JOBOX 7948242 gutter-style underbed box is designed for the protection of tools and equipment. It features steel construction with black powder finish to offer superior toughness and scratch resistance.
- It features a rotating T-handle for superior security and preventing moisture from entering.
- This box comes with quick-release keyway connectors to allow the door to drop down when cables are suspended.
- It comes with one-piece lock housing to protect the lock components and offer extra strength to the door.
- It has a reinforced cam lock with a fully covered lock mechanism that allows increased durability and theft protection.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. What is the purpose of an extended rain gutter?
A. JOBOX 7948242 features an extended rain gutter that seals the door opening to prevent leakage and moisture.
Q. What is the use of a drop-down door?
A. A drop-down door provides a wider opening for easy accessibility of items inside the box.
Q. How can this product be mounted on the truck wall?
A. Crescent JOBOX underbed boxes include heavy-duty mounting brackets to allow easy installation on truck walls.