Intrematic G8145-20 defrost timer is used for air defrost and electric / hot gas defrost systems where defrost cycle is terminated by the timer. If the coil is frost-free, the timer can also be terminated by a remote temperature or pressure switch before the programmed termination time has reached.
- It features a heavy-duty synchronous motor that accurately tracks the defrosting time.
- The device can conduct up to 6 defrost cycles per day, with an initiation time programmed in 2-minute increments (ranging from 4 to 110 minutes).
- The time termination functions as a fail-safe and will terminate the defrost if the temperature / pressure switch fails.
- The pressure / temperature switch is incorporated with contacts which close on temperature or pressure rise above the freezing point, indicating that frost and ice have melted from the evaporator coil.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. What are the contacts made of?
A. The contacts are made from silver alloy for offering excellent thermal and electrical conductivity.
Q. How to install the defrost timer?
A. Intermatic G8145-20 defrost timer can be snapped into existing enclosures, allowing quick installation. It also eliminates the need for special tools.
Q. Why is the timer encapsulated?
A. The timer features an encapsulated design to prevent dust and dirt buildup.