Item | ISE/Conductivity Handheld Meter |
Auto Power Off | Yes |
Automatic Temperature Compensation | Yes |
Cable Length | No Cable |
Calibration | Yes |
Display | Backlit LCD |
Displayed Temperature Range | -5 to 55 Degrees C |
Electric Conductivity Accuracy | 0.0001 mS/cm or 0.1 |
Electric Conductivity Range | 0.0 to 200 mS/cm Each Range |
Electric Conductivity Resolution | 0.0001 to 0.1 mS/cm (Range Dependent) |
Memory | 5000 Data Sets |
Number Of Tests | 0 |
Operating Temp. Range | -10 Degrees to 60 Degrees |
Orp Accuracy | +/-20mV |
Orp Range | -1500 to 1500mV |
Orp Resolution | 1mV |
Ph Accuracy | 0.01 |
Ph Range | -2.60 to 16.60 |
Ph Resolution | 0.01 |
Power Source | Battery |
Salinity Accuracy | +/-1% of The Reading or 0.1 ppt, Whichever is Greater |
Salinity Range | 0 to 70 ppt |
Sub-category | Multiparameter Handheld Meter |
Tds Accuracy | 0 to 100g/L TDS Constant Range 0.30 to 1.00 (0.65 Default) |
Tds Range | 0 to 100g/L TDS Constant Range 0.30 to 1.00 (0.65 Default) |
Tds Resolution | 0.0001 to 0.1g/L (Range Dependent) |
Temp. Accuracy | +/-0.2 Degrees c |
Temp. Resolution | 0.1 Degrees C |
Temperature Compensation Range | -5 Degrees to 55 Degrees C (0 Degrees to 45 Degrees C, DO Compensation Range for mg/L) |
Testing Parameter | ISE, Conductivity, Salinity, TDS, Temperature |
Waterproof | IP67 |