Fasco UB592 unit bearing motor is suitable for condensing and evaporating units in the HVAC industries. It is used in conjunction with freezers, food & beverage coolers and ventilating units.
Working Mechanism:
- Fasco unit bearing motor operates on the principle of electromagnetic induction.
- When an electric current is applied to the motor's windings, it generates a magnetic field that interacts with the rotor, causing it to turn.
- Fasco UB592 unit bearing motor has self-lubricating bearings that reduce downtime.
- This 4-pole, single-speed motor operates with continuous duty for consistent operations.
- It is thermally protected from the outside and features Class B thermal insulation.
- This motor can handle temperatures ranging from -40 to 140 degrees F.
- It has a TEAO enclosure that allows it to be cooled by ambient air.
- This Fasco motor has a cast iron frame for structural rigidity.
- It has a shaded pole design for lowered power ratings.
Compatible Accessories:
- Fasco 2117 Plug Adapter: This right-angle plug adapter is ideal for making electrical connections.
- Fasco 1254A Rubber Cushion: This cushion prevents vibration from being transmitted to the wall motor to which it is connected.
- Fasco 2271 Mounting Bracket: This bracket aligns with the motor's mounting holes to allow the unit to be installed on a wall or floor.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. What causes foaming in the lubricating oil in my Fasco motor?
A. Oil foaming is typically caused by moisture contamination, cleaning solvents, and other contaminants that enter the oil. The pollutants discolour the oil, giving it a milky look, and the bubbles disappear slowly once the engine is turned off.
The oil reservoir and adjacent parts should be properly steam cleaned and baked dry to eliminate foaming. The primary goal is to ensure that all contaminants have been eliminated and that the reservoir is entirely dry.
Q. What is the power rating of Fasco UB592?
A. This unit requires a 5W supply. However, if you have a 6W supply at your workplace, you can opt for Fasco UB596 motor.