Frequently Asked Questions
What is the use of an AC choke?
The AC choke smoothens the disturbances from the utility into the SVX9000 / SPX9000 and the high-frequency disturbances caused by these adjustable frequency drives on the utility line.
What is an electrolytic capacitor?
An electrolytic capacitor uses an electrolyte (solid, liquid or gel) that acts as a cathode plate (negative electrode) and a metallic anode plate (positive electrode) to increase its capacitance value. Since the polarity of the electrolytic capacitor is specified, it can be used in DC circuits only. It is extensively used for filtering electronic noise or decoupling power supplies and coupling signals between stages of an amplifier.
What is the function of the IGBT Inverter?
The IGBT Inverter creates a symmetrical three-phase pulse width modulated adjustable frequency AC voltage to the motor to ensure high voltage / power switching applications. It allows the fastest possible switching of electric currents, achieving the lowest possible switching losses.