UniTherm UVST 2506 insulated pipe jacket reduces heat loss in barrels, dies, extruders, hoses & pipes. It is widely used in the food & beverage, chemical and pharmaceutical industries where manufacturing processes require high temperatures.
- UniTherm UVST 2506 insulated pipe jacket protects the workers from high temperatures.
- It captures wasted heat from manufacturing processes to reduce energy waste and increase productivity.
- This 6-inch wide jacket reduces energy costs and overall carbon footprint.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. Why do pipelines need insulation?
A. Piping insulation improves the efficiency of the system by providing temperature control. It forbids major piping damage in case of fire.
Q. What material is this pipe jacket made of?
- The primary inner layer is made of silica cloth.
- The middle layer is made of high-density ceramic fibre.
- The outer covering layer is made of PTFE-coated fibreglass cloth.
Q. How to install a UniVest pipe jacket?
- Place the UniVest jacket with the cold face (green side) on the top of the cylinder.
- Tighten the straps to secure the jacket on the cylinder.
- Do not fast the straps to extreme positions.
Q. How to ensure safety during pipe insulation?
- Use protective gloves and clothing while working with hot pipes.
- Keep all metal objects away from heater bands.
- Never use metal tape for measurements.
- Keep magnets away from electrical connections.