Ok Industries Wire Wrapping Wire | Raptor Supplies Singapore

OK INDUSTRIES Wire Wrapping Wire

Kynar insulated & silver-plated copper conductors ideal for joining 24 to 30 AWG wires in electronic circuits. Provide regular and modified wire-wrapping methods with yield in max resistance of 3 ohms and are offered in 50-, 100- and 1000-foot rolls. Roll dispensers and pre-cut wires also available


4" Pre-Cut Wire Wrapping Wire

StyleModelWire ColorPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A30-B-50-020Blue SGD 21.1750
B30-R-50-020Red SGD 22.4350
C30-W-50-020White SGD 21.5050
D30-Y-50-020Yellow SGD 23.6350

3" Pre-Cut Wire Wrapping Wire

StyleModelWire ColorPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A30-B-50-010Blue SGD 22.2250
B30-R-50-010Red SGD 21.1450
C30-W-50-010White SGD 20.4750
D30-Y-50-010Yellow SGD 21.1750

5" Pre-Cut Wire Wrapping Wire

StyleModelWire ColorPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A30-B-50-030Blue SGD 26.3350
B30-R-50-030Red SGD 26.3350
C30-W-50-030White SGD 24.8350
D30-Y-50-030Yellow SGD 24.0150

7" Pre-Cut Wire Wrapping Wire

StyleModelWire ColorPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A30-B-50-050Blue SGD 23.8050
B30-W-50-050White SGD 23.5350
C30-Y-50-050Yellow SGD 24.8350

50 ft. Wire Wrapping Wire

StyleModelWire ColorPrice (inc. GST)
AR30B-0050Blue SGD 22.96
BR30R-0050Red SGD 21.91
CR30-TRIRed SGD 46.97
DR30W-0050White SGD 21.88
ER30Y-0050Yellow SGD 22.79

100 ft. Wire Wrapping Wire

StyleModelJacket MaterialNominal Outside Dia.Wire ColorWire SizePrice (inc. GST)
AR28BLK-0100Kynar(R)0.024"Black28 AWG SGD 34.10
BR30W-0100Kynar(R)0.02"White30 AWG SGD 30.30
CR26Y-0100Kynar(R)0.027"Yellow26 AWG SGD 39.71
BR26W-0100Kynar(R)0.027"White26 AWG SGD 36.48
DR26R-0100Kynar(R)0.027"Red26 AWG SGD 38.18
AR26BLK-0100Kynar(R)0.027"Black26 AWG SGD 38.51
ER26B-0100Kynar(R)0.027"Blue26 AWG SGD 38.20
CR24Y-0100Kynar(R)0.031"Yellow24 AWG SGD 50.72
BR24W-0100Kynar(R)0.031"White24 AWG SGD 52.64
DR24R-0100Kynar(R)0.031"Red24 AWG SGD 50.08
AR24BLK-0100Kynar(R)0.031"Black24 AWG SGD 51.68
ER24B-0100Kynar(R)0.031"Blue24 AWG SGD 52.61
DR28R-0100Kynar(R)0.024"Red28 AWG SGD 33.81
ER28B-0100Kynar(R)0.024"Blue28 AWG SGD 33.69
AR30BLK-0100Kynar(R)0.02"Black30 AWG SGD 30.49
CR28Y-0100Kynar(R)0.024"Yellow28 AWG SGD 34.00
BR28W-0100Kynar(R)0.024"White28 AWG SGD 34.19
ER30B-0100Kynar(R)0.02"Blue30 AWG SGD 28.71
DR30R-0100Kynar(R)0.02"Red30 AWG SGD 28.45
CR30Y-0100Kynar(R)0.02"Yellow30 AWG SGD 30.94
FKSW24BLK-0100Kynar(R) KSW0.031"Black24 AWG SGD 61.62
GKSW26B-0100Kynar(R) KSW0.027"Blue26 AWG SGD 60.55
HKSW26R-0100Kynar(R) KSW0.027"Red26 AWG SGD 60.54
IKSW28BLK-0100Kynar(R) KSW0.024"Black28 AWG SGD 58.08
GKSW30B-0100Kynar(R) KSW0.02"Blue30 AWG SGD 55.17

50 ft. Wire Wrapping Wire with Dispenser

StyleModelWire ColorPrice (inc. GST)
AWD-30-BBlue SGD 48.26
BWD-30-RRed SGD 46.24
CWD-30-TRIRed, White, Blue SGD 85.37
DWD-30-WWhite SGD 46.84
EWD-30-YYellow SGD 46.57

Wrapping Wire, 1000 Ft.

StyleModelJacket MaterialWire ColorPrice (inc. GST)
AR30B-1000Kynar(R)Blue SGD 160.70
BR30BLK-1000Kynar(R)Black SGD 160.70
CR30R-1000Kynar(R)Red SGD 160.70
DR30W-1000Kynar(R)White SGD 160.70
ER30Y-1000Kynar(R)Yellow SGD 160.70
FKSW30B-1000Kynar(R) KSWBlue SGD 224.36
GKSW30BLK-1000Kynar(R) KSWBlack SGD 224.36
HKSW30R-1000Kynar(R) KSWRed SGD 214.56
IKSW30W-1000Kynar(R) KSWWhite SGD 224.36
JKSW30Y-1000Kynar(R) KSWYellow SGD 224.26

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