PROTO J3040 open-end wrench has different opening angles on each end, allowing access to fasteners in tight spaces.
- PROTO J3040 wrench has a standard open head configuration on each end to access fasteners from the side and top.
- It is made of special-treated alloy steel to allow slim shanks for enhanced durability and strength.
- This unit has satin finish to ensure corrosion-resistant performance and a slip-resistant grip.
- It has an opening angle of 15 degrees and provides SAE measurements.
Standards and Approvals:
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. How does an open-end wrench work?
A. The open end permits the tool to be slid over the nut in tight quarters where the length of a pipe or shaft interferes with operation, or where there is insufficient space for a socket / box wrench.
Q. Why are wrenches preferred over spanners?
A. Wrenches are preferred over spanners because they have a long arm. This allows less force to be required for generating a turning effect to unscrew a nut.
Q. What is the length of PROTO J3040 open-end wrench?
A. The overall length of this wrench is 10-1/8 inches.