Anvil FIG 103 pipe clamp is used for supporting horizontal or vertical pipelines at a fixed distance from floors.
Working Mechanism:
- A pipe clamp operates by encircling tubing or cables attached to structures or walls, holding the conduit tightly in position.
- Anvil FIG 103 pipe clamp is used for securing horizontal piping away from floors or walls.
- It has carbon steel construction with plain or hot-dip galvanised finish.
- This offset pipe clamp supports pipes while permitting pipe contraction & expansion.
- It allows operating temperatures up to 650 degrees F (plain finish) and 450 degrees F (galvanised finish).
- It is available in gripping (anchor) & non-gripping (saddle / guide) configurations, depending upon how tightly the user wants the conduit to be fixed in position.
Standards and Approvals:
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. What are pipe clips?
A. Pipe clamps are also known as pipe clips or saddle clamps. They offer simple fittings and are frequently used for DIY projects / installation processes.