Benchmark Scientific B4000-16-E research autoclave is used for the sterilisation of water and lab equipment.
Working Mechanism:
- The research autoclave utilises steam under pressure to kill viruses, bacteria and spores present on / in the culture media or equipment.
- Benchmark Scientific B4000-16-E research autoclave has large chambers to accommodate a variety of media, liquids, instruments, plasticware and glassware.
- It is equipped with an electrical and mechanical safety interlock that prevents the door from opening until the pressure reaches zero PSI.
- This research autoclave can use an optional thermal mini-printer to provide records of sterilisation parameters.
Standards and Approvals:
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. Are chambers of Benchmark Scientific B4000-16-E research autoclave corrosion-resistant?
A. This research autoclave features chambers made of stainless steel to resist corrosion on exposed surfaces.
Q. What is the significance of the water tank in this research autoclave?
A. This research autoclave comes with an in-built water tank to eliminate the need for an external water supply.
Q. What are the 3 stages of autoclave sterilisation?
A. Autoclave sterilisation cycles are divided into conditioning, exposure and drying phases.