Benchmark Scientific C1012-E mini centrifuge is designed to spin down microcentrifuge or PCR tubes in various fields, including environmental, chemical, molecular biology and medical research.
Working Mechanism:
- Close the lid of the device and the unit quickly ramps up to 5500 rpm.
- Open the lid, and the rotor quickly decelerates for the removal of samples.
- The MyFuge Series 12 mini centrifuge comes with a unique COMBI-Rotor that eliminates the need to change rotors when switching between microtubes and PCR strips.
- It can work with up to 12 microtubes and / or 4 PCR strips at a fixed speed of 5500 rpm and allows quick breaking up of samples as compared to traditional mini centrifuges.
- This portable device has a compact design and user-friendly working mechanism for faster spin downs at any place.
- Model C1008 features an eight-position microtube rotor with a capacity of 1.5 / 2.0 ml tubes and a PCR rotor with increased capacity for four 0.2 ml PCR strips (or 32 x 0.2ml tubes).
Compatible Accessories:
- Adapter Pack: This adapter pack is used with MyFuge 12 mini centrifuge to connect microtubes and PCR tubes with the centrifuge's rotor.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. What is the function of centrifuge tubes?
A. MyFuge centrifuge tubes are calibrated plastic or glass containers that fit into the centrifuge slots for analysing and separating various samples.
Q. What is the working principle of a centrifuge?
A. A centrifuge works by using the principle of sedimentation. It spins mixtures of different substances around very quickly so that they separate according to their density under the influence of gravitational force.
Q. What is pelleting?
A. Pelleting stands for the concentrated particles in a tube, settled at the bottom of the centrifuge tube and separated from the remaining solution, called supernatant.