 1012.35
AN37579045530 Degrees to 125 Degrees F9.3Plug-In8.75"4"4.5"3/4"- SGD 1309.95
BB7V3BB549A5 Degrees to 120 Degrees F5.915mm, 3-Pin Male DIN3"8"1.5"1/2"- SGD 823.83
BB6V2BB549A5 Degrees to 120 Degrees F2.715mm, 3-Pin Male DIN2.5"5.5"1.5"3/8"- SGD 525.56
BB8V4BB549A5 Degrees to 120 Degrees F715mm, 3-Pin Male DIN3"8"1.5"3/4"- SGD 932.98

Solenoid Air Control Valve 3-Position

StyleModelCoefficient Of VolumeOverall HeightOverall LengthOverall WidthPipe SizeVoltagePrice (inc. GST)
AL66539221534.55.25"9.5"3"3/8"120 VAC SGD 2274.18
AL66539231534.55.25"9.5"3"3/8"120 VAC SGD 2274.18
AL66539221494.55.25"9.5"3"3/8"24 VDC SGD 2311.78
AL66539231494.55.25"9.5"3"3/8"24 VDC SGD 2219.60
AL665892215311.36.65"13.5"3"1"120 VAC SGD 3821.33
AL665892214911.36.65"13.5"3"1"24 VDC SGD 3858.34
BL6958921149126.5"13.5"4.5"1"24 VDC SGD 4117.63
BL6958922153126.5"13.5"4.5"1"120 VAC SGD 4184.48
BL6958922149126.5"13.5"4.5"1"24 VDC SGD 4221.52
BL6959921149126.5"13.5"4.5"1.25"24 VDC SGD 4117.63
BL6959922153126.5"13.5"4.5"1.25"120 VAC SGD 4080.62
BL6959922149126.5"13.5"4.5"1.25"24 VDC SGD 4117.63

Solenoid Air Control Valve 4-Way, 2-Position

StyleModelActuator/returnAmbient Temp. RangeCoefficient Of VolumeElectrical ConnectionsNema ClassificationOverall HeightOverall LengthOverall WidthPrice (inc. GST)
AB713BB549ASolenoid/Air Pilot5 Degrees to 120 Degrees F5.915mm, 3-Pin Male DINNEMA 43"9.25"1.5" SGD 926.79
BP2LBX592EEHDDNSolenoid/Solenoid-40 Degrees to 158 Degrees C1.3Valveless CoilNEMA 4, 4X1.5"8.5"1" SGD 423.46
CB521BB549CSolenoid/Solenoid5 Degrees to 120 Degrees F1.415mm, 3-Pin Male DINNEMA 42.5"7.5"1.5" SGD 644.87
BP2LCX593EEHDDNSolenoid/Solenoid-40 Degrees to 158 Degrees C2.5Valveless CoilNEMA 4, 4X1.75"10"1.5" SGD 552.58
CB521BB553CSolenoid/Solenoid5 Degrees to 120 Degrees F1.415mm, 3-Pin Male DINNEMA 42.5"7.5"1.5" SGD 644.87
CB723BB553ASolenoid/Solenoid5 Degrees to 120 Degrees F5.915mm, 3-Pin Male DINNEMA 43"11"1.5" SGD 1248.34
CB320BB549CSolenoid/Solenoid5 Degrees to 120 Degrees F0.7515mm, 3-Pin Male DINNEMA 41.5"6.5"1" SGD 571.53
BP2LAX591EEHDDNSolenoid/Solenoid-40 Degrees to 158 Degrees C0.7Valveless CoilNEMA 4, 4X1.5"7.75"1" SGD 362.34
CB824BB549ASolenoid/Solenoid5 Degrees to 120 Degrees F715mm, 3-Pin Male DINNEMA 43"11"1.5" SGD 1340.21
CB723BB549ASolenoid/Solenoid5 Degrees to 120 Degrees F5.915mm, 3-Pin Male DINNEMA 43"11"1.5" SGD 1234.25
CB622BB549ASolenoid/Solenoid5 Degrees to 120 Degrees F2.715mm, 3-Pin Male DINNEMA 42.5"8.5"1.5" SGD 789.96
CB824BB553ASolenoid/Solenoid5 Degrees to 120 Degrees F715mm, 3-Pin Male DINNEMA 43"11"1.5" SGD 1322.99
CB622BB553ASolenoid/Solenoid5 Degrees to 120 Degrees F2.715mm, 3-Pin Male DINNEMA 42.5"8.5"1.5" SGD 786.23
CB320BB553CSolenoid/Solenoid5 Degrees to 120 Degrees F0.7515mm, 3-Pin Male DINNEMA 41.5"6.5"1" SGD 539.84
BP2LDX594EEHDDNSolenoid/Solenoid-40 Degrees to 158 Degrees C2.7Valveless CoilNEMA 4, 4X1.75"10"1.5" SGD 571.33
DP2LCX593ESHDDNSolenoid/Spring-40 Degrees to 158 Degrees C2.5Valveless CoilNEMA 4, 4X1.75"7.5"1.5" SGD 389.13
AB814BB549ASolenoid/Spring5 Degrees to 120 Degrees F715mm, 3-Pin Male DINNEMA 43"9.25"1.5" SGD 999.24
AB814BB553ASolenoid/Spring5 Degrees to 120 Degrees F715mm, 3-Pin Male DINNEMA 43"9.25"1.5" SGD 1062.69
AB511BB549CSolenoid/Spring5 Degrees to 120 Degrees F1.415mm, 3-Pin Male DINNEMA 42.5"5.75"1.5" SGD 413.26
AB612BB549ASolenoid/Spring5 Degrees to 120 Degrees F2.715mm, 3-Pin Male DINNEMA 42.5"6.75"1.5" SGD 572.00
EP2LBX592ESHDDNSolenoid/Spring-40 Degrees to 158 Degrees C1.3Valveless CoilNEMA 4, 4X1.5"6"1" SGD 279.22
DP2LAX591ESHDDNSolenoid/Spring-40 Degrees to 158 Degrees C0.7Valveless CoilNEMA 4, 4X1.5"5.25"1" SGD 256.76
AB310BB549CSolenoid/Spring5 Degrees to 120 Degrees F0.7515mm, 3-Pin Male DINNEMA 41.5"4.5"1" SGD 359.31
AB713BB553ASolenoid/Spring5 Degrees to 120 Degrees F5.915mm, 3-Pin Male DINNEMA 43"9.25"1.5" SGD 933.65
AB612BB553ASolenoid/Spring5 Degrees to 120 Degrees F2.715mm, 3-Pin Male DINNEMA 42.5"6.75"1.5" SGD 572.00

Solenoid Air Control Valves, 4-Way, 2-Position

SPEEDAIRE solenoid air control valves control the air inlet supply when used with electrical solenoids. They are ideal for use in different types of pneumatic systems to conserve energy and lower fuel costs. These air control valves have NEMA 4 rated enclosures for protection against outside elements and have base mounting style for secure installation. Choose from a wide range of these solenoid air control valves, available in 120VAC and 240VDC voltage ratings on Raptor Supplies.

StyleModelActuator/returnAmbient Temp. RangeBody StyleCoefficient Of VolumeElectrical ConnectionsIso ClassOverall HeightOverall LengthPrice (inc. GST)
A3FFF2Solenoid/Air Pilot5 Degrees to 120 Degrees FBase Mounted1.1Plug-In15407-21.5"5" SGD 319.88
B3FFE8Solenoid/Air Pilot5 Degrees to 120 Degrees FBase Mounted0.55Plug-In15407-21.75"5" SGD 319.62
C3FFE9Solenoid/Air Pilot5 Degrees to 120 Degrees FBase Mounted0.55Plug-In15407-21.75"5" SGD 314.89
A3FFF1Solenoid/Air Pilot5 Degrees to 120 Degrees FBase Mounted1.1Plug-In15407-21.5"5" SGD 334.55
D3FFP2Solenoid/Solenoid5 Degrees to 120 Degrees FBase Mounted1.5Plug-In5599-23.5"7.25" SGD 640.45
E3FFF6Solenoid/Solenoid5 Degrees to 120 Degrees FBase Mounted1.530mm, 3-Pin DIN 43650 A5599-14.25"7.25" SGD 522.76
E3FFF7Solenoid/Solenoid5 Degrees to 120 Degrees FBase Mounted330mm, 3-Pin DIN 43650 A5599-14"8.25" SGD 595.49
E3FFF8Solenoid/Solenoid5 Degrees to 120 Degrees FBase Mounted330mm, 3-Pin DIN 43650 A5599-14"8.25" SGD 586.41
E3FFF9Solenoid/Solenoid5 Degrees to 120 Degrees FBase Mounted630mm, 3-Pin DIN 43650 A5599-14.75"9.5" SGD 751.84
F3FFN3Solenoid/Solenoid5 Degrees to 120 Degrees FBase Mounted630mm, 3-Pin DIN 43650 A5599-14.75"8.25" SGD 611.47
B3FFD2Solenoid/Solenoid5 Degrees to 120 Degrees FBase Mounted0.55Plug-In15407-21.75"5" SGD 442.09
G3FFP3Solenoid/Solenoid5 Degrees to 120 Degrees FBase Mounted1.5Plug-In5599-23.5"7.25" SGD 627.20
D3FFP4Solenoid/Solenoid5 Degrees to 120 Degrees FBase Mounted3Plug-In5599-24"8.25" SGD 706.00
H3FFD3Solenoid/Solenoid5 Degrees to 120 Degrees FBase Mounted1.1Plug-In15407-21.5"5" SGD 492.53
G3FFP6Solenoid/Solenoid5 Degrees to 120 Degrees FBase Mounted6Plug-In5599-24"9.5" SGD 860.94
G3FFP7Solenoid/Solenoid5 Degrees to 120 Degrees FBase Mounted6Plug-In5599-24"9.5" SGD 850.67
I3FFV3Solenoid/Solenoid14 Degrees to 145 Degrees FManifold0.753-Pin DIN 43560C15407-13"4" SGD 567.10
I3FFV5Solenoid/Solenoid14 Degrees to 145 Degrees FManifold0.753-Pin DIN 43560C15407-13"4" SGD 567.10
G3FFP5Solenoid/Solenoid5 Degrees to 120 Degrees FBase Mounted3Plug-In5599-24"8.25" SGD 695.60
J3FFX1Solenoid/Solenoid14 Degrees to 145 Degrees FBase Mounted2.5Plug-In5599-15"8.5" SGD 528.33
K3FFX5Solenoid/Solenoid14 Degrees to 145 Degrees FBase Mounted4.15Plug-In5599-15.5"9.25" SGD 816.65
L3FFD4Solenoid/Solenoid5 Degrees to 120 Degrees FBase Mounted1.1Plug-In15407-21.5"5" SGD 468.69
K3FFX4Solenoid/Solenoid14 Degrees to 145 Degrees FBase Mounted2.5Plug-In5599-15"8.5" SGD 625.00
M3FFF3Solenoid/Solenoid5 Degrees to 120 Degrees FBase Mounted0.55Plug-In15407-21.75"5" SGD 454.04
K3FFX3Solenoid/Solenoid14 Degrees to 145 Degrees FBase Mounted1.15Plug-In5599-14.75"8" SGD 541.27

Solenoid Air Control Valve 3 Position, All Ports Blocked

StyleModelAmbient Temp. RangeCoefficient Of VolumeOverall HeightOverall LengthOverall WidthPipe SizeVoltagePrice (inc. GST)
AL66539211530° to 125° F4.55.25"9.5"3"3/8"120V AC SGD 2322.75
BL69599211530 Degrees to 125 Degrees F126.5"13.5"4.5"1.25"120 VAC SGD 4080.62
AL66539211490 Degrees to 125 Degrees F4.55.25"9.5"3"3/8"24 VDC SGD 2311.78
AL66589211530 Degrees to 125 Degrees F11.36.65"13.5"3"1"120 VAC SGD 3790.79
AL66589211490 Degrees to 125 Degrees F11.36.65"13.5"3"1"24 VDC SGD 3858.34
BL69589211530 Degrees to 125 Degrees F126.5"13.5"4.5"1"120 VAC SGD 4116.99

Solenoid Air Control Valves

Solenoid valves are ideal for controlling airflow for various pneumatic applications, such as packaging, material handling, food processing and woodworking. Raptor Supplies offers a wide range of these solenoid valves from brands like Johnson Controls, Parker, SMC Valves, Speedaire, VNE and more. These units feature pilot operation that uses air pressure to actuate the valve & control the solenoid; NEMA rated enclosures for ultimate protection from ingress of dirt, dust, moisture or other contaminants.They have rugged construction with an in-built seal for corrosion resistance and leak-free operation. Choose from an extensive range of these solenoid valves, available in pipe sizes ranging from 1 to 5/16 inches on Raptor Supplies.

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