Dayton 3UF59 wall mount heater is suitable for heating areas like reception rooms, offices and small commercial spaces. Dayton compact heatersare recessed into the wall for minimising space requirement.
- This wall heater features a built-in fan for passing the heated air throughout the room.
- It has a built-in thermostat for gauging the current temperature for precise temperature maintenance.
- It features a mechanical selector dial for adjusting the temperature value.
- It has an automatic fan delay for keeping the fan switched OFF upon reaching the set temperature value.
- It features a steel grille for preventing atmospheric moisture from damaging the grille.
Standards and Approvals:
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. What is the airflow of this Dayton 3UF59 wall mount heater?
A. This wall heater offers up to 100 cfm airflow.
Q. Is this Dayton 3UF59 wall mount heater prone to overheating?
A. No, this heater features built-in overheat protection for keeping the heater safe even under high temperatures.
Q. What is the heating capacity of this Dayton 3UF59 wall heater?
A. It is rated at 5118 / 10236 BtuH.