LEESON Centrifugal Pump Motors, Three Phase, Totally Enclosed, C Face Footed, 56J

Marathon centrifugal pump motors are suitable for application in the agriculture, water, sewage, petroleum and petrochemical industries. These pump motors come equipped with a thermostat to prevent overheating during continuous operation.

StyleModelFull Load AmpsHPHzItemVoltagePrice (inc. GST)
-160Jet Pump Motor208-230/460 SGD 887.79
3-3.2/1.63/460Pump Motor208-230/460 SGD 736.19
4.0/2.01.550/60Jet Pump Motor230/460 SGD 1,100.02


  • They feature a three-phase design, offering a maximum speed of 3600 rpm and lubricated ball bearings for smooth movement of internal parts.
  • These totally enclosed motors are equipped with a slinger to prevent the ingress of moisture and contaminants.
  • They incorporate a continuous-duty operation, carrying the maximum constant load without exceeding the stated temperature.

Standards and Approvals

  • UL
  • CSA
  • CE

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the advantage of using rolled steel?

Rolled steel frames provide structural rigidity, strength, robustness and ductility to the motor, allowing seamless operation in demanding applications.

What is the purpose of C-face mounting?

Marathon centrifugal pumps feature C-face mounting that permits direct coupling with equipment at any angle while the motor weight is cantilevered with the help of a flange.

What is a TEFC enclosure?

TEFC (totally enclosed fan cooled) enclosures does not let the outside air circulate freely through the interiors. They use an external fan to blow outside air over the frame of the motor to cool it down.

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