Jobox 640990 piano box is used to store tools & equipment in jobsites, warehouses & plants. This 60-inch Crescent Jobox unit has a piano-like lid design that provides easy access to the stored content after opening up.
- Jobox 640990 piano box's top lid is equipped with two gas springs that allow easy opening / closing.
- It has recessed ergonomic lifting handles to prevent any damage to the handles or knuckles of users.
- The unit's padlock housing contains rain drains to prevent water collection inside the box.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. Can this Jobox 640990 piano box be locked?
A. Yes, this Crescent Jobox piano box has an enclosed dual lock system that can resist saws, pry bars & bolt cutters to prevent unauthorised access to contents.
Q. Can this Jobox 640990 piano box be carried using forklifts?
A. This unit is supported by tall bottom bolsters that allow quick transportation using forklifts.
Q. What is this Jobox 640990 piano box made of?
A. This box has steel construction with brown coloured powder coating to handle harsh usage and heavy-duty applications.