Dayton 5DVN6 upblast ventilator allows continuous operation to vent out fumes, odours, foul air and grease-laden vapours.
- Dayton 5DVN6 upblast ventilator is equipped with a variable speed motor and has electronically commutated motor (ECM) technology to operate on an AC power supply, thus maintaining proper airflow through the system.
- This unit has a potentiometer dial mounted on the motor to manage speed.
- It features a spun aluminium curb with a galvanised metal motor base & supports for corrosion-resistant performance.
- The motor compartment is cooled by fresh outside air.
Standards and Approvals:
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. What is the maximum inlet temperature of this ventilator?
A. It can handle inlet temperatures up to 130 degrees Fahrenheit.
Q. What tools are required for assembling this ventilator?
- Dayton roof curb and mounting fasteners
- Sealant or chaulk
- Tachometer
Q. How to install this upblast ventilator?
- Fabricate an appropriately sized hole in the roof surface.
- Caulk and flash curb for a water-tight seal.
- Mount optional backdraft damper and secure the damper flange to curb damper tray.
- Remove the motor compartment cover by unscrewing fasteners.
- Position the cover on a flat surface in an area protected from strong winds.
- Lift and place the unit on top of the roof curb and secure the ventilator to the roof curb using a minimum of eight fasteners.
- Rotate the wheel by hand so that it does not rub and thus, rotates freely.
- Check all the fasteners for tightness.
- The motor's voltage and amperage rating must be checked for compatibility to the supply voltage prior to final electrical connection.
- Install and wire safety disconnect switch under the ventilator cover and wire the motor as per the connection wiring diagram.
- Screw back the motor cover.