Working Mechanism:
- A cartridge is encased within the housing for eliminating or filtering unwanted particles, such as chemicals & pollutants.
- A non-sparking pin punctures the can and these particles pass through the filter element & exit.
- The top activated cartridge indicates saturation, serving as a replacement reminder.
- The bottom cartridge transforms residual liquids into droplets and collects them in the cartridge reservoir by safely draining them into the cans / drums.
Compatible Accessories:
- Justrite Aerosolv Standard Systems: They transform spent aerosol cans from solid hazardous waste to non-hazardous material. The body of the system is constructed of low-maintenance aluminium. The moving parts are made of 308 stainless steel.
- Justrite Aerosolv Super Can Recycling Systems: They allow maximum vapour reduction and easy tracking, along with recycling spent aerosol cans.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. How long does the filter of Justrite 28224 filter last?
A. The filter life is approximately 9 months or 2250 cans. This can be achieved by changing the upper portion (carbon cartridge) twice.
Q. How long does 28224 unit's cartridge last?
A. The cartridge life is about 750 cans or 3 months. However, more frequent replacements may be required, based on usage.
Q. How to know when the water filter needs changing?
- A slow decrease in water pressure.
- Drains or faucets start to make odd noises.
- Debris gets accumulated on the outer surface of the filter.
- Turbidity or bad tasting water.